WebPeter is a little touched starved. Peter finds out his new suit is actually bulletproof. Steve laughs at that, Peter smiling at the win as Steve nods towards the books on the shelf that Peter had meticulously uncovered before placing each book back where it belonged. Despite having fought with Tony Stark and owning a suit under the billionaire's name, it occurs to him that he had never been here before; only to what would soon be the new Headquarters after his leave. At least he had Ned and Mj to help, but Ned is out of town for a wedding and Mj only offers a hug when in private. You have reached the maximum potential a human is able to achieve but I, on the other hand, surpass your potential entirely because my DNA has mutated to become a spider. You can't tell me that I dont know what it feels like to not save someone in time. + The first thing he noticed as he was limping through some country he doesn't remember the name of is how blank everyone's skin was. Peter doesnt want to dwell on it anymore than he has to as Steve laughs goodnaturedly. I had kind of been banking on him already being gone, if Im honest.. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. The work you do is important, I get it. Work Search: It isnt lost on him that the utensils they gave him were plastic either. You could work onwhatever you need to work on at your time there too," May offers, gesturing down at his suit, which Peter didn't even remember he was wearing. Its a sign that Peter knows from his own Steve that theres something he disagrees with, some kind of argument that Steve had decidedly lost-- something that Peter What I see is someone with the power to kill and holds no remorse for his actions. Zoning out, Peter thinks about the way the Avengers have been treating him. He grunted softly at the impact. " "Peter, Peter! He, Bucky, Sam, Clint and Wanda gather loosely in the living room, with Steve and Bucky conversing quietly in one corner, Sam and Clint reading on the couches, and Wanda sitting alone at the counter, drawing scarlet shapes in the air absentmindedly with her fingers. She agreed to double my wage if I volunteered." "Welcome back, guys." You dont know what we heroes have to face in this business. As he and Sam ride the elevator in silence towards the rest of the residence, Peter mulls over the possibilities. From the way hes interacted with him, Peter had just guessed that it wasnt in this Tony-- that maybe something had happened that made him standoffish, that maybe Parker had reached out and that the Tony of this world was just profoundly uninterested in him. You're losing control again." WebPeter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. Its a long story.. 6. The difference is you save the world, I save the person.". Yeah, we do. Now he started to feel it, all the pain that he caused. Looking at them with sad eyes, "I am no idiot. As if hed known he was standing there before hed even looked. Sam squints at the two, tilting his head. When he was out of sight, the boy turned back around only to be hit in the chest by a small fist. Natasha's hand slowly uncurls, and she releases her grip on the hem. On the other hand, there are many who want him punished, and even more who want him dead. "Get used to it. On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. ", He jumps as a female voice resonates throughout the hallway. He could barely get any air in his lungs. For fuck's sake, Tony really needs to give her a talk about privacy. He understood their unspoken logic, correctly guessing that Peter was just young enough and just impulsive enough to reach out to the people that he knew to see what the hell was going on. Who is this? WebPeter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Irondad spiderson Peter calls Tony Dad peter faints Movie Night Embarrassed Peter Happy Tony Stark Parent Tony Stark Peter calls Tony Dad in front of the Avengers. Precious Peter Parker Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Parent Tony Stark stressed Tony Stark Bulletproof Suits Fluff Tony Stark-centric Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) My first fic!! On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. How does a man keep a lasagna in the oven for three hours and He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra. When he was out of sight, the boy turned back around only to be hit in the chest by a small fist. that they stayed a vocal minority by working with the government and communities alike. Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. "Also," he adds as an afterthought. "That was so awesome!" I see people buy hot dogs and sit down together with the homeless to share a meal. - So, you coming or what?". At least he had Ned and Mj to help, but Ned is out of town for a wedding and Mj only offers a hug when in private. I'll explain later." WebPeter was always very open to the others. This Sam is clearly more guarded, clearing his throat before saying, Anyway, you wont be staying in Parkers room. left kudos on this work! What's up?". We agreed on this, Rogers. WebPeter was always very open to the others. The containment of half of the former Avengers team following what the media dubbed "The Civil War" shook the public. Cute feels. He raises his hand in a brief wave. And here" Happy hands him an identification card with Peter's face and name on it. "I stopped a mugging today. You dont have the scar., The wait, Peter turns to Steve and Tony, I have a Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Mans help. Almost all of the Avengers were in the room, one holding a gun and one with a knife. Not quite laughing, but giggling, suppressed and high-pitched. "The evils I face may not be as big or as alien as the ones you do but they still are terrifying. "Gotta go now. I have a room here? Peter asks as he follows after Sam who smiles as the double doors slide open-- leading out to the Compound. The first digit was a 6 but Sam was quick to hide his hand for the rest-- the doors sliding open as Peter took a tentative step in. You dont have couches where youre from? Steve asks as Sam moves to the kitchen and starts pulling out some standard breakfast fare from the cabinets and fridge. "Child," Harley teased making Peter whined, hand to his chest as if he was insulted. As if he's their own personal hero; someone they can depend on. "I I don't " "What'd you do? "And I did that because what I don't need right now is multiple reactions like this. Please consider turning it on! But it's too late. He receives various noises of agreement, and is about to stand up from his spot on the smaller couch when the elevator dings, causing everyone in the room to freeze. I mean I help out here and there, but I know that becoming an Avenger would mean giving up on my patrols or losing time while dealing with bigger threats that other could handle just as well. I'm open to anything though I can't promise I'll write them immediately. Peter will help Tony. have it come out half-frozen?. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. didnt do anything, Sam says pointedly, extending a hand to help Peter off of the medical bench. Tony cupped his cheeks, forcefully turning his head towards him. He's just a kid." Even when he was on the outs with Tony, he still made time to see her., Yep. Lemon cakes, anyone?" Natasha's hand slowly uncurls, and she releases her grip on the hem. When hes not thinking about May, Ned or MJwhether this worlds or his ownhe finds himself thinking about Parker, waffling between looking forward to his arrival and feeling apprehensive about it. In case you didn't read the tags properly, this IS NOT steve rogers or team cap friendly. He tried to ignore Flash calling him Penis, he tried to ignore the fact that he knew every single thing that was being taught to him and could do the work in his sleep, but he mostly ignored his PTSD from watching both Ben and May die in front of him, as well as dying himself. "That was so awesome!" Bucky visibly falters, adjusting the grip on the gun. The reminder of her just reminded him of May, reminded him of the people who were no doubt missing him back at home-- and worse, Peter thought, having no way of checking how his people in Youre telling me youve read through all of those already?. Kid wants egg rolls for lunch.". Sam after escaping the Raft. I get that this probably comes off as pretty cheesy, but this fic is mainly self-indulgent. Peter sighs, falling down on the bed with his face towards the ceiling-- staring up at it as he thinks. 1409 guests Look at me kiddo. Literally nothing could be held back. Steves eyebrows raise, Peter setting aside the tray for a moment before wringing his hands together. It'll grant you access to multiple floors, but I only want you on this one. Casting a brief glance over his shoulder, he slides the frame down and crawls into his own room, dropping down onto the floor and closing the window behind him. Work Search: "Don't lose it. But you fight for a cause, the same way the people on the other side do too. The first digit was a 6 but Sam was quick to hide his hand for the rest-- the doors sliding open as Peter took a tentative step in. Its not actually too dramatic?? squence 5me imaginer des univers nouveaux; j You said shes being taken care of but her apartment was empty, Peter says, Steve nodding as he smiles-- even if Peter can tell that it doesnt reach his eyes. The pitying look in May's eyes makes him feel a little sick inside. He's just an intern. Defensive, Peter tilted his chin up and said, "I'm nearly 16." He tapped his fingers against the cool granite as he risked a glance at the two avengers standing slightly off to the side, waiting patiently for their sandwiches. And after his day, one would think he couldn't have experienced more bad luck, right? How old are you?. Don't answer that. Peter thinks but doesnt say, only for the pieces to fall into place. Theres a full carton in the fridge. You hear, see, feel, taste, smell better than most. "But Ned already knows about Spider-Man!" Being an Avenger came with restrictions, consequences that he didnt want to deal with. 8. "It's currently 7:34 in the evening," the AI replies evenly. Wanda spits. WebAvengers Team; Michelle Jones; Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending; Multiverse Shenanigans; Peter Parker is a Little Shit; Protective Tony Stark; BAMF Peter Parker; Hurt Peter Parker; defenestrating canon as per usual; Comic Book Science; Peter Parker Needs a Hug (both of them do) alt title - Peter Parker: 2 Fast 2 Furious It was fun, but he got me good across the face." A hand suddenly touched his shoulder and his head snapped up; he blinked in the darkness. Morgan squints at him, eyeing him and down before nodding, I can tell. "What the hell are you talking about?" When the others are out of earshot, Peter whispers, "Sorry 'bout that, Dad.". Yes he got to hug her in the mornings which was enough to barely hold him over. Their return was kept under wraps by the government, agreeing not to inform the public about the team coming back home. Now, a few hours later and his stomach was once again grumbling, alongside the unused adrenaline flowing through his system. Its a sign that Peter knows from his own Steve that theres something he disagrees with, some kind of argument that Steve had decidedly lost-- something that Peter. Turning back to Peter, he speaks in a soft, fond voice that Steve never realized Tony was capable of. Imprecations ", "So, after all that, can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that I shouldnt save that woman a few blocks away from the rapists because I'm too young? If Parker He learned all about the oxidation of aldehydes and ketones ages ago when he was lonely and had nothing to do. ", "So you're letting him stay on this floor? Can spiders even get sick? 10. I do do that. My daddy." He glares at Bucky. Unsurprisingly, Peter earns stares from the people on the first floor. Well, that went about like I expected it would, Sam finally says, lifting a teasing eyebrow at Steve before focusing back on the food. Peter's momentarily blinded by the amount of white in the room. Anti-mutant activists were a fringe group in his world, not enough that he had to be scared but it was always a threat-- the Tony and Steve in his world working together to make. Bucky obediently drops the handgun to the floor with a resonating thud. What happens when someone dies because of you? If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Peter whimpered. Steve looks conflicted then, pressing his lips together in another tell that Peter knows well. "Not really. So they strike a deal. Literally nothing could be held back. "Hi, Aunt May," Peter greets tiredly. WebPeter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Irondad spiderson Peter calls Tony Dad peter faints Movie Night Embarrassed Peter Happy Tony Stark Parent Tony Stark Peter calls Tony Dad in front of the Avengers. ", May purses her lips. "I didn't realize there was this side to you, Tony.". His breathing became fast and short. Not the bland shit Steve eats., I said that to be nice. Spider-Man is working to catch him but accidentally meet "Ghost", the new superhero in NY. Ok so I wrote this one in like 30 minutes after I got the idea randomly while I was eating?? During the day he spends all his time outside of his bedroom with Steve and Sam, either in the common area just hanging out or in the training gym, releasing pent-up energy. You can't just fuckingdothis; it's the ultimate invasion of privacy.". There are twisted people that you would never be able to fathom. He doesn't bother taking the suit off right then and there, slipping past May and the burnt dinner and grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. ", Sam snaps his book closed. "Well, that's, uh. But all the secrecy just makes Peter even more curious, wishing more than anything that he could see May and get more answers but also not wanting to use up a favor he may need from the two Avengers later by pushing to meet her. WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess So, here he was, in Avengers' tower, facing a group of adults all sporting looks that ranged from mild disappointment to furious. She pats his shoulder one more time, gives him a watery smile, and leaves without a word. "Son, you need to stop this business. I've only cooked dinner for him twice. Steve and Wanda both stiffen noticeably at the youth of the stranger. While you hear the interns 40 floors below us drinking coffee or turning screws, I hear the woman walking 6 blocks away, wearing stilettos and at this moment, sobbing because 5 blocks away from her current location, 15 minutes ago, her boyfriend broke up with her. Peter can guess it would be a lot for anyone to handle but if Peter has the right guess that whatever this world has been through, the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts in this universe can take nearly anything in stride. Please consider turning it on! Apparently, fighting a robot which fought using dance moves was hard because the attack patterns were weird but also he didnt know anything about dance aside from twerking and even that was debatable. Well, well see if theres anything else we can bring in to you. But even as he thinks that, Peter cant say in confidence that he wouldnt completely-- not when there was still a bitter, sore spot in his heart of who killed Ben. Its mid-morning the next day. But I also happen to stop child trafficking rings in the middle of their operations with other fellow vigilantes. Peter interrupts quickly. "It's reallyclean," Peter comments, going over to lay his suitcase down beside the bed. "I kinda see it, but I kinda don't." Steve have in the moments when theyre debriefing after having lost someone, bracing himself as he says, Is the May of your world not sick?, Peter blinks a few times, shaking his head quickly as he says, No?. I'll be fine over here, May. ", She gives him a warm peck on the cheek, ushering him away. +. ", Over the phone, the Iron Man thrusters could be faintly heard. First, that this alternate self was accused of murder and second, that of the people in his life that he would think would fight. "Don't". Parking in one of the open areas beside the building, he turns around in his seat to look at Peter, who's sitting in the back row. My daddy." No matter what happens, your aunt will always be taken care of., Peter frowns, furrowing his eyebrows as he asks, But thats just it. + He meets Rhodey and Vision then, thankfully without majorly embarrassing himself and with minimal fanboying. Towards the end, the robots were able to catch him by surprise and burn part of his mask off. ), "The difference here? See you in a few days, kid.. ? "I though we were closer than this. Same goes for the rest of you; if they catch you doing anything, my ass will be handed to me.". Theres way more thats going on here, things that Peter needs to figure out. Steve snaps into action, moving forward to stand between Bucky and the younger. "Excuse you, I'm a teenager!" Morgan doesnt make another appearance either, which Peter cant help but feel is related. I feel like it'd be a bit hypocritical of me to deprive him of that." Even Loki and Thor knew everything about him. could Natasha moves forward, a hand on the gun at her hip. "You're back earlier than you usually are. ", Confused, Steve said "Whats the difference? "He has lost so many important people in his life, so he is afraid to love again. ", "You dont get to tell me whether or not I could be a hero. Tony slowly sat down on the bed, keeping his eyes focused on Peter. 7.3K 155. by StarkStevePeter. With twin nods the two Avengers turn back toward the door, soon gone with a I've fought off truly evil people. "Are you sick? Out of the corner of his eye, Wanda nods mutely. If that sort of thing isn't your kind of popcorn then don't get into this drama. whoosh. (There were people calling out to him, after all. I still want to meet them! "There are bad things out there, kid. ?/What makes a hero. The next few days pass by mostly pleasantly. WebPeter let his face fall and looked out the opposite window, away from the cabin. Peter blinks, fumbling for words. ? WebPeter huffed, arms crossed to his chest. Heck, he rarely went to Brooklyn, and there wasnt even a river for him to cross to get there. "I'd probably ask for my wings back, if it weren't for that douchebag placing us under house arrest. Do you know what that means, Mr. Clint's unusually subdued despite the absurdity of the situation, gaze flitting back and forth between Tony and Peter, his eyebrows knitting as he struggles to two and two together. Actually, everywhere throbs with what's most likely blossoming bruises. Holy shit. 3. , this time. WebPeter flinches violently, his hand releasing said arm with a jerk, as if burned. WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess I did that.". Peter whispers, though he's not sure why he's whispering when they're the only two people in the room. "No-don't do this. I've seen you rub at it every day for the past two weeks. He should already be registered.". ", Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. If May was sick in this world, something shed briefly had the possibility of being only for it to shift-- it stood to reason that there was more nudged around that Peter could figure out. May Though I guess you could say we are different in a way: the intensity of those senses. Thanks," he adds as an afterthought. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. "You were on page thirty-four," Wanda pipes helpfully. , Peter thinks, Let me know if thats not enough for you.. WebPeter takes a deep breath, and makes his way over to Mr. Stark's lab. as well as "Hey Peter, how wasoh." Cute feels. For whatever the Avengers here thought of Parker, the assumption that he was just a kid-- Little Pete as Sam called him-- was the smartest play, to lean into the innocence and wide-eyed optimism of a kid who got pulled through the dimensions out of his will. Peter nods in confirmation. Chapter 8 He was back in his room. 13. him were either dead, wherever and whatever was going on with May or were convinced of his guilt. As soon as they do, Peter hears the keypad go off once again-- fingers lightly tapping against the bedcover. His mask covers his face, shielding his expression. Chapter 11 Anyways!! Come on you little shit, lets get you over to your room.. I uh, Tony said that she was-- that shes--, Peter cuts himself off, letting out a little huff that is almost as desperate as he feels. Youre definitely Peter alright. Why does he look like Peter?, Peter startles at that, pointing to his chest before saying, Wait you-- you know me?, Tony and Steve both look to him as Sam snickers from the kitchen, Morgan raising an eyebrow as she says, Duh.. "Excuse you, I'm a teenager!" 2. Thinking of Ned-- of MJ and May and everyone else in his world-- fills Peter with dread, wondering what they could possibly be thinking now that he was gone-- if he actually Cant really do anything else, Peter says jokingly, gesturing to the open and relatively empty room. WebPeter leaned on the counter as he glanced at every inch of the restaurant, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. Many things happen at once in the same few seconds. Peter had been through multiple foster homes, but nobody ever wanted him. He calls May every night, and Tony often comes over to check on his progress or tinker with whatever he's working on all day. Web"N-no I'm fi-" Peter then gasped, as the pressure in his chest was increasing fast. "What the hell is going on out here? Mental and physical pain. Chapter 4 Clint taps a finger against his chin. Following months and months of debate, it was finally concluded that they would have the choice between remaining in their prison cells or could return to live at the Avengers Tower under strict security and the one rule that they could not leave the building under any condition. "Maybe, you should think about that.". Wait, where are we going? Peter asks, leaping off of the bed before pausing-- making a quick decision to put his hands in front of him as if offering for him to be cuffed. How can I, in good conscience, sit back and continue my homework or try to go to sleep like nothing was happening when I could hear, vividly, someone else being traumatized at that moment?". The bedroom is roughly two or three times the size of his own, with pristine walls, a queen-sized bed, a blue armchair off to the side, a small desk in the corner and another door that presumably leads to the bathroom. "Stop bullying me! I've fought off rapists, murderers. Look at me kiddo. His father Tony, his Uncle Steve, his Aunt Tasha (not he can lie to her anyway), everyone! Of course I want to meet the Avengers, are you kidding me? + Until he left hydra. Peter, Peter says, avoiding Tonys gaze as he directs his attention squarely on Morgan. Even Loki and Thor knew everything about him. this The three of them all stand up at once and start heading toward the door when Steve suddenly turns around, halting Peter in his tracks. Yes he got to hug her in the mornings which was enough to barely hold him over. + Until he left hydra. ", Wanda tilts her head. I'm not going to hurt you, or Aunt May. WebPeter is a little touched starved. WebAvengers Team; Michelle Jones; Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending; Multiverse Shenanigans; Peter Parker is a Little Shit; Protective Tony Stark; BAMF Peter Parker; Hurt Peter Parker; defenestrating canon as per usual; Comic Book Science; Peter Parker Needs a Hug (both of them do) alt title - Peter Parker: 2 Fast 2 Furious ", Pausing, Peter looks at each of them with haunted eyes. WebAttached. Wrong! She whips around, an intenseness akin to fury blazing in her brown eyes. Peter thought about the people he met out on patrol. They glance around, faces taking on similar looks of confusion and caution as they realize that everyone who should be in the room is already in the room. "I meant someone who could actually keep you in check, not a sidekick who would encourage you to go out every afternoon saving the day." WebPeter was used to seeing scars. murder "That was so awesome!" Enjoy it while you can before Infinity War comes out, folks. 1 He used to think everyone had scars and they did. I'm not going to hurt you, or Aunt May. left kudos on this work! His sharp vision had no problem identifying who was knelt in front of him, the manic look, the strewn hair, the suit that cost more than everything Peter owned combined. He keeps his voice low. WebPeter's shoulders were hunched up to his ears, and he would occasionally flinch, pulling them up higher, as his head spun to stare at something that caught his attention. Peter feels hands wrapping around him, pulling his face into her shoulder. This is where you're staying for the next month." was the one who was the source of most of their medical problems. Not bad for a holding cell, Peter tries to joke only for his smile to fall when Sams eyes get cloudy-- realizing that its a profoundly bad joke to make considering that Parker actually, Thinking of Ned-- of MJ and May and everyone else in his world-- fills Peter with dread, wondering what they could possibly be thinking now that he was gone-- if he actually. As with the jokes about couches and eggs, a lot of their conversation centers around comparing their respective worlds, although Peter quickly picks up that neither man ever lets the topic veer toward the past or anything too personal, almost as if theyre worried about letting Peter know too much. His breathing became fast and short. Before Peter can even think of a response however, Sam schools his expression once more, holding up a spatula and pointing it at him. This whole thing started when I stared into the lifeless eyes of my uncle. With his hand on the handle, Peter said quietly "What makes a hero, Mr. Rogers? They have families and friends, the same as you. You're too young.". Peter swears he would have listened to her discussion if he didn't already know the lesson. Second Impressions His father Tony, his Uncle Steve, his Aunt Tasha (not he can lie to her anyway), everyone! WebAttached. ____________________ Point taken, Steve says before moving to the door, nodding towards the tray of food. On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. "You know that you can tell me anything, right?". Its for the best., Peter wants to protest, but as hes done countless times the last few days, he instead bites his tongue and doesnt pushknowing the big bay of east-facing windows would give him a good view anyway.
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