Assure the interviewer that you are capable of foreseeing needs, and making the appropriate action. ", "In all honesty, the thought of a poor outcome with a patient is what stresses me the most. But I want to be upfront, I have done a full background check before, and there is a possibility you will see a charge for possession of marijuana in the check. In looking to hire you at Kaiser Permanente, your interviewer wants to know that you have a methodical approach to problem-solving. At Kaiser Permanente, there may come a time when you have to calm down a situation with an angered patient, family member, or colleague. Using texts, Kaiser signs up 11,000-plus members for CalFresh | The Great answer! In the end, we developed a user-friendly inventory and ordering system and we defined what roles in our clinic would be responsible for those duties. I have worked well with diverse co-workers and believe I will be a good fit for Kaiser.". The size of Kaiser Permanente and the number of employees here make the fact that diversity is of utmost importance, and I know that I would thrive in this environment. New hires were appreciative of learning one on one. When I enjoy what I do it doesn't feel like a chore. Clear communication is vital to the successful functioning of any team, but it is especially important in a medical environment where the consequences of misunderstandings or misinformation can be life or death. Some patients need a lot of attention; some want less, and some need boundaries. Are there any specific action steps you would need to take to reach your goal of becoming a PA? I have had to adapt to 3 new managers in the past four years and each has had their own unique styles and expectation. This approach has greatly reduced in-house issues related to communication. Behavioral 2. During my training, I worked with community volunteer organizations in Peru, inner-city Chicago, and Russia. I had to submit my previous procedural logs and take a test. I volunteer with their organizations in various roles. I am looking forward to getting into the routine of a career again. I do assure you that, despite my being shy of experience by a couple of years, I am a top performer and you would not be disappointed in my performance. Using a text messaging system, health care giant Kaiser Permanente signs up more than 11,000 of its neediest California members for government subsidies from CalFresh, so they can buy groceries. I don't know what the patient could be going through, but showing I care for them and treating them like family will make a difference for them to feel better. What you describe is a good fit for me, reputable vendors value these skills, and I'd like to represent a company that wants to create long-term sustainable partnerships. The most successful healthcare institutions in the world pride themselves on the trusting relationships that they build with their patients and vendors and this is no different at Kaiser Permanente. Discuss how you can thrive in this role, even during the most stressful times. I really like this answer! ", "Working as part of a large team, there is a need to be extremely accurate in my patient care notes. ", "As I look back on my career and my life outside of work, my greatest weakness has always been my avoidance of conflict. ", "The people on the frontlines of a business are vital to the success of any organization. To find out what other health systems can learn from KP's experience, the Quarterly recently spoke with Harold "Hal" Wolf III, senior vice president and chief operating officer of the Permanente Federation, the national umbrella organization for the Permanente Medical Groups (the physician component of KP). Ask The Interviewer: Work From Home Edition, Cover Letters are Hard to Write, But This is Why They Matter. "In my most recent position, we had a consistent problem with employees showing up late for their shifts or calling in sick at the very last moment. Your interviewer at Kaiser Permanente fully understands that any candidate that they interview experiences stress in their work. "In my current role there is a lot of staff turnover when it comes to our management team. ", "Where I work, we have a diverse team; we all work together by translating to patients, helping them understand when they have questions, and splitting the job to get it done on time.". At Kaiser Permanente, teamwork truly does make the dream work for the patients and families that rely on the organization to provide world-class care. ", "In looking to further my career in the healthcare field, I know that Kaiser Permanente has the highest of quality standards for the care that they provide. ", "I like my job, and I enjoy what I do. The challenges are learning how each new hire learns and the best approach to teaching each new hire.". It sounds like you handled this matter with utmost urgency and great customer care. Takes notes when I have to and double-check my work to make sure it's done right like typing prescriptions. 1 / 41. I document all necessary information as soon as possible so that the record is up to date and accurate. The reason i chose to continue to pursue nursing is because upon being accepted to the program I loved the patient . You may work well without the need for much management or direction, or perhaps you are better driven in a collaborative and team-led environment. The interviewer would like to dig deeper into your true areas of interest when it comes to your larger career goals. A five minute walk or a quick conversation with a colleague can make a world of difference in breaking up a hectic day. Did your team learn how to effectively use PPE and successfully protect themselves and their patients? I have enrolled myself in an evening/weekend workshop for the next six weeks. I think it's okay to be moved by someone else's experience, but I don't need to make it mine. 91% said yes. Any hiring authority should feel comfortable putting you in front of their valued customer base. Asked November 29, 2021 Perhaps you have a keen eye for detail. Wonderful! I make sure to get to know my patients whenever possible and I provide them with the most compassionate care possible. I even talk about what they are going through. "In my current job, I had a team member who would scoff at other co-workers' ideas in meetings. This illustrates your ability to transform stress into action, successfully turning a negative into a positive, to accomplish your goal. Avoid speaking negatively about any patients or colleagues and use a recent example from your current role. In knowing that, I reached out to key players from our emergency department, nursing administration, and med/surgery unit to take part on our committee. This is one of the reasons I have applied with Kaiser Permanente. I tend to help the pharmacist with a resolution, and at the same time, fill, input, and answer the phone. ", "I'm a bit of a nerd. Be sure to have an action plan in place for improving on this weakness if hired at Kaiser Permanente. ", "My desire to become a nurse stemmed from my passion for helping people when they are most vulnerable. You can consider improving this response by explaining why. Kaiser Permanente interview Flashcards | Quizlet My ideal environment is organized, collaborative, positive, energetic, and encouraging. While there is no right or wrong answer to this question, be sure to speak with honesty and confidence in explaining how you interact as part of a larger team. I utilize my Outlook calendar and set alerts for myself for deadlines and important activities. 57 questions about Interviews at Kaiser Permanente. By seeing and understanding the history, I can help guide a plan moving forward for the team. As well, talking about any journals you subscribe to or any groups/societies in your field that you belong to can also win over your interviewer. You are made up of three interdependent entities: The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, with over twelve million customers, the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and the Permanente Medical Groups. ", "Patient adherence, the idea of patients, not taking their medications like they are supposed to, and affecting their health, can be stressful. My spouse and I are a foster home for abandoned dogs and we love this aspect of our lives. As a successful nurse, at this point in my career, I got to where I am at today by providing the best customer service in the clinical environment by building great relationships with my patients. If I am offered a position with Kaiser Permanente, you will never find me to be disorganized! I need to be able to give the task or a portion of it to another team member or direct report, let go of the control, and know it will be taken care of. When the inevitable happens and the schedule runs behind, I don't hesitate to gather the troops and pull together in a team effort. The interviewer would like to know if you understand what it takes to keep on top of ordering medical supplies and inventory if hired at Kaiser Permanente. I don't like environments that are littered with negativity, but always do my best to remain positive in these situations. If possible, also try to mention which programs or software you are experienced in when it comes to ordering or doing inventory. ", Our Professional Interview CoachLauren McCabe Reviewed the Above Answer. I cope with these emotions by telling myself that it's not my story, it's the patient's story. "The part of my career that brings me the most stress is when the schedule is running behind due to many different factors. 1 / 41. There are no other roles for that position". Your work history sounds strong, and it seems as though you are very loyal to your work. This post provides exhaustive information on the Kaiser hiring process, to help you learn how to effectively go through the job application, interviews and other parts of the recruitment process at Kaiser Permanente and be employed. Perhaps you use a particular app or software. Starting from the entry level will allow me to continue to learn and work up the ranks at Kaiser. I also check what's low and order specialty if it's a fast mover. I understand and agree that Kaiser Permanente may verify any and all information that I provide. This accuracy ensures that patient care transitions from one caregiver to the next. ", "Yes, I handle all of these administrative tasks in my current role. Talk to the interviewer about the ways that you ensure accuracy and organization in your day-to-day activities. This question is an opportunity for you to discuss community service types of activities that you hold near and dear to your heart and any efforts you have been a part of in your past. Let the interviewer know that you can handle an environment that offers diversity by giving an example of a time where you embraced diversity in the workplace. ", "Having spent my career working in healthcare education with large institutions, my customers are the employees that I train and the educational materials vendors that I work with on a daily basis. I follow the rules, I maintain my certifications, and I appreciate the policies and values of whatever site I work. Excellent! ", Our Professional Interview CoachKevin Downey Reviewed the Above Answer. Display to the interviewer that you are capable of problem-solving within the workplace by talking about a specific time when you were creative, proactive, and displayed the leadership qualities required to resolve a workplace issue. ", "Yes, I understand I have to have a clean background, and I'm happy to comply with it.". ", "Outside of my excellent clinical skills, the biggest attribute that I will bring to the table for Kaiser Permanente is my empathetic approach to treating patients. Talk to your interviewer about continuing education you have participated in recently, any conferences you regularly attend, or any seminars you have taken in your field. To help you prepare for a Kaiser Permanente job interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples. "My customer service skills with my patients are definitely one of my strengths. Problem-solving and dispute resolution are critical skills to possess on the team at Kaiser Permanente. ", "I make a strong effort to keep a healthy balance by spending my free time away from my cell phone and having more face-to-face time with my friends and family. I believe that building a strong rapport with patients through trust, empathy, and compassion is the key to a successful healthcare organization and I can't wait to bring these qualities to the patients of Kaiser Permanente. You can strengthen your response by providing a specific example of how you've handled stress well in the past, or telling about a time when increased pressure actually helped you work more productively. We've all had those tough cases. The lady said she needed the medicine that day, and if she didn't have it that day, she will go to a hospital and send the bill to us. That way, it's easier to transition care, and the patient has all their info in the same place. No matter what role you're interviewing for at Kaiser Permanente, you will likely face some stressors in the day-to-day activities of the job. The Kaiser Permanente hiring process involves two types of interviews that may be conducted. The patient was angry and threatened to leave AMA. For example - Does your ability to calmly share facts with empathy and answer any follow-up questions help patients relax and adapt to the change in their situation? In asking this question, your interviewer would like to know if you can adequately handle being the bearer of bad news. These are all excellent skills to have, and you sound very talented! Your version of customer service sounds warm, welcoming, and caring. I learned a lot from this situation that I think I can bring to the Kaiser Permanente team. Then I organized and effectively communicated this information with my attending. ", "Knowing that I wanted to pursue a career that involved healthcare and science, I received my bachelor's degree in cytotechnology from Thomas Jefferson University. Discuss with the interviewer what you think you will need to deliver exceptional service in this role. If you have a criminal record, you must disclose this. I am a keen observer with a great memory, which allows me to recall unique solutions or ideas each and every day on the job in our fast-paced work environment. It turned out that he did not want to work in our division as he felt the projects were too 'junior' for his experience. When I hit my 20's, it was so important to me to learn about other cultures. Bring up anything that is interesting and highlights your ability to be a responsible, reliable, and bright individual on the Kaiser Permanente team. ", "My main reason for pursuing a career in healthcare was due to my compassionate nature with people. ", "I'm genuinely easy-going, probably from all the international travel I experienced in my 20's. Make them think we care about them as if they were our family members so that they will come back.". ", "I believe in volunteering in the community where you live. Here at Kaiser Permanente, I would look forward to being the ideas person on your team and also expanding my confidence and skill set in taking the lead on some projects. When I need to relieve stress, I will take a walk to get something to drink or turn on some soft music.". Great work giving your example and then highlighting how you corrected the error. "A bit about me - I love to travel, read, and conduct research. Do you tend to take on a formal leadership role or tend to lead by example in more of a supportive position? Bringing up points of being compensated in relation to experience is important because it shows the interviewer that you understand the basic principles of compensation philosophy. Tell the interviewer what your impact goal is, should you be the successful candidate for the job. In seeking out possible solutions, I also seek feedback and support from others when needed and also plan on how to cope in case of a solution does not go as planned.". I returned to the US just last month and had been actively looking for work the past couple of weeks. But when I'm home, I don't think about work. These are exactly the steps that an interviewer would be looking for. Explore. In asking this question, your interviewer wants to know if you consider yourself to be an emotionally driven person. I now enjoy learning about different cultures from my co-workers and understanding their points of view on work topics. I also help the pharmacist with anything they needed from translating to ringing up customers. I love the fact that Kaiser Permanente seeks to improve the health of both your members and communities that you serve and I'd love to be a part of that mission moving forward. This shows the interviewer that you've done your research and aren't answering vaguely. I get along well with others and work well as a team.". You can wrap up your response by sharing how many new hires you've trained and the new skills you've gained along the way that make you a stronger team member. In asking this question, your interviewer wants you to talk openly and honestly about the types of work environments that you find hard to work in. If possible, pick a weakness that is not a core skill for the position you are interviewing for. I've had a lot of success by focusing on building a reputation for consistency and follow-up. Nice! They are also looking to hear that you understand the greater role this job plays in providing excellent service to the patients and fellow colleagues that you would be serving in this role. In the future, I will like to be a PA and help more people.". If posed a question like this during your time with them, your interviewer will be looking to hear that your own patient care philosophy is a great match for Kaiser Permanente. It's professional to take a few minutes after an encounter like that and let those emotions come and go. I learned the construction trade at a young age, and I love being able to help families get the home of their dreams. ", "Currently, I spend one weekend a month building homes for Habitat for Humanity. Share your strengths as a problem solver, and the ability that you would come up with innovative solutions on the job at Kaiser Permanente. INTERVIEW KAISER Flashcards | Quizlet Outside of our animals, my family loves to camp around the region and we do so on many weekends each year. Patient care requires a strong amount of compassion, and Kaiser Permanente strives to provide compassionate care to their patients. Would it ensure efficient workflows or more timely responses to other departments? I took these methods and incorporated them into our setting. They want to know that your passions align well with what Kaiser Permanente is offering. Ensure that the example that you use displays your ability to take on change with a smile on your face, a positive attitude, and produced an excellent result. I understand that it's part of the job. ", "I am super focused when I am stressed so I can make sure everything is done and correct. It was several years ago, and it's no longer an issue for me because I've made significant changes in my life to pursue this career. ", "When I started in Interventional Radiology, I was not trained in IR procedures. Take this as an opportunity to market yourself as a positive employee who can enhance a work environment. He ended up requesting and receiving a transfer. Once they get to know me, my colleagues know that my mind is continuously thinking of new ideas and only speaking about them when it is determined to be a good time. Instead, I got permission to spend a day in a highly-rated clinic serving the same population. My weakness is taking on too much and not delegating. Use a specific example and describe how you handled the situation and any lessons that you learned moving forward to prevent it from happening again. If possible, try to point out your ability to stay calm in an emotional situation on the job by pointing out a time that you had to in the past with great results.Keep in mind - almost everyone is an emotional creature to some degree, but there are other ways that you can describe yourself that have a more positive connotation. Not long ago, I received a call on a Friday morning when I was scheduled to be off work and was told that an employee hadn't reported for their shift. I love working with like-minded people who set challenging goals for themselves. Our job requires multi-tasking, so I tackle one patient at a time while giving each patient my full attention. My organized and efficient communication skills will be an asset to Radiology when communicating with other departments.". ", Our Professional Interview CoachAmanda Knight Reviewed the Above Answer. I continue to work on this on a daily basis. As you answer, talk about how the diverse environment helped you grow and thrive and how you helped foster a culture of inclusion. Wrapping your answer up by talking about something impactful you've learned by working with a diverse team illustrates that you are authentic when you say that you see the value in diversity and inclusion. If possible, avoid extreme responses that include speaking negatively of others or naming people. ", "I'm human, and of course, I feel sad if one of my patients has bad news if a customer dies or something happens to my coworkers or someone I care about, but I also don't let those feelings affect my job and productivity.". When we become working adults, it is this fact that can help bring many ideas to the table in a work environment. You offer multiple solutions, look at the issue from all angles, and aren't afraid to ask for help when needed. Discuss the reasons why will you be great at this job. It is essential to keep a healthy work/life balance to prevent burnout in any career and your interviewer at Kaiser Permanente wants to hear that you have the ability to do this. I am a very energetic, positive person who would like to contribute to a healthy, collaborative team.". Prior to your interview with Kaiser Permanente, your research into the organization's quality mission and vision will give you great insight into their patient care philosophy. I start this by building trust in my patients with my clinical expertise and my interpersonal skills. One for the clinic, one for me, and one for the patient. "When we were speaking earlier, you mentioned that you were urgently seeking to improve the level of patient care and compassion at this facility. You can access your electronic health care and coverage information with non-Kaiser Permanente (third party) web and mobile applications. In the end, I try to always treat others the way I would expect to be treated if I were in their shoes. ", "Delivering bad news to a patient is very difficult. Prior to your interview, it will be important for you to research the role you are interviewing for and put some thought into how you will be able to deliver the best service to those you will be working closely with. Interviews at Kaiser Permanente Experience Positive 68% Negative 15% Neutral 17% Getting an Interview Applied online 65% Employee Referral 10% Recruiter 10% Difficulty 2.9 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at Kaiser Permanente Registered Nurse (57) Medical Assistant (49) Customer Service Representative (49) Intern (44) Make sure to avoid speaking negatively of anyone, and be sure to end your response with a positive. Whether it is providing a less than favorable work review, or terminating someone, it doesn't come easy. I would plan to make a positive impact very quickly by conducting training with staff and implementing a code of conduct within the clinic. If you can, match your strengths to the requirements outlined in the job description and make sure to thoroughly research the position prior to your interview. Because this is a situational question, consider using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to provide a story-based example. ", "I have found, in the past, that I work well in an individually driven environment; however, I can certainly be productive in a team-based setting as well. Discuss the ways that you would build strong and healthy relationships if hired. Behavioral 3. As part of the team, I lead the cause of making sure that we took all factors into account and walked through all solutions that we could imagine. "I have experience in ordering medical supplies and maintaining inventory. Why Do You Think You Are A Good Fit For This Company? I would also need a technologist to assist me who could adjust to my easy procedural style.". ", "My position at Kaiser is a Radiology Physician Assistant. But her prescription was on troubleshoot, and no one order it. I didn't notice we have new 90 tablet bottles instead of the 30 tablet bottles, and I filled 3 of 90 tablets bottle instead of 3 of 30 tablets. "I have often been complimented on my relationship-building skills. We also raise chickens and goats and have a couple of horses as well. Do you consider yourself a compassionate person? ", "Do my job and do it right. Working closely with colleagues and/or patients in the healthcare world will eventually put you in close contact with someone who is very difficult to work with.
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