In both of these texts, the will of God refers to God's control over all that happens: "All things.". 5. Perhaps one of the most insightful parts of Scripture when it comes to answered prayer request is found in 1 John 5:14-15. I often have the thought that I was only out here to be tortured and punished for some reason. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im Kris, and I used to think my God-given dreams were stupid and impossible. When God answers "yes" to our prayers. Its your job to learn how to recognize His voice so youll know it when you hear it. But every human is imperfect and therefore, relating with them is sometimes hard. Why all these verses from the Bible? The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). God can be silent. How Do I Know If God Wants Me To Be With Someone? However, there is one caveat to add to this: we may not always like the answer. Staying alive and doing "this or that.". The Vanity Of Life Meaning & What This Dear Life Is About. Dr. Jim Did you enjoy this Relationship Advice post? Whats the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a person who might be right for you? God Answers Prayer in These 4 Ways - At some point, in some imperfect life situation, youve pleaded with God to show you what to do. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! They are a real eye opener. If that person isnt right for you, God would rather have you break up with that person and suffer a temporary heartbreak rather than being miserable with the wrong person you initially thought was right for you for the rest of your life. Hi. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! Please readour previous blogon asimilar topic: Struggle for an answer from God. Prayer, which is made possible by the gospel and shaped by the gospel, works the same way. God graciously gave me the opportunity to see that he was not the man God had for me. In this impatient age of instant gratification, no one wants to wait for what they want. Answer The short answer to this question is, "Yes!" God has promised that, when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will for our lives, He will give us what we ask for ( 1 John 5:14-15 ). There are many amazing people out there who will be perfect for you in every way. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Now, 17 years later I left, divorced him and have my children. This pain is the worst but I am sure it will lead us to a joy we have never experience before. If they dont and you find yourself wondering which way to go, remember this rule of thumb: Gods word always beats opposing wise human counsel. No in the sense that He will not answer your prayer concerning your relationship if that relationship isnt right for you or in line with Gods will and purpose for your life which is more important than the relationship you are trying to make work. Prayer is a way that people can communicate with the Father about everything going on in your life- both good things and bad things and it will always keep you connected to Him no matter what happens or how far away you are from home. What God desires more than anything is a relationship with people. Some who have tried prayer will doubt because they did not receive the answer to their prayer they expected or desired. And peace washed over me like a wave of comfort. Everything that happens is God's will in this sense. There are many aspects to self-care. God is your Father The Apostle Paul taught, "We are the offspring of God" (Acts 17:29). Here are some common struggles people have when praying: The same thing keeps happening that Im praying about, It feels like Im not doing anything to change my circumstances, Its hard for me to ask for help when I know that God should be helping me because He loves me more than others. Other times, he says, "no.". Are ones prayers ineffective in fertilizing the existing relationship? Simply because it came in a way you didnt expect. We all know we should pray more. But the moment I heard Him, the rightness of His answer settled into my heart. What did God do about the man you prayed to love you, did you marry him. Have you ever felt like your emotions are being pulled in every direction? I already had the love I needed in Him. Related: How To Be Sure That Trusting Gods Timing Is The Right Choice. Behind door number 3 is Gods answer of not yet. Were on a mission to change that. I speak to God several times per day. Before we dated I prayed to God that if she was the one she must say yes and if not she must say no. In closing, if this post edified you, let me know in the comments below, and dont forget to share before you leave, and may the Lord bless you with a godly marriage that will bring you joy. Required fields are marked *. Some of us think that asking for guidance from God is wrong because we should be able to figure out issues on our own. There are many reasons why He answers our prayers when we pray for help with a relationship. 4. What if you could change it to something better? 63 Godly Wisdom Quotes (That Will Make You Wiser Today. Finally, remember that God always answers our prayers. One reason is that God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him first before we can have any relationship with any humans. It can feel like life has hit an all-time low. We're not always right, and we make mistakes all the time. This answered all the questions I have worried about for many,many years.The confusion,the fear of hell most of all ,anxiety,insomnia,poor health. In the end, God is the prize. If you have a problem with your relationship and would like to get it resolved, you may be wondering if God answers prayers about relationships. 75 Christian Faith Quotes (To Strengthen You In The Lord. It is not so we get our own way! Relationships and love are very crucial in our lives. And most importantly, what is their relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, and is it sound? Online Goodness For Singles Seeking Their True Love. If youre struggling with a relationship problem, prayer may help answer your prayers about relationships. Does God answer prayers about relationships? Like there is no one to turn to for help or comfort and that life is not worth living?. And that is one thing Believers have a hard time accepting, because they want God to listen to them. 4 Things That Will Hinder Your Prayers - Harvest There are some who suggest that if one prays hard enough and long enough, all of their troubles and challenges will be positively changed. Does kindness have a cost? 45 Everyone Sins Quotes [+ Animation On Why We Sin]. Learn with this relationship advice a few tips on how to understand the different ways God speaks to us and if God always answers our prayers. The Bible teaches us that we should give ourselves completely over to Him so that He may work in and through us. The man refused again saying that God would save him. Some people ask why God doesn't answer, or doesn't always answer, their prayers. God is always there for us, even when we feel like He isnt listening or He doesnt care about our situation. He never contradicts His Word. Do you use whatsapp or something. After this divorce I entered a new relationship and its been 7 years now and he will not commit to me. Many of us dont pray often about our relationship because we feel that were the only one who can change things, or may be that God is not interested in that aspect of life. But there is hope: grace. Thats why you need to pray that God would give you a relationship with someone who is perfect for you! You are God's child. One of the simplest reasons to spend time in prayer is because the Lord taught us to pray. A simple tenet to my religion. We are all acquainted with the feeling of being taken advantage of or used. We have been planning on how we shall meet and get married soon as possible. My girlfriend recently broke up with me 3 months into our relationship. Still other times, he might say, "wait for a while before I make my answer clear.". Otherwise temptation will overpower you. Trust that God has already answered your prayer but youre not able to see what He is doing yet, Pray for others who are struggling or have less than you do; this will help you focus on whats important and it will remind you that your situation isnt as bad as someone else, Pray for the strength to trust God fully even when things seem hopeless, Remember: in everything give thanks, for this is pleasing to God. There are some teachings by pastors that I believe cause a great deal of confusion and unnecessary burdens on a lot of people especially single adults. I dont think so! God is complete and I encourage you not to limit how and when He decides to move in your life. Or do we pray for relationship, for closeness; to elevate our spirits and raise our hearts? Love Addiction: Is the Internet your drug of choice? Giving everyone everything they want would not be the right thing for us and not the right thing for a righteous God to do! Who could possibly be surprised if, as I did, youve come to all sorts of wrong conclusions because of what seems like His lack of an answer? So you willfully go spiritually deaf and blind, blocking out anything He says that you dont want to hear. "Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases " ( Psalm 115:3; cf. You need to understand that the most important relationship you can ever have here on earth is the one with God as only that relationship will never fail you and meet the greatest needs and desires of your heart that human relationships just cannot meet. I am at my parents in a different city, in my 30s and jobless we talk sometimes and he wants me back one day but he is not sure the next, the thing is I have lost all the trust I had in him. After ditching those lies and going hard after what God has for me, I now know thatwith a little courage and simple, doable stepsyou can find the freedom to live your best God-given life. Above anything else in this life, God wants a relationship with us. The answers are yes, or no or nothing (meaning wait). But if youre like me, you dont want to spend an eternity living with your mistakes. God answers all prayers by those who believe in him and trust him as their savior. Whenever I renew this correct thought process I feel much better with no kvetching. But I read all those scriptures He showed me and completely missed His answer. We would all make a shipwreck of our life and the lives of those around us if God did not intervene. How can we do this practically? Tks Julia for your comment. God is real and His power is indeed supernatural. Pauls words in 1Thessalonians 5:17 states that we are to pray continually. Take good counsel and accept correctionthats the way to live wisely and well. The altar call. ), 45 Lukewarm Christian Quotes(+Sermon On Lukewarmness), 63 Christian Love Quotes (To Help You See Love Differently), 54 Christian Couple Quotes (To Strengthen Your Union.). ), 11 Signs Of A Wicked Heart (Evil People Always Manifest. He wants what is best for you, and we need to learn to accept His answer and trust that He has something better in store for us. Jesus did this with Saul on the Damascus road. It's not difficult in such a season to talk about prayer and then to transition into a conversation about the gospel.
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