Tito Santana vs. Damien Demento Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) defeated Russ Greenburg & Mark Thomas at 2:28 when Mabel scored the pin with a spin kick Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Headshrinkers, WWF @ Rochester, NY October 30, 1993 (4,000) Lex Luger defeated Ludvig Borga Midget D defeated Little Eagle Bret Hart pinned Jerry Lawler with an inside cradle at 11:22 as Lawler attempted a backdrop; Lawler originally won the match at 8:35 with his feet on the ropes after hitting Hart with his crown behind the referees back but another referee came out, told referee Tim White what happened, and White ordered the match to continue; if Lawler refused to return to the ring by a 10-count, he would be suspended; after the contest, Hart continued to assault Lawler and attempted to apply the Sharpshooter but Lawler escaped the ring (Bret The Hitman Hart) for Mr. Randy Savage fought Crush (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) to a double count-out at 16:14 Tatanka pinned Damien Demento with the fall away slam Owen Hart defeated Terry Taylor Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) pinned Bam Bam Bigelow at 7:28 after Bigelow was distracted by Dink Brutus Beefcake pinned Terry Taylor Perfect to a match Perfect pinned Doink the Clown with the Perfect Plex at around the 15-minute mark after the initial Doink switched places with a second Doink underneath the ring; after the bout, the two Doinks attacked Perfect until Crush made the save and cleared them from the ring (1993 Year in Review, Best of the WWF: Heroes of the Squared Circle, Monday Night Raw: Prime Cuts, The Best of Raw: Seasons 1 & 2) Kamala defeated Damien Demento Roster is the roster for WWF SmackDown!. Kamala pinned Kimchee Bob Backlund pinned Damien Demento with a roll up and bridge at 7:56 The Undertaker defeated Giant Gonzalez Survivor Series Showdown 11/21/93: Doink the Clown pinned Bastion Booger with a school boy roll up; after the bout, Doink poured tobasco sauce on Boogers pizza when he wasnt looking; moments later, Booger ate the pizza and sold the hot sauce as though it was burning his mouth WWF World Champion Bret Hart pinned Bam Bam Bigelow at 11:51 after Bigelow hit his head on an unprotected turnbuckle moments after he took off the turnbuckle pad Cancelled due to bad weather; the show was rescheduled for May 1 and tickets from this card would be honored for that event, WWF @ Binghamton, NY Broome County Arena March 14, 1993 for Well Dunn) at 12:12 when Mabel got the pin with a legdrop, WWF @ Locksheldreke, NY Sullivan County Community College November 7, 1993 (sell out) Copyright 2010-2023 TheSmackDownHotel.com. for an injured Razor Ramon) via disqualification after Doink sprayed Perfect with something from the flower on his jacket Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS via disqualification Tito Santana defeated Repo Man WWF Superstars taping: Jerry "The King" Lawler, "The Narcissist" Lex Luger, The Giant Gonzales, . Skinner pinned Max Moon (sub. The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) defeated Phil Apollo & Jerry Seavy at 3:06 when Fatu pinned Seavy with a splash off the top; during the match, Vince McMahon announced that WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers would join him on commentary the following week and that Johnny Polo would face Marty Jannetty; after the contest, the Headshrinkers threw Seavy to the floor, WWF @ Springfield, MA Civic Center November 30, 1993 (4,000; papered) Undertaker, "The Mountie" Jauques Rougeau, Mike "I.R.S." Perfect" Curt Hennig, Luke Williams, Butch Miller, Perfect defeated Diesel WWF Superstars Of Wrestling (1997) 1/5/97. Michaels, "Mr. Tatanka pinned Bam Bam Bigelow after Bigelow hit his head on an unprotected turnbuckle Miss Texas defeated Leslie Balanger Yokozuna pinned Randy Savage at 3:42 Samu, Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall, Bob Backlund, Yokozuna, Matt "Doink the Perfect pinned Samu (w/ Afa) with the Perfect Plex at 13:34 after Samu missed a headbutt off the top (Global Warfare, Best of the WWF: European Rampage Tour) The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna via disqualification, WWF @ Houston, TX Summit March 5, 1993 Like its predecessor, WWF Super WrestleMania, it is based on the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). Skinner defeated Koko B. Ware Crush vs. Doink the Clown Master of Terror #1 defeated Chris Michaels USWA Champion Jerry Lawler fought Randy Savage to a double disqualification when Jeff Jarrett and Brian Christopher interfered; Savage played the heel in the bout, WWF @ Louisville, KY Louisville Gardens March 6, 1993 (4,200) Giant Gonzalez, Jerry Lawler, & Jeff Jarrett defeated Ron & Don Harris, & Brian Christopher, WWF @ New York City, NY Manhattan Center March 1, 1993 (1,000) Adam Bomb defeated Tony Devito WWF Superstars Of Wrestling (1994) 1/1/94: Taped 12/1/93; Utica, NY; War Memorial. The Bushwhackers defeated the Beverly Brothers at 14:36 when Butch pinned Blake after Beau accidentally hit his partner with a double axe handle off the top (Best of the WWF: European Rampage Tour) Mr. Owen Hart defeated the Brooklyn Brawler Dark match after the taping: Razor Ramon (sub. 7/24/93 included the announcement that WWF President Jack Tunney agreed to give Lex Luger a world title shot against Yokozuna at Summer Slam, with the added stipulation that Luger must wear a protective pad on his forearm; featured closing comments from Luna Vachon and Sensational Sherri regarding their match scheduled for the following week: Terry Taylor defeated Jim Brunzell 8/2/93 featured a backstage promo by Randy Savage in which he said he had a little surprise for Doink the Clown later in the show; included the first Who is Lex Luger? vignette in which Luger discussed academics and his extra-cirricular activities and being shy as a kid and having that confused as arrogance; featured the announcement Tatanka would face Mr. Hughes the following week; included Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan speaking with Ted Dibiase on the phone about his loss over the weekend on Wrestling Challenge to the 1-2-3 Kid, with Dibiase hanging up when McMahon said they were going to review footage from the match; moments after the footage was shown, Jim Cornette from Smoky Mountain Wrestling walked out to the ring and was hugged and introduced over the mic by Heenan, who put him over as the greatest manager in the history of wrestling; Cornette then said he was only the greatest manager because Heenan retired and said he had the greatest tag team he had ever managed the Heavenly Bodies and issued a challenge to WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner on behalf of his team (Cornettes surprise WWF debut); featured Jim Duggans USA video from WrestleMania: The Album; included footage of the tourist attractions in the Alexandria Bay area; featured footage of the Lex Express visiting Erie, PA; included a closing announcement from Cornette that the Heavenly Bodies would debut the following week and he had a few other surprises as well: Marty Jannetty pinned Jack Reno at 2:59 with the Rocker Dropper All American Wrestling 4/11/93: Jim Duggan pinned Damien Demento with the running clothesline at 3:45 Giant Gonzalez defeated Kamala Southern Heavyweight Champion Brian Christopher defeated the Undertaker via disqualification WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels pinned Bob Backlund with a sunset flip and grabbing the tights for leverage Nachdem man entschieden hatte, den letzten WWE Undisputed Champion Brock Lesnar whrend der Aufteilung der WWE in die zwei Roster Raw und SmackDown, den Titel nur noch bei SmackDown verteidigen zu lassen, blieb Raw ohne einen Weltschwergewichts-Titel. Doink the Clown (w/ Dink) pinned Duane Gill with the Whoopie Cushion Canceled, USWA @ Memphis, TN Mid-South Coliseum June 21, 1993 (2,000) The Bushwhackers & Tiger Jackson defeated Blake Beverly, the Brooklyn Brawler, & Little Louie Bob Backlund pinned Adam Bomb Rotundo, "Tatanka" Chris Chavis, "The Rocket" Owen Hart, Barry Perfect at 18:55 by reversing a small package; after the bout, Perfect reentered the ring to shake Harts hand (The Bret Hart Story: The Best There Is, Was, and Ever Will Be) WWF Superstars taping: WWF World Champion Yokozuna vs. Bret Hart, WWF @ Boston, MA Boston Garden September 11, 1993 (4,800) Virgil pinned Bastion Booger with a roll up (Boogers TV debut) Tito Santana vs. Repo Man Perfect & Tatanka defeated WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers via disqualification Owen Hart vs. Bastion Booger 6/20/93 featured an opening announcement the WWF Tag Team Titles had changed hands twice in the past week, with Rick & Scott Steiner winning them 6/14 in Columbus, OH and Ted Dibiase & IRS regaining them 6/16 in Rockford, IL; included a post-King of the Ring Report where Gene Okerlund conducted an interview with WWF World Champion Yokozuna & Mr. Fuji, with Fuji saying Yokos title win would be celebrated July 4 on the USS Intrepid and challenged any American athlete to attempt to bodyslam Yoko; featured a Special Report segment showing last weeks incident on WWF Superstars where the Undertaker & Paul Bearer were attacked by Giant Gonzalez and Mr. Hughes and the urn was stolen, followed by pre-taped comments from Hughes in which he said Taker would never regain the urn: WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS via disqualification; Sgt. Crush defeated Doink the Clown via disqualification Adam Bomb defeated Virgil Bret Hart defeated IRS, WWF @ Columbus, OH Convention Center December 31, 1993 The Headshrinkers fought the Nasty Boys to a double disqualification Ludvig Borga defeated Scott Taylor via submission with the Torture Rack Tatanka pinned Glen Ruth at 2:09 with the Samoan drop Razor Ramon defeated IRS Doink the Clown pinned Crush after a second Doink interfered Adam Bomb (w/ Harvey Wippleman) pinned Mike Bucci at 1:51 with the powerbomb; a young boy from the crowd, by the name of JB Yetter, was the guest ring announcer for the match Yokozuna pinned Jim Duggan with the Bonzai Drop Mr. Hughes defeated Virgil for Marty Jannetty) via submission with the Boston Crab at 15:12 9/26/93 included footage of the confrontation between Shawn Michaels and the 1-2-3 Kid from last weeks WWF Superstars to begin the broadcast; featured Doink the Clown as a guest of the Kings Court in which Jerry Lawler made Doink his court jester and said he should take orders from him, with Doink then making fun of Lawler and dumping a bucket of water over his head when he had his back turned; included highlights of the Quebec Province Rules and Scott Steiner / Pierre matches from the previous two episodes of Raw: The Predator defeated Larry Ludden USWA Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarter Finals: Jerry Lawler & the Red Knight defeated Doomsday (Glen Jacobs) & Reggie B. Bob Backlund defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via count-out Perfect defeated Diesel Rick & Scott Steiner defeated WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecers via disqualification Doink the Clown pinned Bam Bam Bigelow Crush defeated Papa Shango 10/23/93 Randy Savage was absent from commentary, selling injuries from the previous Mondays Raw from Crush; included an Update segment focusing on the two main event matches at Survivor Series; featured a vignette promoting the debut of Jeff Jarrett; included a Survivor Series Report where two more matches were announced for the event Bam Bam Bigelow, the Headshrinkers and Bastion Booger vs. Four Doinks, and Razor Ramon, Mr. 9/13/93: Tito Santana pinned the Predator at 7:00 with the flying forearm Adam Bomb pinned Virgil Jerry Lawler defeated Randy Savage in a steel cage match via disqualification when Sensational Sherri interfered, WWF @ Newcastle, England Whitley Bay Ice Rink April 19, 1993 Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Beverly Brothers at 17:28 when Scott pinned Beau following the Frankensteiner; during the bout, Rick was injured and returned to the locker room but returned later in the bout with his leg heavily taped Razor Ramon vs. Tatanka Typhoon pinned Damien Demento at 8:10 with a powerslam WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 18:43 when referee Danny Davis came ringside, while referee Earl Hebner was still knocked out, and awarded the match to the champions after Hogan used Beefcakes steel face protector as a weapon, with Hogan and Beefcake then receiving double pinfalls by Hart after Hart turned his jacket inside out to reveal a referee stripped inside; prior to the bout, it was mentioned that Hogan was jumped the night before outside of a gym to explain his swollen eye; early in the match, the champions attempted to walk out of the bout and take a count-out loss to keep their championship intact but the referee ordered them to either return to the ring or forfeit their titles; after the bout, Hart threw Danny Davis out of the ring; moments later, Hogan, Beefcake, and Hart went around ringside handing out cash found in Money Incs briefcase, which had been left ringside (Hogans first TV match in a year; Beefcakes last TV match) Tatanka pinned Bastion Booger 11/20/93 featured the debut of Reo Rogers (Bruce Prichard) who did guest commentary for the show alongside Vince McMahon, replacing Jerry Lawler; included footage of the Lex Luger / Pierre match from Raw to begin the show and the announcement Pierre was now out of the Survivor Series and the Foreign Fanatics would name a replacement later in the show; featured an Update segment showing footage from Monday Night Raw 2 weeks ago, showing Randy Savage throwing McMahon to the floor and attacking Crush, resulting in him being suspended as a broadcaster; included the Foreign Fanatics introducing Crush as their new partner; featured a vignette promoting the debut of Jeff Jarrett, which included a cameo appearance by Miss Texas (Jackie) of the USWA: Mr. WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels (w/ Diesel) pinned Chris Hawn with a piledriver, WWF @ Huntington, WV Civic Center June 15, 1993 (4,400) WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Nasty Boys The Undertaker defeated Mr. Hughes WWF Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & IRS defeated the Smoking Gunns in a non-title match at 6:59 when Dibiase pinned Bart with a knee to the back, roll up, and grabbing Barts jeans for leverage after IRS tripped Bart from the floor; during the bout, Rick & Scott Steiner cut an insert promo regarding them teaming with the Gunns to face Dibiase, IRS, & the Headshrinkers as part of the King of the Ring Perfect defeated WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels via disqualification; Perfect initially won the match and title with the Perfect Plex at 5:59 but initial referee Bill Alphonso disputed the call since Michaels had collided with him moments before the pinfall; replacement referee Earl Hebner awarded the title to Perfect, and Perfect left the ring with the title belt and was announced as the new champion; moments later, Hebner and Alphonso argued, with the two also twice shoving Michaels to the mat when he tried to complain; later in the night, it was announced Michaels was still the champion (WWE: Unreleased: 1986-1995) Bret Hart pinned Jeff Jarrett Perfect Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned JS Storm with the tombstone Papa Shango (w/ Scotty Flamgingo) pinned USWA World Champion Jerry Lawler to win the title after shooting a fireball in his face, WWF @ Worcester, MA Memorial Auditorium May 4, 1993 (4,000; sell out) Rick & Scott Steiner defeated the Executioners at 3:09 when Scott scored the pin with the Frankensteiner The Dog Catchers defeated the Moondogs Crush (sub. Tatanka (sub. The Headshrinkers defeated the Smoking Gunns WWF World Champion Bret Hart pinned Ric Flair at 24:14, WWF @ Valparaiso, IN Athletic & Recreation Center January 2, 1993 (matinee) Yokozuna pinned Randy Savage with a belly to belly suplex Shawn Michaels pinned Bert Centeno with an elbow drop off the top. 5/8/93 featured a closing segment in which Raymond Rougeau interviewed Giant Gonzalez and Harvey Wippleman regarding Gonzalez KOTR Qualifying match with Tatanka the following week: Williams, Butch Miller, Typhoon, Earthquake, Paul "Kato" Diamond, The Doink the Clown defeated Marty Jannetty Perfect, WWF @ Erie, PA Civic Center July 29, 1993 (1,500) The Headshrinkers defeated the Smoking Gunns Crush defeated Al Burke via submission with the head vice at 2:17 (Crushs return match after being sidelined following the attack by Doink a month earlier) Doink the Clown defeated Marty Jannetty Owen Hart defeated USWA Heavyweight Champion Papa Shango to win the title The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) pinned Steve Moore (Al Snow) at 2:56 with the tombstone Doink the Clown (Keirn) (sub. Jim Duggan pinned Barry Hardy with the running clothesline at 2:01 A Billy Gunn Road Dogg X-Pac Mark Henry Godfather Bradshaw Faarooq Goldust Marc mero Al Snow D'lo Brown Mosh Thrasher Steve Blackman Big Boss man Taka Michinoku . Mr. Tito Santana pinned Papa Shango at 7:37 after Shango missed an elbow drop off the top Bret Hart defeated Jerry Lawler in a cage match after interference from both the Blue Knight (Brian Costello) and Owen Hart, WWF @ Richfield, OH Coliseum November 6, 1993 (4,000) The Nasty Boys fought the Headshrinkers to a double disqualification Typhoon defeated Damien Demento The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna via disqualification, USWA @ Nashville, TN February 20, 1993 (about 1,400) The Headshrinkers (w/ Afa) defeated Tim McNeany & Scott Taylor following Fatus splash off the top; after the bout, the Shrinkers smashed Afas pineapple over one of the opponents heads for the Berzerker) Jerry Lawler fought Jim Powers to a no contest; during his entrance, Lawler took the mic from Howard Finkel, said he was used to getting respect, and told the fans he would leave if the fans kept chanting Burger King; when they didnt stop chanting, Lawler left ringside Bam Bam Bigleow defeated the Big Bossman IRS defeated an unknown Sean Waltman and Lex Luger were on the same roster while they both wrestled for the World Wrestling Federation (1993-1995) and World Championship Wrestling (1996-1997) at the same time. Featuring wrestling matches, interviews and updates on ongoing feuds and upcoming events. Monday Night Raw taping: The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Doink the Clown WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated Diesel via disqualification 10/2/93 included the 9/26/93 Wrestling Challenge segment where Doink the Clown was a guest of the Kings Court; featured an Update segment where it was announced Shawn Michaels had been stripped of the WWF IC Title and suspended for failing to appear for some title matches and not fulfilling his contratual obligations; it was also announced there would be a 20-man battle royal this week on Raw to determine what two men would battle for the vacant championship: Bret Hart defeated Bam Bam Bigelow, WWF @ Dublin, Ireland Point Depot April 21, 1993 (4,000) Monday Night Raw taping: Virgil defeated Iron Mike Sharpe 8/29/93 included the Lex Luger Ill Be Your Hero music video to open the broadcast; featured a Kings Court segment where Jerry Lawler was on location with an Elvis impersonator in a pink Cadillac, with Lawler saying Bret Hart would no longer be impersonating him following their match at SummerSlam; included an Undertaker vignette showing him in a graveyard preparing for his Rest in Peace match with Giant Gonzalez at SummerSlam; featured a SummerSlam Report in which it was announced Aaron Neville would be singing the National Anthem at the event, with footage then shown from WWF Superstars of Gene Okerlund conducting an interview with WWF World Champion Yokozuna, Mr. Fuji, & Jim Cornette until they were interrupted by Randy Savage and other wrestlers appearing in the crowd with American flags in hand: Perfect) The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Bastion Booger (sub. Blake Beverly pinned Jim Powers Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Johnny Polo (sub. Tatanka defeated Adam Bomb via count-out The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna, WWF @ Chicago, IL Rosemont Horizon February 20, 1993 (5,500) The Brooklyn Brawler pinned the Predator with a backbreaker Repo Man pinned Jim Powers KOTR Qualifying Match: Bam Bam Bigelow pinned Typhoon at around the 7-minute mark with a Samoan Drop and the diving headbutt after Typhoon hit the corner (Best of the WWF: Fan Favorites, Monday Night Raw Prime Cuts UK) 11/29/93 included Vince McMahons in-ring presentation of the WWF Wrestler of the Year Award with Lex Luger coming out as the 1st runner up and Bret Hart being named the winner: He was released pending a $250,000 bond. The Night Stalker (Brian Clarke) defeated Reno Riggins Tatanka defeated Doink the Clown (Borne), WWF @ London, Ontario London Gardens August 29, 1993 The Smoking Gunns defeated Corey Student & Joe Brennon at 2:40 when Billy pinned Brennon with an elbow drop off the top as Bart held Brennon in a side slam position Featured Colin Scott as a guest of a non-televised Kings Court segment in which both men ended up in the ring and Scott knocked Lawler to the floor Bret Hart defeated Lex Luger via disqualification when Razor Ramon interfered as Hart had Luger in the Sharpshooter; after the bout, Hart was double teamed until Luger accidentally knocked Razor out with a running forearm, with Hart then knocking Luger to the floor; Ramon and Luger then brawled with each other once Ramon was able to revive himself, Wrestling Dontaku 93 Fukuoka, Japan Fukuoka Dome May 3, 1993 (55,000) Damien Demento pinned Tommy Knight at 1:56 with a kneedrop Marty Jannetty defeated Doink the Clown in a Best 2 out of 3 falls match at 20:38; fall #1: Doink pinned Jannetty at 7:16 with the Woopie Cushion after Jannetty hit the corner chest-first; fall #2: Jannetty pinned Doink with the flying fistdrop at 4:38 after a facebuster; fall #3: Jannetty defeated Doink via reverse decision; Doink originally won the match at 8:44 with a piledriver after switching places with a second Doink but Randy Savage pulled the hiding Doink out from under the ring and referee Earl Hebner changed the call; during the bout, it was noted several players in the NFL, NBA, and NHL would participate in the Bodyslam Challenge on the USS Intrepid (The Best of Raw: Seasons 1 & 2)
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