Revolutions can be contagious. Compare and Contrast Revolutions Flashcards | Quizlet People of all classes, especially the middle and lower classes, began to use these ideas to formulate an ideology of resistance. Divided We Fall: Americas Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation (by David French),, Learn more about your ad choices. Like, is that really what its about? Compare And Contrast French Revolution And American | The American Revolutionalso called the U.S. War of Independencewas the insurrection fought between 1775 and 1783 through which 13 of Great Britains North American colonies threw off British rule to establish the sovereign United States of America, founded with the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The American Revolution set the background for the modern nation state as well as molding the modern Army. I mean, of course, nobodys voted yet. There was unionist sentiment in the south. Dont trust mail in and then Fox calls for Arizona, and the whole right wing population or much of it was like, wait, we were told not to trust this process, and theres Fox going ahead and calling this red state for Biden that cant possibly be real. But this group that we were talking to is a hundred percent people who voted for Mitt Romney. Its like, thats absurd. Were like, well, in the beginning, I was for it. Okay? Maybe its both. But okay. Meanwhile, the Netherlands, which provided both official recognition of the United States and financial support for it, was engaged in its own war against Britain. The American revolution and the French Revolution are two major incidents happened in the 1700s, which had intense social impacts on both French and American societies. And and theyre theyre fighting. So for example, going back several years, single payer healthcare would be an incredibly low support for Republicans. get to us? The colony made these profits through enslaved labor. It rejected European racist hierarchies and defined all Haitians as "black." What do you think? They dont give. And so there is some social signaling here. The all-day siege and capture of the royal fortress by a mob of revolutionaries resulted in more than 100 dead or wounded rioters, as well as the murder of the fortress' military governor, Bernard-Jordan de Launay. Beginning with the Stamp Act of 1765, Great Britain tried and failed to raise revenue from their subjects in the American colonies. The Creole population led the revolutions initially. Is that a collapse in the faith of institutions? However, there were also differences as far as political, economic and social causes were concerned. Right. And when I drill down, I find out that they dont actually. like, thats too far. Across right wing media. They get in and then they start calling the other people names. A cause of the French Revolution was Louis XIV's pursuit of absolute authority. Well, on that uplifting note, David French, my friend, thank you for coming on at The Focus Secret Podcast and talk talking to us about our big national crack up. If youre working in a McDonalds for a manager, if youre working in an in assurance company for the manager, you name it. We know trust is the problem. They are like to use that an illustration. That there was a very troubling part about why Nikki Haley could not be the president, and it was super like well, no world leader would take a woman seriously. But the idea that between the two people on January sixth, Trump, who wanted to overturn the election in Pence, who had stood by Trump every second of the four years prior, and who drew the line at a coup was going to then lose his standing and become a what happened to Mike Pences situation. So here you had Fox sort of at the apex of the infotainment. The bad news is the term for that group of people is the exhausted majority. Oh, if Democrats move into red states, they shouldnt be able to vote for at least five years. anything. And I think the fox revelation should be very sobering because what they have told us is that, you know, weve talked about the power of leadership leadership has exerted such power for so long, that Im starting to wonder how much attempts to counter the flow of this river. And so thats why, you know, when I think about National Unity going forward, that exhausted majority So long as the operative word is exhausted and not majority, we face a problem. Hello. Once the operative word starts to be majority and not exhausted, then weve got a chance to to work our way through this. Its an honor to join you. The late 18th and 19th century brought about the French and Haitian Revolutions. Haiti even sent soldiers and weapons to help Bolvar fight the Spanish. The American Revolution took place between 1775 and 1783, while the French Revolution occurred between 1789 and 1799. I just trusted that that was how the vote was recorded. In general, the American Revolution was more successful than the French revolution. New York Times opinion columnist David French (literally) wrote the book on a possible national divorce. Is this idea that they were like, well, our people believe this and theyre good people, so were gonna reinforce it. Two of the main revolutions were the French Revolution and the Latin American Revolution. And Ive had the same conversation with folks who say, well, I go first to fox, and then I also look at CNN. To actively oppose it. Understandably, the other European monarchs were pretty shocked. Yeah. And heres the other thing. Until early in 1778, the American Revolution was a civil war within the British Empire, but it became an international war as France (in 1778) and Spain (in 1779) joined the colonies against Britain. In response, several men from Boston dressed up as Indigenous Americans and threw tea from British ships into Boston harbor. Now well see. Direct link to layladuran.2007's post What factors led to the A, Posted 10 months ago. But in any event, so there are things that they said that I wasnt wild about. just gonna kinda keep her to arms length. These people arent advocating. The American and French revolutions are similar in some ways but different in others. In general, the American Revolution was more successful than the French revolution. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Dont trust the FBI, but I wouldnt trust my own eyes. The American colonies did not want to be associated with British anymore they wanted to break away from their mother country, they wanted to be named their own country. All Rights Reserved. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Their society was split into two groups. Compare American and French politics of the 18th and 19th centuries. Two revolutions, both taking place in the 18th Century, both world-changing. This whole voting system is ridiculous. We certainly cant be counted on having conservative beliefs because we said something about what was happening. Both revolutions followed the anatomy of a revolution and had comparable causes, however the French Revolution politically better outcomes, whereas the Latin American Revolution resulted in poverty and lost territory. What is a revolution? Will see you guys again next week. On July 14th, the Parisians responded by storming the royal prison, called the Bastille. Youve seen the GIF of Homer Simpson with his eyes wide kind of backing into the shrubbery. First, Enlightenment ideas and ideals inspired all of them. It's not as if all revolutions challenged every issue. The Americans, in contrast, did not envy the British; they wanted to be left alone, to chart their own political destiny. But then if you tell them about, say, the Seth Rich conspiracy theory coming out of Fox or all of the Dominion nonsense coming out of Fox, that doesnt tell them to distrust Fox. Yeah. It hadn't met since 1614. This is a guy whos a slave owner. In the early stages of the rebellion by the American colonists, most of them still saw themselves as English subjects who were being denied their rights as such. The Enlightenment and American Revolution resulted in the people believing that their government, or ruler, should protect the peoples rights, including the right to overthrow a government that fails to do so. British generals, however, tended toward a lack of imagination and initiative, while those who demonstrated such qualities often were rash. So I always say, like, yes, it was a recessive gene that became a dominant gene in part because Donald Trump had a genuine impact and changed a cohort of voters within the Conservative Coalition that, like, actually cared a little bit, maybe about some free market stuff or limited government or like all the normie conservatives, which is I dont know why because I need some broad terms to describe people. Compare And Contrast The American And French Revolution I used to respect you. The Civil War was more than an unsatisfied party rebelling against a larger power, but a clash between two vastly different ways of life. What did the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man have in common? I wouldnt be surprised if it took another civil war, to be honest. Like, theres a part of the party that wanted Donald Trump. They had the same reason to revolt as the colonist did, they both felt like they were being oppressed, overtaxed and felt like they were. Both these revolutions had the similar cause, effects, and stages that resulted . The similarity between them is that the citizens in both countries, both faced the block of common economical development of the government. Composed of seven states from the South, this new government looked to separate from a union that they felt was tipping in power towards those who wanted to threaten the rights of the South, especially slavery. Because these are the people who sort of know better, but theres no leader or anybody else who is appealing to the good nature thats inside of them that you hear coming out and is pulling on those best instincts to say we have to resist this. The English Civil War was a war between the Parliamentarians and Royalists in England. I do not think a national divorce is going to happen. Even then theyd find ballots back to somebodys trunk, but it was a lot more difficult. Are the ideals as described in federalist ten good? The American Revolution and the French Revolution were two significant events in world history that shaped the modern world and had a profound impact on political, social, and economic systems. I do think that movements can be learning organisms. Also the American colonies had an army of trained officials led by George Washington, to fight against the British. When the Enlightenment ideas went from France and beyond Europe they were found in books like Diderots Encyclopedia. But there has just been this relentless drumbeat, and then I wrote about this for the times. Suddenly, the Latin American colonies found themselves without a direct European power telling them what to do. Because people do talk about the idea of national war, civil war, and just like how tense things are all the time. So she has a role to play in the coalition. Oh, god. I looked a couple of days ago, I didnt see that the daily wire had covered this Mhmm. And so I think that this is a thing where people look at this sort of patchwork of blue cities and red states and forgets that in any kind of separatist movement, youre always going to have dissenters and the presence of dissenters doesnt mean that the separatists movements dont succeed as weve seen from our own history. Militias, poorly disciplined and with elected officers, were summoned for periods usually not exceeding three months. In the American Revolution, the colonies in America were being ruled overseas by a limited monarchy and were generally allowed to govern themselves. Yeah. So you went from holding your nose in twenty sixteen to third bass boat in the boat parade in twenty twenty. Both revolutions were driven by a desire for greater freedom and equality, and both resulted in significant changes to the respective countries. And were having a great conversation and then she turns to me and she says, you know, they sent this tornado to punish the red states. mean, when did Chris Ruffo become a traitor to the cause? And the new coalition gradually overcomes the old instincts. And so when you talk to somebody who liked those folks in the focus group, Its like peeling an onion of manufactured distrust. The first two estates had many privileges while the Third Estate paid all the taxes and normally didn't have any voice in the government or in making laws. Revolutionaries were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment including individual freedom. Ive never seen it like this. Although the Civil War and American Revolution shared many similarities, the Civil War differed in the fact that it was more of a confrontation of two opposing. French peasants had to pay the heaviest taxes; leaving them to starve. Evidence French Revolution Teaching Resources | TPT The French Revolution was not successful in forming a democratic government due to Frances history of a monarchy, economic issues and divison among its people. 4.6. And And I said, well, how was your voting experience? Lastly, both parties got power in the end from whom they wanted to be free from. Im fifty seven and Ive never seen it like this. And we also know, Sarah, if Chris Ruffo came out tomorrow and said, I have concluded that Donald Trump has committed crimes. Mhmm. The goal of the American Revolution was to get away from the British government and be free. America cant be in these forever worse. And unsurprisingly, the next section I have here is, lets listen to these voters talk the media. And so I just felt like I was watching a rerun of all kinds conversations Ive had from everything around dinners and restaurants locally to conversations with old friends. In response, the British announced the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts in 1774, which closed Boston's harbor, curtailed local elections, and expanded the power of the royal governor. You say, look, I dont fully trust any institution. The plantation system was dismantled, and Haiti became a nation of subsistence farmers who worked their own land. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. So I wanna talk to all about one of the core causes. Its difficult to pin point which country chose the best method, but we compare some of the facts and take a deeper look as to what was transpiring in both of these Revolutions. When you think people are good people or youre a news organization, like your obligation is to tell them the truth and they knew the truth and they didnt tell it to people which means they hold them in contempt and they think theyre stupid. People have dramatically different points of view can live side by side with each other, possess the same amount of liberty, possess the same rights of free association and all of the things that we possess to allow us to create thriving communities and we expand the sphere. Like, as I was watching group. Its. The American and the French Revolutions - They need to have a much more clear way to vote like it used to be. But like for the most part, they were decent people who recognized, like, that Trump is bad. In 1777, French volunteers began arriving in support of the revolution, and in 1778 the French government officially allied itself with the new American country against the British. In each location, there was a noticeable trend of mistreatment between government and people. And the best federalist paper. They fought for their independence and release. Everyone, and welcome to the Focus Group podcast. In February 1861, a new government was on the horizon in the United States, known as the Confederate States of America. And, like, sometimes people end up. The American Revolution The American Revolution was movement that effectively ended British Control and signalled the birth of a new nation, the United States of America. Churches controlled more affairs of the state. Or do you Beg to Differ? And so we saw this in the Trump era in abundance. And and the question is is like, well, which one wins? And when you say censoring in state run, who do you mean? by. Trump broke you. An MTG isnt the only high profile figure to raise the prospect of secession, national divorce and civil war over the past few years. Mhmm. As the ideas spread over the years American and French lives would change slowly. But, you know, I tend to really appreciate the epic times. Similar to the French, it also started because of wanting equality rights. And you can just start to see this on issue after issue after issue. And you know, Id imagine youd get a little pushback on this idea that that theres not something endemic in the Republican Party. Americans fought the war on land with essentially two types of organization: the Continental (national) Army and the state militias. John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, and Baron de Montesquieu were all part of the Enlightenment. towards conflict, towards division away from honesty, mean, just look at the Fox News revelations regarding the twenty twenty election, there is such an incredible pressure to conform with that Trumpist culture now that its just radiating up and down the rightward part of the spectrum. Always what about. And they they do lean right, absolutely. And you just kinda go back to talking about SEC football, but. Few acts by the crown roused so much antagonism in America as that use of foreign mercenaries. And if the hypermagoworld keeps losing, then there can be a hope for a reassessment. And in fact, one of the things that sort of saved us from that group its not all been in one party. Direct link to sai aasrita's post Which one of these revolu, Posted 2 months ago. Every child learns of the American Revolution at least once in their lives. only as a way they would ask what happened to Tucker is if Tucker started to question what was happening at Fox, Right? The french wanted reform and sovereignty from the french monarchy, they wanted a new leader and a new ruler. American Revolution vs. French Revolution - Difference Wiki This means that the French Revolution was a more recent event and was therefore influenced by the ideas and events of the American Revolution. And the identity is, well, Im a Republican. We didnt include it because we have so much to get to on this, but, like, they went hundred percent. I really have mixed feelings about being the first call when national divorce comes up. And after January sixth, Trumps approval rating with Republicans stayed very high, very slight downslope, very slight. and they love their kids and their grandkids. The purpose was to scare people to support the revolution or they would die. And so why wouldnt I vote for the Republican? We make this sphere of liberty bigger. Is this intentional lying about the election for day, week after week leading up to the attack on the capital on January sixth. One of the ships has been badly damaged, with all of its sails torn down. Its not what happened at the FBI or the CIA or whatever institution you want to talk about. So David, heres my notice about these comments. Both countries have many differences and similarities, ranging from the individuals fighting these wars to tactics and strategies they used to win. For one thing, despite winning their own independence, the leaders of the United States of America continued to enslave millions of people living in this new country. So thanks to all of you for joining us for another episode of the Focus Group. The French, Haitian, and American Revolutions were all sparked from the minds of the colonists, slaves, or lower classes who were treated with inequality by their own governments. you should take her seriously, but not literally. Although they did have similarities and differences; it seems as if their results differ more than they compare. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lived in Versailles far from the other forms of government, abusing the country wealth. I thought that. They dont give you anything back. Yeah. One hundred percent. The American Revolution was caused by the greed of the British and the thoughts of the enlightened people. But guess what? So Im gonna say something again, which is that this is another situation where I I listen to these people, and theyre telling you that they dont know where to go for the truth. Colorful drawings of soldiers In different colored uniforms holding heads on pikes. Enlightenment thinker, John Locke, contributed considerably to the growth of the U.S. by influencing the founders in their making of the constitution, which supported John Lockes and other Enlightenment thinkers ideas for government guidelines. John Locke an American enlightenment thinker thought people had natural rights and that government should have limited power. During this time period, there were several revolutions that occurred throughout the developing world. Compare/Contrast American Revolution and French Revolution APWH - Quizlet "They" Sent This Tornado (with David French) - The Bulwark I dont see so much national divorce rhetoric coming from the left. Malcolm F. Purinton is a part-time lecturer of world history and the history of modern Europe at Northeastern University and Emmanuel College in Boston. Youre gonna be automatically dismissive. people want to end up And so if you are watching right wing media, youre not gonna know. The American and French revolutions are similar in some ways but different in others. The French was influenced by the American Revolution because they saw how successful it was and thought it would work for them, The French Revolution was almost an exact replica of the American Revolution. Theres no way all of this would happen or just a little too pollyanna ish, in my view, because if you go back to secession in eighteen sixty one, if you go back to the American revolution in seventeen seventy five, moving into seventeen seventy six, Much of the same stuff was true. The french did not have much of a trained army its was more of a rebellion of a certain class of people because not all classes of people supported the french revolution. People are really angry or whatever. its not an insignificant part of the party. But, like, we get out, man. This document declared the sovereignty of the American states and listed the natural rights of mankind. But what do you think? The British Empire won the Seven Years' War (17561763), but the victory was expensive, and it put the empire into debt. They continue to trust Fox. happened? Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. You literally wrote the book on the potential of a national divorce. We should be able to get along. And if you were going to go against that cultural tone on the right, it was exhausting.
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