This made a huge crater where the Congo once was, and over the years it was filled up by the rains down in Africa. Report Save Follow. Language(s) As a provincial agent, you will be responsible for distributing a minimum of 10,000 vapes per month in your designated region. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Joseph Stromberg was previously a digital reporter for Smithsonian. Even the fiercest of our soldiers have come to fear straying too far from the few beacons of civilization. In Italy, inhospitable salt flats rose from the then Adriatic Sea. There's a common misconception . Press J to jump to the feed. Didn't see this brought up in either of the South Africa diaries-was this another "infrastructure improvement" idea? Atlantropa, also known as Panropa, was a grand-scale terraforming project to use the Mediterranean Sea and Congo River as hydroelectric energy sources, create new land to settle, and as a way to connect Europe closer to Africa. There was a Brobdingnagian "blorp" and a colossal cloud of CO2 burst from the waters of the southern Congo Sea, triggering a thirty-eight-meter high tsunami. But the bodies themselves areexactlythe way the birds were found, he insists. The colony is led by Reichskommissar Hans Httig, a former officer of the SS-Totenkopfverbnde and a concentration camp . Lake Chad has literally gone from being an oasis in the desert, to being just desert. General Bureau for South West African Affairs. It is the 9th largest lake in the world and the third largest lake in Africa by surface area. American company ContourGlobal, which owns KivuWatt, launched the Lake Kivu venture in 2015 and for a time considered expanding its capacity from 26 to 100 megawatts. The New Order is a narrative-driven mod that focuses on the fallout of an Axis victory and its effects on the world, leading to a three-way Cold War in the 1960s. Another company is exploring the possibility of launching its own 56-megawatt gas extraction venture on the lake. However, Httig still suspects Dupont scheming to undermine his rule, just like almost everyone around him. Head of state The latter two experienced limnic eruptions in the 1980s, and the bigger disaster at Nyos suffocated more than 1,700 people in a toxic release of carbon dioxide. A swallow Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY. In total, there were four dams that were made for the Atlantropa project: The Mediterranean's sea level fell by 200 meters (660 feet), causing Sardinia and Corsica to be united, Sicily to expand, most of Adriatica becoming land, larger and new islands around Greece, Malta, and the Baleares, expanded shores for every Mediterranean nation. Quelimane These nations will emerge as the three African Reichskommissariate decolonize. Greater Germanic Reich and Iberian Union Reichskommissar Hans Httig Unlike those other lakes, though, Lake Natron is extremely alkaline, due to high amounts of the chemical natron (a mix of sodium carbonate and baking soda) in the water. For a project around circular economy in three countries in Southern Africa TNO identified cultural . The best thing to do was to minimize the presence of anyone of significance on the sea shore and wait a few years. How long it will take to deplete these vast gas reserves will depend on the pace of extraction, said Martin Schmid, a researcher at the Swiss Institute for Water and Environmental Research. Posted by 5 days ago. Drakia enslaves your entire civilization and bastardizes its culture, people, and values, and there's no hope of winning. 6. A second wave of lava pushed deep into the earth under the lake itself. There are no plans in the short term for such a project on the Congolese side. Will you save the world or help destroy it? The Afrika-Schild is a potential alliance between the three German Reichskommissariats in Africa after the German Civil War breaks out that forms before the outbreak of the South African War and the Boer Republic will joining in when Reichskommissariat Ostafrika declares war on South Africa. General Office for East African Affairs (Generalbro fr Ostafrikanische Angelegenheiten) Last time I checked, Lake Victoria was not located there or not to the scale of this monstrosity. Connie Mulder is a disillusioned man. For Hans Httig, the running of a Reichskommissariat is no different than that of a concentration camp. It is the grand strategy of the Fascists, to subvert, not only other countries in Africa, but this Southern Tip of Africa.I don't know what the so-called Wes. King of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Moshoeshoe II was born Constantine Bereng Seeiso, a descendant of Moshoeshoe I, the great founder of the nation. In real life, the concept of Atlantropa never got anywhere other than a proposal, due to a combination of factors (one of the more notable ones being the death of the man who came up with the idea. The burgeoning air force of the nation is his sole focus, as evident to anyone who ever looked over the Angolan horizon. Youd literally get, say, a hundred finches washed ashore in a 50-yard stretch., A songbird Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY, Over the course of about three weeks, Brandt worked with locals to collect some of the most finely-preserved specimens. A second wave of lava pushed deep into the earth under the lake itself. He had worked his way from the lower echelons, starting his career as a member of the House of Assembly and eventually, his hard labor and commitments paid off, as he was elected to lead the United Party in '56. Language(s) These lands were completely useless for agriculture making the land essentially worthless. Uh, why is there a big ass lake smack in the middle of Africa, called Viktoria? Photographer Nick Brandt captures haunting images of calcified animals, preserved by the extreme waters of Tanzanias Lake Natron. The Drakian upper crust- who had spent large amounts of money buying up land that would end up on the new sea shore of Stokers great project- abandoned their new villas and largely left the area in the hands of Nationals and privileged Bondsmen to oversee. This yields great financial and reputational benefits for us, as German officials and military men delight in eating our seafood. The man-made Congo Sea fills in much of the country. Unbeknownst to Germania, the Zentralafrikan Garrison is no mere garrison at all. The fulminations soon dispersed after the building lay completely still. These tactics, plus a higher per-capita investment of resources and crude labor into science than almost everyone, had allowed it to remain competitive- barely- with the rest of the world. Cookie Notice It was originally a populated, low-lying area but it filled with water . Einheitspakt All across Africa, the natives whisper of the Devil of Gusen, and the rumors that follow him everywhere he goes. Sobhuza II has seen other monarchs be born, be crowned, and be buried, and still he leads his people into one decade after another. The Empire of Drakia had, since before its founding, pursued two primary goals in scientific research; enabling the expansion of the Empire and the conquest, subjugation, and enslavement of non-Drakians, and enhancing and improving the abilities of Drakians with an eye towards self-apotheosis into an eventual master race of Naldorssenian Custodians. Our colony is in a near constant state of warfare as countless native resistance movements carry out a persistent guerrilla war against our regime. We are not here to uplift the locals. R.K. Ostafrika, German East Africa, East Africa, German (official), African languages (unofficial), General Office for East African Affairs (Generalbro fr Ostafrikanische Angelegenheiten). Our patrols are ambushed, convoys stolen, positions raided and settlements burned. Will you save the world or help destroy it? hide. The Congo River was dammed in order to flood the Congo Basin, with the intent to eventually spill over and flood the Chad Basin, bringing irrigation to the Sahara and shipping lanes into Central Africa. Having inherited the throne when he was merely months old, Ngwenyama Sobhuza II of Eswatini is one of the longest reigning monarchs in the history of the world. That is when they are not whoring themselves out as mercenaries to the other Reichskommissarats and anyone, foreign or German-it does not matter-willing to pay for cheap muscle. The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. Karl Chmielewski is pleased to hear these rumors, believing they will strike fear into the native's hearts. Reichskommissar Hans Httig is a lone, fortified island in a sea of degeneracy. Unlike other African colonies, such as Zentralafrika, Sdwestafrika, and Madagaskar, Ostafrika does not utilize local African Waffen-SS units. As of TT3, Atlantropa was completely removed. Press J to jump to the feed. Ideology Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The former got the most fame and funding, and has featured prominently in this narrative, from Wynter-strain anthrax during the Great Patriotic War all the way back to yellow phosphorus explosives during the Last Crusade. As the Second South African Civil War erupts however, Httig was forced to dispatch Chmielewski to intervene in the war and put down the Boer rebellion, since all better generals are occupied with Kolonialverwaltung duties. For decades strong military rulership has pressed his people down to the dirt, and even before that, the monarchy saw his kin separated not even by the color of their skin, but by ephemeral titles and fickle nobility. Effective communication is an important success factor in innovation trajectories with multiple stakeholders in low and middle income countries. The Eritrean Ascari receive lands and pensions when their service ends, and some are even members of the . It is also the . Head of state The only somewhat beneficial endeavor in Atlantropa was the creation of the Congo Lake, which had made Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika a prized colonial possession of Germany. A shutdown was considered but the engineers held their nerve. Reichsmark Only the most insane of men would attempt to actively insert themselves into the hellish nightmare that was Huttig's Africa. Also unlike other colonies, there is no way for the native people to achieve freedom via the work-to-freedom program implemented in Zentral or Sdwestafrika. Reichskimmissariat Zentralafrika is a colonial holding of the Greater Germanic Reich, administered by Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller. Ideology Cursed AfricaCREDITS:All drawings and footage is created by me. Reichskommissariat OstafrikaGroafrikanischer Reichsstaat (post-SAW if not conquered) Carbon dioxide dissolves into water (as the goodMr. Priestley discovered) and it dissolves most readily when the water is cool and under pressure- as was the case at the bottom of the Congo Sea. The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. ; Anti-Hero: He's certainly done a lot to benefit Guinea, but fewer know about the corrupt tactics he used to achieve them, namely offering ludicrous benefits to the military to stave off a coup and silencing criticism against his government. With a vast body of freshwater now sitting right on equatorial territory that had previously been land, rainfall increased massively across central Africa. Lake . Press J to jump to the feed. Official name On one particular morning, a crowd of protestors surrounded the offices of Reichskommissar Emil Maurice, demanding basic welfare and at least some respect for human rights. Granted full independence upon assuming the throne in 1960, he has so far competently led Lesotho in cooperation with the constitutional government. He helped see to the full independence of Eswatini in 1953, and today rules skillfully, aligning his interests with those of South Africa against the Germans. RK Zentralafrika is incredibly diverse, featuring beaches, rain-forests, and mountains aplenty. Sometime in the 1950s. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The flag of Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika Daily Political Power Gain: +0.10 KivuWatt, which says this is the only project of its kind anywhere in the world, saw an opportunity to tap these abundant gases for energy generation. In both Rwanda and DR Congo, many live in fear of the lake's harmful potential, and stories abound of swimmers disappearing into its depths after being asphyxiated or pulled under. Advertising Notice Being far more interested in going on safari and enjoying the pleasures of power, most plantations have been given over to private corporations, local chiefs and kings empowered, as well as extensive native recruitment into the SS and ample opportunity for slaves to earn their freedom. Lake Malawi Lake Malawi is one of the African Great Lakes. Brandt theorizes that the highly-reflective, chemical dense waters act like a glass door, fooling birds into thinking theyre flying through empty space (not long ago, a helicopter pilot tragically fell victim to the same illusion, and his crashed aircraft was rapidly corroded by the lakes waters). Aside from Httig's personal vendettas against his peers, he has made contact with the Herstigte Nasionale Party, a party made up of Boers in South Africa. It is the fifth-largest freshwater lake in the world (by volume) and the third-largest in Africa (behind Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika). To go alongside the big building in neu berlin. While this has given the colony the best-trained forces, it has also given them the least amount of forces available, excluding Reichskommissariat Sdwestafrika. From their station, KivuWatt's engineers watched the sky turn red and angry. DISCLAIMER: As of the recent update, this article is no longer canon to the story and the mod of TNO. Terms of Use It seems that the major cause of the eruptions was the mass amount of forest in the new lake. Attempts of peace talks between the UP and the ANC have however enraged Afrikaner nationalists, who had militarized themselves with German arms and began to self-segregate, further dividing the nation. The carbon dioxide is pumped back into the lake at a precise enough depth to ensure the delicate balance is not upset. Various versions have been proposed. Location If Httig was unable to assert control over the empire and it collapsed quickly, it will form into a number of functional socialist, monarchist and democratic states. After the war, the Schild's fate depends on the outcome: What happens when the Reichsstaat collapses, depends on how long it was around for: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Chmielewski, considering himself Httig's favorite, is prone to brag of the dangerous and vile tasks Httig entrusts to him and him alone. It's neither, as it's instead instigated by Karl Chmielewski on RK Ostafrika's behalf in an attempt to destablize South Africa. The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. It was not the lava shooting from Mount Nyiragongo last May that spooked them, but the enormous concentrations of potentially explosive gases within Kivu, one of Africa's great Rift lakes lying between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Privacy Policy. "This is what we call a killer lake," the limnologist, or an expert in freshwater systems, told AFP. Zentralafrika is a wealthy land populated with foreign investment and mercenaries, and Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller pursues a . Domestically, however, he presides over the poorest Reichskommissariat in Africa, lacking an industrial base and relying on imports and gas fees for its runways. General Bureau for Central African Affairs. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Its most notable feature however is a gigantic lake in the Northwestern part of the colony. Organization of Free Nations Provisional Government of the Congo, More The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki, Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, Polish Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. An old man, filled with wrinkles, and comprised with a small stature. The bigger question is why people are unable to ever just search "lake africa" in the subreddit and find the dozens of previously answered threads about the exact same topic. Atlantropa The son of a leading U.S. admiral, John McCain fought on his father's fleet as a naval aviator during the South African War, falling prisoner during a botched attempt to evacuate civilians from Cape Town at the tail end of the conflict. Generalbur representative for Ostafrika's minority of British colonists and exiles is Clifford Dupont. One common theory is that he skins his prisoners to the bone, using their flesh to decorate his furniture. When I saw those creatures for the first time alongside the lake, I was completely blown away, says Brandt. As the ANC's leaders were killed or exiled by Hertzog's regime, the ensuing power struggle for the organization's remnants was won by none other than Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Welcome to the The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki. Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller is one of the Reich's most beloved media darlings: bold, charming and magnetic. The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. roy lee ferrell righteous brothers Likes. The Draka go well beyond that, from what I can recall of that series, if nothing else, by scale if not magnitude. tno africa lake 05 Jun. Of course, this also meant that when the man in power in Drakia determined that the state was going to do a project, all reasonable scientific objections and concerns were automatically silenced which was what had happened with theHadrian Plan to dam the Congo River. It is likely that he will continue to reign for many years to come. As with most things in South Africa, reality is far more convoluted. Cookie Policy From the alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron IV. [1/6] A general view of the submerged tourism businesses at the Pink Lake (Lac Rose), officially known as Lake Retba, after extreme floods washed away salt mounts and contaminated the lake and . Insects proliferated in the turbid waters, many of them disease-carriers, but that was a minor problem compared to the vast quantities of carbon dioxide released by the ongoing decay of a million square kilometers of forest. After Httig has seized control of the other Reichkommissariats to form his Groafrikanischer Reichstaat, he can even seek refuge with the Free French or join them as a general. The OFN Mandate over Angola, formerly the northern half of RK Sdwestafrika. When, one time, someone showed up with an entire, well-preserved fish eagle, it was extraordinary., Just coming into contact with the water was dangerous. The flag of the Greater African Realm (Groafrikanischer Reichsstaat). Organization of Free Nations Provisional Government of the Congo, Should the war have ended with the Schild surviving (either due to the Schild winning or a ceasefire being reached), or Huttig take the "Brudermord" focus during the War, the Schild will collapse, as. Currency 1 July 2021. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Performers Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But when Maurice woke up and heard the rhythmic shouts of dissent, his only action was a meek request for the curtains to be closed. The loss of 1.2 million square kilometers of rainforest drove hundreds of unique species to extinction, while displacing large numbers of individuals (including quite a few humans- a few minor princely states were relocated whole-cloth) who flooded into adjacent regions where they overconsumed available food sources and sent overburdened ecosystems into full collapse.
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