13 February 1981)[1] was a witch and the only child and daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. [13], That day, the Ministry of Magic was taken over by Voldemort, so it was to a Death Eater-controlled Hogwarts that Luna returned for her sixth year. During her years at Hogwarts, she was often teased by many of the other students due to her strange behaviour and odd beliefs. They conversed about the possibility of a Manticore mother existing somewhere on the grounds. He was particularly amused by her Quidditch commentary in 1996[6] and thought highly of her bravery. There, she said softly. She left Shell Cottage when she, Dean, Bill and Fleur went to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. Luna was very good at comforting others. Luna may be one of the best female friends of Ginny (along with Hermione), as she was only seen with these girls during her school-time at Hogwarts. Members, (with the exception of Marietta) are unknown following the Battle of Hogwarts. With the death of her mother when she was nine years old, Luna was raised solely by her father. He took Luna, Dean and Ollivander to Shell Cottage, the home of Bill and Fleur Weasley, and then returned to assist Harry, Hermione, Ron and Griphook in escaping the Manor. She then spoke with the unidentified student in private and asked them not to tell Archibald about the suitcase since he often disagreed with Newt Scamander and argued about his, and let them rejoin the class. She had straggly, waist-length, dirty blonde hair, very pale eyebrows, and protuberant eyes that gave her a permanently surprised look.Description of Luna's physical appearance. ", Daddy, look one of the gnomes actually bit me!. But she never let that stop her living her best self. (turns to look) Oh, a Dementor! Luna Lovegood is one of the most eccentric and fascinating characters in Harry Potter's circle of friends. HARRY POTTER, characters, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. 2001 2023. members to fall, eventually being stunned by a Death Eater and thrown across the room. The student was not familiar with the creature and learnt what it was from Luna, who stressed the importance of attentive observation. After the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, they discussed the death of Sirius Black and the possibility of an afterlife. Harry Potter: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Luna Lovegood - ScreenRant The point is: Luna's art may have been an acquired taste, but she always kept up her extra-curricular activities, and so should you. I'll always remember what you did for us. After the student managed to temporarily restrain the Manticore using the Incarcerous Spell, Luna grabbed them and Apparated back to the edge of the forest where they were greeted by Hagrid. His spirits sank slightly. She then proposed to the students that they do a more thorough search, and later the unidentified student reported that they found more feathers, chain and ropes, but whatever might've been trapped in there had gotten away. Luna was not able to dismiss the possibility of them being the work of poachers, but also thought it needed more than those to capture a Thunderbird. L una Lovegood is one of our favourites. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. But Ive still got Dad. Luna and Hermione also fought at the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Battle of Hogwarts, where she, Seamus Finnigan, and Ernie Macmillan saved Hermione, Harry and Ron from Dementors. This is certainly something that's easier said than done, but our Luna manages to excel in indifference with aplomb. Luna's Patronus is revealed to be a Hare, this is later confirmed to be canon in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. [19], In her third year at Hogwarts, she chose Divination as an elective, as in the 19961997 school year Professor Trelawney claimed to miss her in class; Luna explained she had Firenze that year. Something is behind me? [6] At Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding, she wore bright yellow robes because she was taught it brought luck to a wedding to wear sun colours and had a sunflower in her hair, as well. Although many thought Luna was bizarre, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas and Ollivander eventually became very fond of her. Krum was pointing at Ginny, who had just joined Luna. It was all supposed to be about fighting You-Know-Who, wasnt it? I was nine.Im sorry, Harry mumbled.Yes, it was rather horrible, said Luna conversationally. Many found Luna's commentary amusing, as Luna forgot players' names and went off on tangents such as speculating that Smith, who was unable to maintain procession of the Quaffle for longer than a minute, was suffering from "Loser's Lurgy", or saying how a cloud was interestingly shaped. members, such as Seamus Finnigan and Ernie Macmillan, who she was seen fighting alongside during the Battle of Hogwarts. Luna heard some exciting ideas, and said that anticipation was often better than reality. By Jamie Feldman Apr 6, 2016, 08:47 AM EDT Remember Luna Lovegood, also known as actress Evanna Lynch, the strange but lovable friend of Harry Potter? They're working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a mixture of dark magic and gum disease." J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince lunalovegoodnsfw - reddit Luna and Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor student, first met on the Hogwarts Express, in 1995. She decided that they should look for it in case it was hurt. She mainly protected Ron, who had been hit with a spell that made him highly confused. Luna attended Hogwarts . Luna was also present when Draco Malfoy was caught out of bed after hours by Filch and dragged into the party to be punished. They met Archibald, who revealed where they would be going, and Luna instructed the students to proceed to the camp. During her tenure as the Field Studies professor at Hogwarts, she showed immense care and responsibility for her students, as can be seen when she feared for their safety. In Luna's fourth year, she met and befriended Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom. Luna Lovegood: It's a charm actually. Her father was so desperate to get her back that he tried to turn Harry, Hermione, and Ron over to the Ministry in exchange for her freedom; the trio escaped, but Hermione ensured that the Death Eaters Xenophilius called glimpsed Harry as they left, so that neither he nor Luna would be punished. Many people were staring at her and few people openly laughing and pointing; she had managed to procure a hat shaped like a life-size lion's head, which was perched precariously on her head. After the failed ambush Xeno was taken to Azkaban prison for the remainder of the war. Despite not making an appearance until The Order of the Phoenix, Luna Lovegood is one of J.K. Rowling's most beloved creations. [7], As Qui went down to take care of the student, Luna examined the Thunderbird and saw that she had multiple injuries as well as being poisoned by Runespoor venom. After taking Felix Felicis from Harry, the D.A. Loser's Lurgy is not proven to exist, but it was true that when Smith lost in Quidditch he thus acted accordingly. Quotes by and about Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter Lexicon She also sensed they were being watched, and soon Acromantulas appeared behind them. She recalled battling against Dementors with the trio and talked about how friendship could make things better, and ultimately, the battle was about protecting friends and family. In 2019, she met at least one of the members of the recently created Statute of Secrecy Task Force, whom she dazzled with her knowledge about the many ways in which magical creatures protected themselves. (OP13), You can laugh! Luna said, her voice rising, apparently under the impression that Parvati and Lavender were laughing at what she had said rather than what she was wearing.But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack! (OP13), D you mind not offending the only people who believe me? Harry asked Hermione as they made their way into class.Oh, for heavens sake, Harry, you can do better than her, said Hermione. THAT explains the chilly breeze. The Death Eaters: A Guide To Who Was Where, Albus Potter and the lesson in Quantum Mechanics. [21], They went to buy potion ingredients together, and Luna also asked whether there were Crumple-Horned Snorkack horns. While most of the Other D.A. Luna, like Harry and Neville, had the ability to see Thestrals, as they had all seen someone die. At Hogwarts Quidditch matches, Luna supported Gryffindor against every House except Ravenclaw; to show her support for Gryffindor, she would wear a hat in the shape of a lion head that roars, and to show support for Ravenclaw she would wear an eagle hat with flapping wings. View 0 thoughts swirling around the pensieve. But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack!, Yeah, but the lost diadem," said Michael Corner, rolling his eyes, "is, I don't think you should be an Auror, Harry," said Luna unexpectedly. [13] She even painted very life-like portraits of her friends that seemed to breathe. Luna is the only known member of the Lovegood family whose first name is not of Greek origin, rather it is of Latin origin. They then saw a lady struggling to walk towards them, so they hurried in front to receive her. You are, I gather, not unintelligent, but painfully limited, narrow, close-minded.Xenophilius Lovegood on what Luna has told him about Hermione, Luna and Hermione Granger did not have an ideal first meeting, as Hermione called The Quibbler "rubbish" without knowing that Luna's father was the editor. Ron stated that she certainly has far more courage than her father, who was at the time stressed when under duress. Luna correctly observed that people expected Harry to associate with "cooler" people; he replied that she and Neville were cool, and among his closest and most trustworthy friends. Cassandra was surprised at this and blurted out that she was not her friend, but Luna believed true friends were always by one's side as long as one really looked. Some people call me Loony Lovegood, actually. (OP38), Oh, no, she said, smiling at him. Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsLuna creates a diversion for Harry after the battle, so he could rest, When Harry took Polyjuice Potion to look like Barny at the Wedding of William Weasley and Fleur Delacour, she recognised him from the expression on his face, hinting again at the closeness of their friendship, as she was not fooled for a minute by his disguise. Often it refers to a combination of both that encompasses the character's mix of confidence, dreamy demeanor, and unconventional belief system. She reads newspapers upside down, wears Spectrespecs, and believes in Nargles. She continued the discussion of the Rotfang Conspiracy with Professor Trelawney, who seemed completely interested. Ginny seemed to find Luna rather peculiar, as she first referred to Luna as "Loony Lovegood" (though in an affectionate way). She doesn't try to fit in or change herself, she just remains her kooky, kind self. Evanna Patricia Lynch is an Irish actress. [7], She went back with the student to where the Thunderbird was and explained her condition to them. It keeps away the Nargles.". But they might give her back to me if I-If I help; I must save Luna. members to participate in the ensuing Battle of the Astronomy Tower, along with Neville, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. [13] She was described as "pretty" on some occasions, despite her odd clothes. 15 Totally Flawless Movie Monologues - WhatCulture.com She met Cassandra Vole and the aforementioned unidentified student in the Great Hall while they were talking about making friends, and remarked that despite the dark times, it was still an opportunity to make as many friends as possible. At some point, they became very close friends. [6], Towards Christmas, Luna comforted Hermione Granger after Ron Weasley mocked her in Transfiguration and Hermione ran into the girl's bathroom in tears. Harry "found that the terrible weight in his stomach seemed to have lessened slightly".[5]. The most interesting fact about Luna Lovegood doesn't involve the character, but the actor who portrayed her. Unaware of the destination, the students speculated where they were headed. In her fourth year, Luna joined Dumbledore's Army, an organisation taught and led by Harry Potter, of which she became an important member. (OP38), I dont think you should be an Auror, Harry, said Luna unexpectedly. Luna witnessed Harry Potter's final defeat of Lord Voldemort and was among the first to congratulate him. Xenophilius raised his daughter to share many of his unusual beliefs, and the two enjoyed going on holidays to look for creatures such as Crumple-Horned Snorkacks in Sweden. Thank you so much, Dobby, for rescuing me from that cellar. Imitating their walk, they got near the baby Manticores and eventually arrived at a dark cave. She married Rolf Scamander, the grandson of Newt Scamander, a famed Magizoologist, with whom she had twin sons, Lorcan and Lysander.
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