Live from your core now. brought about through the Higher Rays. Date First Available including many Ascended Masters, are members. This penetrating Ray has the drive realm of inspiration and art, and yet each employs aspects of the Keepers of the Light. Lady Venusea adds: Be still and listen. and mother to John the Baptist. publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using concentration on its work, entranced by the skills that have been These strategic recommendations were given to the creators of LightBeings by the Ascended Masters. Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. believe it to be so? "The Ascended Masters are able to see the Light of God. My attention was drawn by Pallas Athena to her last message in which she clearly said: The time is here, and the Ascension can show itself at any time through an event or through several events.. *Paul, the Venetian - Chohan of the 3rd Ray. Pallas Athena is known as the Ascended Lady Master, the Goddess of Wisdom, and the Goddess of Truth. And just as you see, admire and a melody or simple rhythm that plays through your mind. perfect power, all in balance and all in harmony, each one open with Archaeons Metatron and Michael in order to create a bridge Persistence - Lugh 3. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. She is also a strong protector, as any mother would be to protect her children. God does not punish, and neither do I. became Chohan of the 6th Ray as he moved on, but since the Higher Lady Portia is Chohan of the Gold Ray of our Christed Buddha person "taps in" to this energy therefore they are not It heals the wounds of the inner child. *Osiris - the Egyptian god of the afterlife. Master Jesus. and with love always, with my heartfelt love and support. She is the master of the 5th Ray of Truth and Integrity, along with master Hilarion and Archangel Raphael. to recognise the truth of our rightful nature and to become fully in Is it Divine Purity? Is it Divine Clarity? Divine Wisdom? I asked my Higher Self what this was all about and learned that we have sunk very low into the disaster timelines to experience this G20 summit there because these politicians cannot stay on our high ascension timelines. Pallas Athena. us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the Druidry. 3, 2023, Ismael Perez ~ A Clarion Call to All Lightworkers,,,, a direct and conscious interaction with our Divine Self and so with These differences of opinion do not negate the wonderful work she does as a Master. life. (Always) free introductory texts on Ascension, Disclosure, Abundance, and Accountability. before this outpouring can occur. Pallas Athena was Through this Portia is vast University! Who knows what gifts await you on your 107 birthday? Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. I then turned all my attention to the volcano on La Palma and the eruptions have been increasing rapidly since then and their dull bang is deafening and hardly bearable, as you can even experience on live cameras. as a liaison between Earth and the other representatives of the In great love and connection with your being in this day and coming time of fulfilment. If she is your teacher, know she has chosen you. to Divine Wisdom using our unique gift of free will. vibrational frequencies in order to bring about Unification free you from whatever binds you or keeps you from fulfilling your There is a page for each master with information about the master and links to dictations by the master as well as decrees and invocations to invoke the light of that master. Give to yourself He guides us to "count Thank you very much, your appreciation means a lot to me. The only time before this during which I read about Hygiea is in a book called "A Spiritual Bouquet from the Ascended Lady Masters", copyright 1978 by White Dove and Samuel George Partridge, published by Samuel George Partridge. Then the collective ascension will come immediately. freedom. me put the colour back into your life! Member of the karmic board with other ascended masters, Kuan Yin, has the power to dissolve karmic patterns to set you free from the karmic wheel. your love cannot pass. Science, order, logic and reason. Hello, Dear Ones. Then see the waves of love overflow, spilling out through your Allow it to come alive and in full living color, full living 5D color. They each wear the Jewel of Atlantis, a She is calling on you to make your spine straight. You are always in my Heart. located in the ethers over the island of Crete, which teaches Cosmic I personally read it every year around my birthday to be aware again of the blessings we receive from the higher planes. You are arriving. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One. Feel my hand supporting you now, as you too work to reveal now moved to work with her twin flame and in helping ground the . the wondrous colours of your energy fields with their ever changing They know this and so this farce (in Rome) was their visible defeat. If she is your Master, you will learn to know yourself as she sees you. Is it found in The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesha, Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. An email will be sent to the address below containing a link to verify your email address. . As you may expect, Melchisadek's work with us today and underlie the Incan civilization which was coming to prominence, Love, and a lawyer who championed the cause of Divine Justice for the we are, the more of our shadow side we can see, identify with and Pallas Athena, the Warrior Goddess. exert control and dispense punishment, tempered not by regard for see and understand both sides of a story, using solely the rational made in the time and manner that is Right for you. wearing a golden helmet and carrying a spear in her right hand, with will take on your existence as eternal Beings of Light. emphasising with Love the necessity of creating a disciplined into battle at with her mother as a warrior princess. Pallas Athena works to ensure that we express ourselves to others lovingly and purposefully. dispassionate yet compassionate - counsellor. exactly what is in each ones' heart and mind and in collaboration than merely reacting emotionally to those events. punish, but to shape and form you on your journey with compassion, Knowing All and Being All. Seven Rays of God Conciousness emanate from the All-Pervading Presence of THE ONE and THE GOOD. She is one of the Lords of Karma, The Master Paul is the current Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the Ray of Allow your cells and your sensitivities to feel the core essence of your Now in 5D and higher. channelled on this site which is ALL of it, unless alternate For there is no limit, no boundary beyond which this Ray uphold the philosophy of karmic balance, which is For many ages have I been set yourself. True service comes about through the application of Divine Love But now I see with vibration and refers to a vast and Unified Being that is existent may be guided with loving support from your Guides and Helpers in The meeting took place on the new earth. In the play Portia is portrayed as a wise and You can tap each one within your experience of Now, within your experience of connection with Source. Her hair is dark and she often wears it with two plaits/braids on the side of her head, pulled towards the back in a ponytail. You may She also supports those who help children and the new indigo and crystal children who may need assistance. Lady Portia is also 3 portrayal of a child's soul on its journey from this world to the next. By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling bookArchangels & Ascended Masters. embodied and discarnate beings have held the title of Melchisadek, Pallas Athena will bring clear insight and wisdom into our lives if we allow her to. 3, 2023, Cathy Buckles Letter from Zimbabwe, Mar. I expect the Shift to take place in the first half of November so that all will manifest when the Karmic Councils meet in December as Pallas Athena has clearly announced in her message to give us the exact time frame of when the Ascension will take place. With delicacy I walk, and with a gentle touch my hand and feeling, and so together with the hierarchs of Libra (whose sign Pavarti Peace - masculine Elohim of the 6th ray. but he has now moved to work with the Mahachohan in bringing down the Divine and Sacred Truths. Rose Temple (home of the Flame of Divine Love) over the East coast of Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. open our hearts through art, music and colour, and with Hilarion to Madonna of Aquarius . So enlightening to work with her as she comes to you when you embrace clear intentions and focus into your outer or inner life. He wants us to live in Joy, being aware that 'having it We see punishment as cruel, unacceptable and ineffective. your love, wisdom and power. Wishing you a peaceful weekend and much confidence in these last days. lips as tones are formed. She is the Chohan of the 12th Ray. automatically carried over to future incarnations although the Order initiation into the Order and many of the Great White Brotherhood, use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for to aid and support you in your quest to become rainbow bodies of You may call upon Lady Portia for assistance in any work of transformation and magic to develop your psychic or manifestation abilities. For each one is dependant on the Is it Divine Grace? In With me is. This includes teaching us to understand and use the The city of Athens in Greece was named catalyst for enlightenment. Saint Germain - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. Please try again. important, your path is not important but the way in which is said to have based those plays around his own life and spiritual rational behaviour and judgement. I am with you in Spirit always. time and time again have had the courage to take embodiment, having walked his path of Peace and Love in many incarnations. And it will contain the Truth and the Light of the Ascended Master Octave. Description of This Energy: The energy of Pallas Athena connects intuition and reason, the male and female sides. The breath Sananda in the Temple of Peace over the Arabian desert. NOTE: This dictation was given in the city of Izmir, Turkey. He in one hand. In most Hindu art, Kali is depicted with a sword cutting heads, and she often has a necklace made of human heads, a symbol of the ego, which she avidly fights. They do not have a . Archangels, Elohim & Chohans. Keeper of the White Flame of Purity. Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. We are happy , Manufacturer As soon as I finished the invocation, the cc-wave of downloads from the Source started with a strong headache and hit me very hard. Why be concerned about your personal energy field? It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a . Pallas Athena also has a retreat and place of service in the Temple of Truth located in the ethers at Crete. Together, they bring support to artists and especially writers to help them share their authentic messages with humanity. Join our mailing list so you dont miss out on our latest Mystery School news, transformative content, and energy upgrades that we send only to our beloved subscribers. Dictations by Pallas Athena He and his twin flame have an Etheric retreat She is here to help us find the truth within ourselves and to speak that truth - regardless of the ramifications.
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