(3)The[facility]nursing homeshall be kept free of unnecessary accumulations of personal possessions, boxes, trunks, suitcases, papers, unused furniture, bed clothing, linens, bric-a-brac, and similar items. Nursing homes that employ an individual on or before January 1, 2021 shall be exempt from the license requirement. (a) Tuberculosis in a communicable form means that an individual: (i) Is presumed to have active pulmonary or laryngeal tuberculosis as evidenced by positive X-ray findings with or without positive acid-fast bacilli (AFB) sputum smear or positive AFB sputum culture; and. 3. [C.]E.Registry. Annotated Code of Maryland is a compilation of the statutes enacted by the Maryland Legislature, generally organized by subject (e.g., Public Utility Articles). Information reported to the ]; [(16)](15)Tuberculosis[Surveillance. (b) As high as practical, as such the bottom of the outdoor air intake is: (i) At least 6 feet above ground level; or. The facilitys admission policy shall include a statement as to whether or not medical assistance patients will be admitted and if admitted, under what circumstances.]. (a) A facility shall file an application to renew its license every 2 years at least 60 days before expiration of the issued license. [Comprehensive care facilities or extended care facilities]A nursing homelicensed under this regulation may not usethe word hospitalin[their]itstitle[the word Hospital]. The[facility]nursing homeshall develop a protocol for selecting residents who are appropriate for feeding by a paid feeding assistant. We're available on the following channels. The Maryland General Assemblys Office Provision for Dental Care. The basic nursing curriculum covers two academic years, is approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing, and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. (1) Adequate equipment for preparation, serving, and distribution of food shall be provided, (2) A dumbwaiter, elevator, or ramp shall be provided in a, (3) Equipment to protect food from dust or contamination and to maintain food at proper temperature shall be provided, (2) The storeroom shall be cool and well-ventilated. (a) Identify an emergency and disaster planning liaison for the nursing home; and. 10.34.14 Opening and Closing of Pharmacies, Effective July 8, 2013. Schedule II drugs shall be kept in separately locked, securely fixed boxes or drawers in a cabinet, under two locks, keyed differently; medicine storage and preparation area with illumination of 100 footcandles at the work counter; preparation area shall include a small sink set into the counter or with drain boards; biological refrigerator. CCNE 2014 Self Study Appendices. (g) Storage for trays, tableware, flatware, and utensils. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. [A.] Open at all Times for Inspection. (1) If a nursequestionsthe care provided to anyresidentor believes that appropriate consultation is needed and has not been obtained, the nurse shallinformthe supervisor. Notification of Responsible Persons When[Patient]ResidentMoves. (2) All walls, floors, ceilings, windows, and fixtures shall be kept clean. A sticker bearing the date of the most current inspection shall be affixed on each piece of equipment. B. E. Transportation. (b) Has 2 years of experience in a social or recreational program in a licensed health care setting within the last 5 years, 1 year of which was full time in a resident activities program with guidance froman individual identified in B(73)(a) of this regulation. G. Reevaluation of[Patients]ResidentsProgress. Agency Note: It is recommended that the comprehensive care facility arrange for a similar transfer agreement with an extended care facility. C.Outside Service Entrance. Construction inan Existing Structure. C. When the attending physician and medical director agree that a particular[facility-developed]nursing home developedprotocol is required to ensure that quality medical care is delivered to the[facilitys]nursing homesresidents, that protocol shall be implemented unless the[facility]nursing homedocuments in the[facilitys patient]nursing homes residentcare committee minutes the reason or reasons why the protocol should not be implemented. A. (c) Aportablewindowair-conditioning unit may not block window space. (4) The[facility]nursing homeshall maintain written documentation of the following: (a) Results of tuberculin skin tests, recorded in millimeters of induration with dates of administration, dates of reading, results of test, and the manufacturer and lot number of the purified protein derivative (PPD) solution used;and, [(b) Results of chest x-rays required in this regulation; and. M. SpecialMedical Wastes. Waivers may be granted under Regulation[.02F].03Fof this chapter. C. NursingCare 24 Hours a Day. The nursing. (3) A new employee shall be assessed for risk of tuberculosis through: (a) A two-step tuberculin skin testing at the time of hire following guidelines referenced in the Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings; or. (2)Initiation of services to meet the rehabilitative needs of the[patient]residentshall occur within 48 hours[(],excluding Saturday[and],Sunday[)],andState and federal holidays,of the physicians order for the specialized service. A. The requirement is to tell the Board what the hospital did, not to characterize the underlying conduct. C. Duties of the Pharmaceutical Services Committee. In new construction, facilityshall provide a lobby area. [(7) The facility shall request that each employee receive immunization from influenza virus in accordance with Health-General Article, 18-404, Annotated Code of Maryland. (1) The nursing home shall store medications in a locked medication storage area that: (b) Is located where personnel preparing drugs for administration will not be interrupted; (c) Is spacious enough to allow separate storage of external and internal medications; (d) Is kept in a clean, orderly and uncluttered manner; and. According to the National Nursing Database, Maryland currently has 73,086 RNs and 13,538 LPNs. Any individual (other than those listed above) who has reason to suspect elder abuse/neglect may file a report. H. Director of Nursings Continuing Education. A. A. truthful and transparent services. (2)Locatedconvenient to[patients]the residentsbedrooms. An existingnursing homeshall meetall local codes and standards for safety and maintenance of institutional elevators. possible. Problem solving flowchart upon discovery of an incident/allegation Updated 10/18 1. (2)Nurses andsupportpersonnel shall be chosen for their training, experience,and ability. [(5)](4)Transfer or Assignment of License. Attn: Director of Complaints & Investigations. This table refers to the pressure relationships and ventilation of certain areas of a nursing home other than chronic disease hospitals. (c) Coordinate management of the resident and the residents contacts with the. patient identification, specific nurse behavior, action, or inaction. D. Assistance by Nursing Service Personnel. An occurrence of a communicable or suspected communicable disease shall be reported and acted upon in accordance with medical asepsis as described in COMAR 10.06.01 Communicable Diseases and COMAR 10.15.03 Food Service Facilities. License Status Options Active. Please fill out the form. ]; [Agency Note:Refer to Regulation.26 Sof this chapter for window screening requirements.]. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. B Social Work Staff Responsibility. (3) The[facility]nursing homeshall prohibit employees with[a communicable]an infectiousdisease or with infected skin lesions fromhavingdirect contact with residents or their food if direct contact could transmit the disease. Access through Table of Contents Structure (will display table of contents by Title, Subtitle & Chapter). New construction providing a conventional type food service program shall have the following minimal space requirements (excluding bulk food-storage areas, dining areas, and separate floor pantries). final decision. (55) Plan of correction means a written response from the nursing home addressing each deficiency cited as a result of an inspection by the Department. (2) The director of nursing shall obtain approval from the Department. (2) The duty described under this section is deemed to have been discharged if the mental health care provider or administrator makes reasonable and timely efforts t. (i) Seek civil commitment of the patient; (ii) Formulate a diagnostic impression and establish and undertake a documented treatment plan calculated to eliminate the possibility that the patient will carry out the threat; or. Educator. We're available on the following channels. Thus 172 times $11,000 equals an annual benefit of $1,892,000 to the social worker industry and trade groups. The care plan shall address all of the residents special care requirements necessary to improve or maintain the residents status. The minimum requirements are: D. Call SystemExisting Facilities. (1) A nursing homeshallhavesufficient lighting at night inthe followingareas: (c) Designated toiletsof the nursing home for the safety of theresidentwhogetsup during the night. (5) The pharmacy shall be responsible for delivering medications to the nursing home. The[goal]goalsshall be realistic, practical, and tailored to the residents needs. registered nurse requirements for the Executive Director; (3) hiring and paying for an external . (2) The storeroom shall be cool and well-ventilated[;]. Agency Note: Care should be exercised in the rotation of stored food so that old stock is used first. It is suggested that there be established a multi-discipline audit team to participate in an ongoing system of internal patient care audit.]. (1)Thearchitectorprofessional engineer of record shall submit stamped and sealedfinal constructiondrawings to the Department. [The following guidelines shall aid the facility]The nursing home shall refer to the following guidelinesin implementing its employee health program: (2) Immunization of[Health-CareWorkers]Health CarePersonnel:Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC);and, (1) The infection control program shall include a risk assessment program, including monitoring for tuberculosis infection for employees that is in accordance with the[following guidelines:].
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