A while back, Stratton and his wife Velma retired to Yuma and lived there about 15 years. "In the Army you were crawling around in the mud and everything else and I didn't want to do that.". Only 335 men survived the bombing of the USS Arizona, the mighty battleship whose loss at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, inspired a nation to go to war. He didn't have to pay for dinner. The treaty also gave the US Navy exclusive access to use Pearl Harbor as a coaling and repair station. Yes, he'll say, he was on the Arizona and he survived. Langdell took a right turn instead of a left and the newlyweds didn't realize their mistake until they stopped for gas in Gilroy, about 80 miles south of San Francisco. is clu gulager still alive did sharks attack titanic survivors. After he returned from Korea, Haerry was promoted to master chief petty officer, signifying his experience and level of service. "So they knew.". "It's hard to explain." After about six months of training in San Diego, Hetrick returned to Honolulu and joined the USS Saratoga, the sister ship of the Lexington. "The Arizona was a fighting battleship," Joe says. "Are there any officers from the Arizona here?" A few years after that, they left for Las Vegas, where their son, Bob, and his family help them get around. . This all changed when the United States declared war on Japan, bringing the country into World War II. DES MOINES, Iowa - A World War II veteran thought to be the oldest survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack died last month at 103. The studios needed tough men who could handle dangerous situations. Sharks hunt fish by using sensory receptors located on their sides. "One day our boat was stacked with two dollar bills," he said. The things I don't want to remember was the blood.". One day, he stopped for coffee at the Brown Derby restaurant in Hollywood. Kitchen patrol. He wasn't ready to see it all again, to sharpen the memories he'd tried to dull. Bruner was burned over more than two-thirds of his body. "They were very good days before the war. He enrolled, but after a couple of weeks, the noisy streetcars and the police sirens kept him up all night. Why Did Pearl Harbor Happen? Pearl Harbor attack | Date, History, Map, Casualties - Britannica Here is a story he will tell, a memory he will keep. The ships sent up their own planes and turned back the assault. The crew unloaded anything they could do without, to keep the damaged hull above the water line. No one seemed to be in charge on Ford Island, where Cook had spent the night. "He should have the Navy Cross," Stratton says. / Reuters. Cook made it to his battle station on Dec. 7, 1941, but the Arizona was moored in a cramped harbor and couldn't have fired the big guns even in a prolonged assault. "We had to have two crews, a regular crew and a stand-by crew lined up waiting," Bruner said. Bruner keeps mementos of his time on the Arizona in the sitting room. ", "Fine," the worker said. "They played country music because the people here loved that," Anderson says. "He was out to sea nine months out of the year, only home for three months," Ray Jr. says. All rights reserved. The ship remained anchored outside Pearl Harbor for most of a month as U.S. commanders planned their next move against the Japanese in the South Pacific. Anderson's road to the radio booth started in Hollywood, with a screen test at a studio where he had worked. To prepare for the trip, they were studying World War II history, attending lectures, writing research papers. If a plane crashed, crocodiles awaited in the river. Crustaceans. He is one of nine living survivors from the attack on the USS Arizona, the battleship he boarded in 1941 when he was 17. Japan wanted the northern Pacific to control its shipping routes and block U.S. attacks from that direction. "I canned 500 quarts of fruit one year," Marietta says. Photographing survivors of the battleship USS Arizona. Inside deadliest shark attack EVER as 150 sailors from USS Indianapolis Joe Langdell found a table in the wardroom of one of the ships moored in Pearl Harbor and sat down with his breakfast. He stayed on the 17thfloor of a hotel on Waikiki Beach. And he was aboard on Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japanese bombed the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, a pivotal moment in history, but one that struck Anderson to his core. 2 gun turret. When they sent me my discharge, I just stayed here.". "We made so many landings," Anderson said. In February, the Aylwin was part of a U.S. task force preparing for a raid on a Japanese base at Raubal, on the island of New Britain near Australia. A storm was approaching, a big one by the looks of it. He had held on to it through the war. Anderson went aboard the USS Edsall, a destroyer that supported various military action at sea and ashore. "We lit into them, started firing on them," Bruner said. "These captains of the ships, when they left the states, they had no idea where they were going, just that they're going via Pearl Harbor," Potts said. "He'd always have to be prompted.". Tall pines tower over the house. We hauled it all back in.". Bruner was put in charge of the gun batteries. Pearl Harbor was a United States Naval base on the island of Oahu, located west of Honolulu. The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor began just before 8 a.m. local time Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. "Listen, all those men down there on that ship, a thousand of them, they wouldn't do it and I don't think they'd want me to do it," he says. On the same bookshelf sit mementos from his time on the Arizona. They met at a dance at the YWCA on North State Street. It sits today in the carport outside his home. Redfish. "He's there anytime I call him," Hetrick says. Once a month or so, Clarendon Hetrick's phone rings with a call from Utah. A total of 2,403 Americans died in the tragic attack 80 years ago and for many families there was never closure as bodies remained unidentified or left amongst the wreckage. He was eating breakfast when he heard the first pops of the attack planes strafing Battleship Row. USS Indianapolis saw the worst shark attack in history They trade stories. Langdell arrived at Pearl Harbor along a different path than many of the young sailors, who signed up for the service because they were unable to find work as civilians. He had a record, a new song he was trying out. "Andy, you had 12 years of the damnedest fighting I ever saw. Knives. You're the bravest man I ever know. When he returned home, he got another call from the band director. The best time for a bombing raid was after 1 a.m., when the ship was quiet. Pearl Harbor was the most important American . He and his wife, Doris, have lived in the same house for 54 years. Today, Lou and Valerie Conter live in a two-level house at the end of a winding road on a golf course in Grass Valley, a mountain town about 60 miles outside Sacramento. Langdell was an ensign, an entry-level officer, not yet a year in the Navy. As far he was concerned he was saving lives.". After high school, Langdell enrolled at Boston University, working nights to pay for his classes, and in 1938, he earned a degree in business administration. Guns. During the conference, the Pringle sailed into the Mediterranean Sea and anchored in a river. Anderson picked up and moved to New Mexico. "Lou, let's go to flight school," Conter's buddy said one day. The crew was evacuated and another U.S. destroyer scuttled the Lexington to keep the Japanese from capturing her. When Anderson said he was, his old friend was incredulous. "She went to California and I followed her," Lonnie says. 2,614 Pearl Harbor Attack Premium High Res Photos Over the course of nearly two hours during the morning of December 7th, 1941, a fleet of Japanese fighters and bombers assaulted the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in hopes of crippling the US Navy for the duration of World War II. In his dining room in Colorado Springs, he keeps a replica of a hard diving helmet, the kind his divers used. By Christmas, he was in a hospital at Mare Island near San Francisco. He had turned 90 and was starting over again. Colombia. ", "It's a brand new destroyer, the Coghlan, DD-606," he said, "built right here in 'Frisco.". Once, I made a dive in a two-man submarine, down in over 1,200 feet of water off Santa Barbara coast. Within a day or two, someone came into the ward and said a few of the wounded would be sent to California. Seven decades later, he is one of nine living survivors from the Arizona. Lots of men brought home scars from World War II and Korea. Hetrick was sent to the USS Lexington, an aircraft carrier. ", "You will go to the Arizona and you will take off all the bodies and body parts above the water line," the man said. Military Ends Pearl Harbor Project to Identify the Dead "Mr. Langdell, Mr. Langdell, you've got to come here quick," he said. "You I know.") On the morning of May 8, the fighting intensified as American aircraft tried to turn back the enemy planes. Military Casualties. He was 20 when he escaped the burning wreckage ofthe USS Arizonain Pearl Harbor. By the end of the day, had persuaded Anderson to sign up for the Navy Reserve. the young man asked. Haerry says he wants lunch delivered to his room, but the nurse says no. 2022-06-16 Uncategorized Uncategorized They bought a small ranch and, while Lonnie continued to work welding jobs, they grew walnuts, almonds, peaches, apples, nectarines, cherries and grapes. Their backs are gray, blue, or brown in color and covered with regularly arranged light spots. Almost imperceptibly, he sways. Cook and the other men stayed below deck until the smoke from a fire forced them to leave. They listened for their names and their service branch. The gun took away some of the terror he had felt from the moment he saw the first bomber, the panic he felt when he found the armories on board the ship locked. His kids and grandkids. "It ain't worth a damn if it ain't loaded," he says. The countries of Japan and The United States had been at odds for several decades before the attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941. One of the men started yelling. striking a number of people in the water. He stepped off the deck into a motor launch as the ship was sinking. The song, "Hound Dog" and the singer, Elvis Presley, both went over pretty well, the way Cactus Jack remembers it. He called back a few days later. did sharks attack titanic survivors. They offered to perform at a gathering of Utah survivors. He had five brothers, including Jake, and four sisters, all grouped so close in age that paying for college wasn't practical for their folks. Conter was talking about survival, about coming back alive. Soon, he became one of the earliest TV weathermen and an evening fixture in Roswell homes, or at least those with televisions. Langdell knew Libby was friends with a skater in the Ice Follies, which was summering in San Francisco. Mess hall duty. "It's always been my fear that people are going to forget that day, that people are going to forget the sacrifice that was made that day.". "Why do you like the hat, dad?" They ran Joe and Libby Langdell's Village Mart for more than 20 years until they retired. On a recent fall afternoon, Stratton ambles down the driveway and fires up the engine. As the USS Arizona burned and sunk into the harbor, Stratton and five other men had been trapped on an anti-aircraft gun control platform on the ship's foremast, burned in a fireball when below-deck ammunition exploded. In California, he earned his naval seaman's license and went to work on a drilling rig offshore near Santa Barbara. Williams was on deck, tuning up to play for colors, an early call after the previous day's fleet Battle of the Bands on shore. Seventy-three years later, he is one of just nine survivors of the attack on the Arizona. "He remembers body parts in the water, charred burned bodies that he swam by," his son Ray, Jr., says. I wasn't working for nothing.". During WW2, did sailors get eaten by sharks? - Quora Pearl Harbor became one of the major reason for the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy (in 1893) and the kingdoms annexation (in 1898) by the US government.The Spanish American war began that same year in the Philippines and Cuba which ended with the US winning both territories from the Spanish. He endured what he did, he says, because that was his job. We got as close as 5,000 yards, which was point-blank for those ships. He survived, but was burned badly over two-thirds of his body. The two men not only met, they took a boat to the USS Arizona memorial and laid a wreath in front of the wall with the names of the crewmen who died on the ship. "Never heard of it.". He stopped in the small town of Payson, Utah. "I'm a painter," he said. The ones after that were, too. "He's there for me. He did not reach a hospital for several days, but doctors still saved his hand. Cook is invited to such events occasionally and sometimes introduced as an Arizona survivor. He's not so fond of the crowds around Honolulu and doesn't plan to go back. Discipline seems less important than it was in his day. Many have since died. That caught the lieutenant colonel's interest. Pearl Harbor was the site of the unprovoked aerial attack on the United States by Japan on December 7, 1941. It scared him a little. Occasionally, they would close the store and hook a 33-foot trailer to a pick-up truck. He fought cold and hunger on a ship nearly dead in the ocean off Alaska. "That's what I'm catching up now. Explosions rocked the vessel and fires burned into the evening. Cook was assigned to the USS Patterson, then two months later, transferred to the Aylwin, a destroyer that had been moored at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7 and engaged the bombers as the attack began. He clears his throat. It was as if he had none. The Frazier patrolled the South Pacific at first, but in early 1943, steamed northward toward Alaska, where Japan was trying to secure positions in the Aleutian Islands. In early January, Conter visited his young lady friend again and again, Admiral Calhoun was there. The next night, an American PT boat retrieved all 10 men. Part of his shoulder was blown off. Nobody was expecting anything like that.". In U.S. history the name recalls the surprise Japanese air attack on December 7, 1941, that temporarily crippled the U.S. Fleet and resulted in the United States' entry into World War II. It was one of the biggest rescues in World War II, but no one knew about it because everything was top secret in those days.". "I bought it at the receiving station in Pearl Harbor. He had stopped at Pearl Harbor more than a decade earlier, on his way to a posting in Korea. From Virginia, he went to Utah, to France and then to Albuquerque, where he retired in November 1961. "The hat represents the Arizona. Nope. He heard the same stories from his grandmother and his aunts. 1. He clashed with the station manager of the radio station and finally quit. "I was back here on leave before the war started and he was here too," Cook says. Pentagon to exhume remains of 400 Pearl Harbor Marines and sailors You're on your own, every day.'". "We said we'd volunteer if they'd put two or three of us together on the same ship," he said. He would work in the port director's office, delivering sealed packets to the captains of Navy ships. A carnivorous shark diet usually includes fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. Anything you choose is fine. Hetrick slept on the battleship USS Tennessee, which had been moored just ahead of the Arizona along Ford Island. At 100, he is the oldest. "Once after we crossed the equator, one of the planes came back," he says. "I don't think I'll ever forget what I saw that day.". After the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the United States opted to construct a naval base in 1899. Anderson demanded to know. It is about three feet tall, with a carved island figure on top and the silhouette of a Hawaiian warrior on a plaque. He was active in those groups for many years, serving as president of one devoted to the Arizona. She likes the story of how they tied the knot. List of Shark Species and Facts - ThoughtCo "Can you tell me what ship did he go on after the Arizona?" Dec 12 2014. Ken Potts eases around the side of the pool table, waving toward items like a museum tour guide in a back room. But he kept most of it to himself until he started meeting up with other survivors, years after he retired from the military. He said he wanted Anderson to join the on-air staff. I couldn't.". Three years ago, Ray Jr. received a call from a lieutenant colonel in the Rhode Island National Guard. The Macdonough had collided with another destroyer, the Sicard. It hastened the United States' entry . In late 1943, Conter flew a mission to rescue more than 200 coast watchers in New Guinea. The lead-up to the Pearl Harbor attack. As soon as he turned 18, he enlisted in the Navy. Bruner laughs as he remembers the conversation. Stratton and other men climbed into a small boat that took them ashore. The ship accompanied General Douglas MacArthur to the Philippines and was anchored in the harbor off Nagasaki, Japan, when the second atomic bomb exploded. "He told you the story?" Seabirds. The Tennessee took hits in the attack, but two of the armor piercing bombs, the kind that sunk the Arizona, failed to detonate. 12/28/2016. On the other end of the line is an old shipmate from the USS Saratoga, the aircraft carrier where Hetrick worked as a mechanic through most of World War II. Anderson smiled. When they said, 'grab your sea bags and let's go,' I did.". Conter and others in his group boarded a boat to go out to the platform and see his old ship. Stratton grew up in the tiny prairie town of Red Cloud, Neb., about as far away from an ocean as any place in the country. I had to take them to the parties and sit there until it was over.". McBride reached the last man, Raymond Haerry, a 20-year-old coxswain on the day of the assault. The ship carried four 5-inch anti-aircraft guns and six half-inch machine guns, and, initially, five 21-inch torpedo tubes. And he was allowed to visit a part of the Arizona few people ever see. The planes took off and landed on the water; the pilots tied up to buoys near the ship. He could see the band was sincere. Marietta shakes her head. Today, he is one of nine remaining survivors from the mighty battleship. He liked teaching and liked the chance to instill discipline. Helpless, I watched your bomb sink the Arizona in nine minutes.". person grazed by a shark), nor incidents classified by the International Shark Attack File as boat attacks, scavenge, or doubtful. Conter's plane hadn't been out long in September 1943 when enemy bullets pierced one of their rear hatches and hit a parachute flare. "The Japanese were only a mile away. Island Stories: The Guardian Sharks of Puuloa on Oahu Without them, Riel said, who knows where we'd be today. Before sharks became movie villains, they were celebrated in myths A few days later, the drove through the crumbling streets of Hiroshima. USS Arizona: The men who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor He worked on board as a mechanic for a torpedo squadron and ended up in charge of the hydraulic shop. The bomb that shattered the Arizona's bow exploded as Cook and the others climbed out of the turret. Among those killed were over 1,700 aboard the USS Arizona, 103 . Calhoun told Conter to put in for the assignment. When, on July 30, 1945, USS Indianapolis was sunk by a Japanese submarine, the Navy didn't realize the ship had been lost until four days later - after which hundreds of men floating in the ocean for days had been eaten by sharks.. Toward the end of July 1945, the Portland-class heavy cruiser USS . About a year after he boarded the ship, he ran into a young recruit named Clyde Williams, a fellow from Okmulgee, Okla., a few miles down the road from Morris. Jobs were few, so he set off for Warner, Okla, with the idea of playing football at Connors State Agricultural College. His service on the Arizona also seemed to give him added credibility among the young sailors. No one among the groups knew where he was or what he was doing, but the woman persisted. One day, a Navy officer came on board and asked if anyone wanted to volunteer for an assignment in the aviation section. The Attack on Pearl Harbor | The Beginning of American Involvement in The buddy wasn't home, but his son-in-law answered. He displayed no pictures, kept no mementos that his family knew about. The band would cover all expenses for him and Doris. He's never been back. What Do Sharks Eat [2022] Great Whites & Many More Species Inside the packets were the captains' new orders, military secrets, classified information that required clearance to handle. "It was boring," Potts says. He started on a small station, playing organ music. "When they dropped that bomb that made our ammunition explode, it dang near broke the ship in two, so we couldn't go anywhere forward of that," he says. At the USS Arizona memorial, he became friends with a National Park Service historian and inspired a Pearl Harbor action figure that the service sold at the gift shop. He went out to the floating memorial. The guns used the same type of control mechanisms Bruner had mastered on the Arizona. That summer, the ship joined others for the invasion at Guadalcanal, in the Solomon Islands, one of the first major assaults against Japan by the Americans. He helped rescue some of his shipmates. I'd been told things like that before. "Well, I'd brushed enough paint on that damn ship, I figured I could do it," he says. He's not sure he'd have learned that lesson if he hadn't enlisted in the Navy. Pearl Harbor Victims | How Many Died at Pearl Harbor? - Popular Mechanics The Navy censors would never allow such information in a letter. They are the marks of a survivor, 73 years on. They danced. did sharks eat pearl harbor victims. It was constructed to comply with the 1922 Washington Naval . "I didn't have the slightest idea what would happen when I signed up," he said. June 12, 2022 June 12, 2022 0 Comments June 12, 2022 0 Comments "I went back and told my mother I wasn't going up there anymore," he said. Stratton could not. Survivors' groups wanted to find all of them so their stories would not be lost. Doctors treated him and he recovered, but the his fingers never healed properly. Repair crews were already at work on the battleships that had survived. He cleaned and painted day after day, but he also operated the motor boats used to ferry crew members to shore, a job that let him leave the ship periodically. He knew his brother hadn't made it off the Arizona alive, but he didn't know much else. "A brush painter.". "We had 10 or 12 sharks around us all the time," Conter says. Hetrick shrugs, trying to get comfortable in the recliner. "What houses they built!" At the time, sailors wore patches designating their rates, the enlisted expression of rank, on the right or left sleeve, depending on their assignment. The Stratton men have taken up a more personal cause. "I motioned to crane operator what we needed, what tools to send down." He describes the store of booze they pulled out of safe and the money. did sharks attack titanic survivors. alain picard wife / ap calculus bc multiple choice / did sharks eat pearl harbor victims. Inside, he found broken bottles scattered in a soggy soup of booze and cardboard. "It's one of the best actual memorials I've seen," he says. How the attack on Pearl Harbor changed history So you see how that works."). The Navy wanted to keep him in Idaho, working with new recruits at a boot camp, but he pushed for a seagoing assignment and wound up on the destroyer USS Stack as a gunner's mate. The burn ward filled with the injured. Before the end of the war, he went to San Diego for gunner's mate school. One of the first people to do that.". Lonnie Cook was born in this rural town south of Tulsa, not long after it was founded as a stop on the Ozark and Cherokee Central Railway. They covered the growing seasons: cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, grapes. A pistol sits on top of his television at home. Five years later, in 2011, he got a call from the band director at Timpview High School in Provo. On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy bombed the Pearl Harbor Naval base in a surprise attack. It fit in that location. "I hadn't told him he was going to be individually honored that day," he says. Potts had not returned to Honolulu in the decades since he left for San Francisco in 1945. Updated: Dec 8, 2021 / 05:46 AM CST. He and a buddy had been talking about their future in the Navy. "In the service, if you didn't use nasty words, you weren't a good sailor.". Pearl Harbor | Facts & History | Britannica Bruner was the second-to-last man to leave the sinking ship. Bruner's neighbor, who has become a close friend and a source of transportation, picks the fruit to keep it from rotting on the ground. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. One morning, he was at his desk, catching up on paperwork, when he heard a vehicle screech to a halt outside. From the Vestal, Bruner was taken to the USS Solace, a hospital ship in the harbor. John was sent from training camp in Illinois to Bremerton, Wash. A few years ago, the Cooks attended a fund-raising dinner at a local American Legion post. Salvage work would begin soon on others. Anderson has returned to the Arizona memorial often and has taken his family there. A smile spreads across his face as Dean Martin's voice fills the cab. This day, which marks the attack on Pearl Harbor, has come to be known as the "Day of Infamy" (derived from President Franklin D. Roosevelt's speech the day after the attack). poil bulbe noir ou blanc; juego de ollas royal prestige 7 piezas; ano ang kahalagahan ng agrikultura sa industriya; nashville hotels with ev charging Born in 1914, seven months after the first bolts were tightened on a new battleship in Brooklyn, Langdell grew up wooded agricultural area along the Souhegan River in southern New Hampshire. "It never gets easy to go back," he says. Pearl Harbor attack, (December 7, 1941), surprise aerial attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island, Hawaii, by the Japanese that precipitated the entry of the United States into World War II. Among his responsibilities was overseeing the naval officers' clubs in the area. He remembers the crewman trying to climb a ladder to escape through a hatchway on the deck. Only 335 men survived the bombing of the USS Arizona, the mighty battleship whose loss at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, inspired a nation to go to war. He agreed to play it on his show. Not long after, a second plane dropped a life raft and all 10 of the crew made to shore and, the next night, back to the base. His mother had moved to Decatur, Ill., by then, so he followed and took a job at a hardware store. If a shark comes too close, hit it in the nose with your fist as hard as you can.". The Worst Shark Attack in History - Smithsonian Magazine
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