Oh, I dont throw away the Rafs, I keep them on an external drive for backup. But Ritchie has come up with some amazing simulations, I use them all the time! ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. But the greatest thing about working in raw quickly became my biggest problem: the endless possibilities provided by editing these files means its a never-ending task. Marcel Fraij - Inspiring selection of colour and mono recipes, including a personal favourite of mine, C201. If your lucky enough to be using the new Xpro 3, then Classic Neg is also a great choice. Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Black & White Infrared Hi Roman, thank you for the kind words! This sim looks great straight without any modifications. Something that I realized from using his simulations is that the biggest defining factor in the final look of the jpg is the Auto White Balance shift applied. Hopefully this helps. This site was a real game changer, as it allowed me to emulate directly in the camera many of the looks that I was trying to recreate using Lightroom presets. Grain Effect: Weak Why not! Im terrible with titles so I never named it! It also added some very slight toning on the warm side which I like very much. Im using your colour recipe on my (recently acquired) X-T3. Shadows -45. 8:44 pm. It is based on the Pro Neg profiles which are usually quite boring to me but in this case it works well. Many people bypass it completely, choosing to create black and white images in post. Shadow: +1 Maybe for really colorful neon lit scenes it might work but I tend to shoot either in a more realistic or even gritty style. Slight S Curve. I enjoy black and white very much. Blacks -50. | FUJI X WEEKLY, 6 Reasons I Love My Fujifilm X100F - Doug Ash Photography, The 7 custom Fujifilm recipes on my camera right now Life, Unintended, Update Recipe(s) in the Spotlight Lus Costa Life Unintended Open Source Photography, Tips voor het bewerken van straatfotos Gerard van der Net Fotografie, Hiking With The Fujifilm X100F - A Love Letter, Luis Costa's Black & White Film Recipe - Beautiful Fuji, Color: +3 (sometimes Ill drop it to +1 when I want a less saturated look), Exposure compensation: typically between +1/3 and +1, Exposure compensation: typically between +1/3 and +2/3, Exposure compensation: between +1/3 and +2/3, ISO: usually 12800 but sometimes Ill switch to Auto-ISO with a minimum of 2000 if theres too much light or if I want less grain, adds a slight fade on the shadows using the tone curve. Vibrant Dream - X-Trans IV Portrait Film Simulation Recipe . is there any way to replicate this recipe on XT-3. However, not all of the settings are available in video mode, such as Grain, Clarity, and the Color Chrome Effects. Some recipes aren't modeled after specific films, but produce an analog aesthetic anyway, such as my Xpro '62 recipe, which . Even though this recipe is only the 11th most used over the years it is one I am using more and more lately. This recipe has quickly become one of my favorite black-and-white options! So I know this blog is called FujiFeels but that doesnt mean I want to disregard any people who shoot other brands. For example, this video was captured on an X-T4 using the X-Trans III CineStill 800T recipe: Sigh. Imai (Soft Filmic Monochrome Look) Monochrome + R. Highlight 0. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. For your black and whites do you use the above Acros+R setting as well? Exposure Compensation: +1/3 to +1 (typically) Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs using this Kodak Tri-X 400 film simulation recipe on my Fujifilm X100V: Fallen Trunk - Fruit Heights, UT - Fujifilm X100V - ISO 1600. 5:13 pm. But perhaps that is one of the many things that distinguish them (your photos, I mean) they are hard to pigeonhole, they defy simple categorizations. But it kind of does not work very well for me. Id rather just accept the modern equivalent of grain called sensor noise. +Y mimics the use of a yellow filter. 68 thoughts on " My favorite Fujifilm film simulation recipes " jamiechancetravels says: September 14, 2018 at 10:41 am. The Acros film simulation comes in four variations: Standard Acros. On occasion I will do some digital for some agencies, but I really do like the feel and look of film and so do the clients. Maybe they never shot film or think, a little grain make it a film look. HelloI can not find this item? 12:22 pm. Acros+R doesnt actually resemble the use of a red filter on black-and-white film, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Ektar 100. I can assure you the following content is anything but bland but what else could I possibly title this blog post. Thanks! Second is dont get overly contrasty. One of the reasons I settled on Fujfilm for my professional (and personal) photography are the built-in film simulations and great output without the need for post-processing. It all depends. Thanks for sharing with us , Thank you for the feedback, glad you liked it! PDF SEE THE WORLD IN BLACK & WHITE - Fujifilm X series Classic Chrome took a while for me but once I achieved my desired preferences it became my favorite. To do this I looked at countless instagram feeds that consisted of purely film photography. Dynamic Range: DR200 You are doing a great job. Download Free Fujifilm Lightroom Presets to get a Fuji Film Simulation effect in Lightroom in several clicks. Fujifilm Black and White Film Simulations - FujiXWeekly Signs, Poles & Wires - Farmington, UT - Fujifilm X100V - "Classic Monochrome" For some reason, black-and-white film simulation recipes aren't as popular as color, but Fujifilm cameras are capable of some great monochrome images straight-out-of-camera. Must-Try Fujifilm Acros Film Simulation Recipe | X100V, XS10, XT4 Which Film Simulations Are Best for Street - FUJILOVE MAGAZINE I carry my camera pretty much everywhere I go. A black and white with strong contrast and a real film stock look. Highlight: -1. Its now just up to me to live up to its capabilities and this recipe will go a long way to help me achieve that goal! Here, the camera picks out one color and changes all the others in the picture to black & white. 4:49 pm. I have a X Pro-1 and Ive been experimenting for about a year now and really love all these simulation recipes but the white balance never seem to come out remotely close, any suggestions? You can (just disregard Clarity), but it wont look exactly the same (pretty close, though). In doors or less than stellar light yields a somewhat muted look especially on skin tones. Here are some sample shots with these settings; (No editing at all! Nobody pays me to write the content found on fujixweekly.com. Here are the settings you need: A few things led me to being very keen on finding a few Jpeg recipes, and sticking to those for all my work. It makes the colors quite punchy but without the vibrancy of Velvia. (Again, all of these images are straight out of camera, unedited! The idea of going for a cinematic look appeals to me. Its compatible (as of this writing) with the Fujifilm X100V, X-T4, X-Pro3 and X-S10 cameras. I have no idea if theyll contact me again, but Ill keep this in mind if they do. This new "Classic Monochrome" recipe was made by Thomas Schwab (B&W Instagram), who has created several of the film Its still editing and still a hugely important part of the photographic process. The T-Max recipe is a favorite, too. . *My little tip is the added - indicator after the Preset name which helps me remember how I like to shoot the exposure with each simulation. There you guys! My plan is to use these 12 styles to narrow down what I am maybe subconsciously drawn to. Thank you so much! I really wish Fuji would create a Superia simulation on the X series cameres! I have no particular reason why I call it summer other then the incredibly warm tones and overall lightness of the image this recipe produces. But for amateurs like me who use photography to document their everyday life and the world around them, I strongly recommend giving it a try, I think youll be surprised with how liberating it is. Fuji X Weekly Film Recipes on the App Store Just got the X-T2 and have been taking it everywhere the last couple of days documenting everything going on around me. What white balance settings do you use for your B&W recipe on the X-Trans III (X100F) sensor? The 7 custom Fujifilm recipes on my camera right now I shoot this at 0 to +3/4 Ev and adjust on location as needed. The biggest limitation is time, unfortunately. Have you tried importing the jpgs to lightroom instead of the Rafs? White Balance: 2750K, -5 Red & +9 Blue. These JPEG settings allow you to get various looks straight out of camera, many based on film stocks, such as Kodachrome, Portra, Tri-X, Superia, Vista, and many more! Fujifilm X cameras started including the ACROS film simulation in their digital film simulations in 2016, offering photographers a completely new black & white digital experience. Hes a friend of this blog, and Im honored that he allows me to share his recipes here! Fuji does it by scanning their own film stock and creating the profile. Overall I feel that this is Custom 7 has me set up for most situations. Thank you in advance! The X100S has an X-Trans II sensor, and I have heard that X-Trans II does have some IR sensitivity despite having an IR filter. Film Recipes, Photography Tips & Guides | Fuji X Portrait White Balance : Kelvin 5200 Shift Red +1 Blue -6. It works very well at daylight either with sun or overcast. Dynamic Range: DR400. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnDvsRT/. Thats my main B&W simulation, I almost never process the raws in those files. I would modify this recipe with a slightly warmer toning. Its no wonder that as soon as I got my own X-pro3, I set it to Classic Negative and pretty much never changed it since! B&W Toning: 0 5 Best Fuji Film Recipes For Street Photography | IvanYolo You can get as many different looks as you want, none necessarily better than the others, just different. April 28, 2022 @ Yes, youll have to set them manually, although ISO can be set to Auto and you can program the parameters of that. I have a question about WB. For me it looks middle of the road good. Yes, I know the title is a bit.well bland and if course thats the last thing you want when thinking about recipes. You can compare film recipes to real film stock on this wonderful site. Thanks for the recipes! Shadow: 0 Join Me LIVE Today to Talk About StreetPhotography! I love trying out your simulation recipes, especially monochrome. From all the Classic Chrome recipes this one mimicking Portra400 really speaks to me. But even the best smartphone photographers, edit. (Remember none of these shots have been edited in any way! This might help: https://fujixweekly.com/2019/03/07/understanding-acros-film-simulation-options-on-fujifilm-x-cameras/. It is a very versatile recipe with somewhat muted colors but less so than anything based on Classic Chrome. The ultimate guide to Fuji's Film Simulations; A DEEP dive to de Consumers tended to overexpose it as the simple cameras were designed for print film and its ability to handle several stops of overexposure. Best wishes Andreas, Thank you very much! Now this may sound obvious but it really helps. Film Simulation Bracketing. I try to shoot like Im shooting film. Which is a little ironic, considering that I am a writer. Like I said earlier, shoot this recipe 1/3 to 1 full stop over exposed. This black and white simulation uses the Black and White with the Red filter and give a nice balance between contrasty tones and completely crushing the blacks. Take the Blind Film Simulation Recipe Test to See Which Might Be Your Favorite! October 11, 2020 @ My favorite color recipe is Kodak Portra 400 v2, and my favorite black-and-white recipe is Kodak Tri-X 400. Yes! If you like dramatic black and white photographs, youll want to give this one a try! Thanks a lot! Your Guide to the Fujifilm JPG Film Simulations (with Sample Images) Even in situations where this recipe doesnt resemble infrared or full-spectrum, it will still produce a dramatic, high-contrast look that you might find appealing. So a quick change from DR 100 to DR200 or even DR400 on your Fujifilm will help achieve that filmic look. Chinatown KL Street Photography. It uses the mostly flat looking Eterna film sim but pushes highlights, shadows and colors. Timothy Gasper 1/3 to 2/3 stops over exposed is usually nice, at least in my opinion anyway. I think your best option for now is to use recipes based on other film simulations (there are a lot of great ones out there), and then eventually upgrading to the new X-T30 version when you have the chance to get Classic Negative and others. Unfortunately I cant name all of the pages I follow on Instagram because Im a really slow typer and Id be here for weeks. Have a Ricoh GR series camera? Has something changed on the newer models that makes the IR filter not work anymore? Fujifilm X100V Silver Amazon B&H. I began exploring different possibilities using the in-camera film simulation settings and came across Ritchie Roeschs Fuji X Weekly blog, which features some really excellent Fujifilm recipes inspired by classic films. Creative Collective 042: FXW Zine Issue 16 March 2023, Try These 5 Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipes Today for a Color Negative Film Look, How To Add Film Simulation Recipes To Your Fujifilm Camera, My Fujifilm X100V Kodachrome 64 Film Simulation Recipe, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Portra 400 v2, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation: Kodak Portra 400, A $400 Alternative to the Fujifilm X100V, X-E4, and X70, My Fujifilm X100F Vintage Kodachrome Film Simulation Recipe. I just programmed my X100V with this recipe and the next will hopefully shine The White Balance (and WB Shift) is critical to this recipe, so double-check that it is correct. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Your first photo Stop Here on Infrared is terrific. ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. So before I go any further, there are a few things you can do to nudge your Jpegs more towards that film look. Nonetheless couldnt resist using both the physical and film mode filters at once. This was my first recipe and it still holds a special place in my heart. Apples and Oranges. But I dont know about the other sensors. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. This camera is nothing short of outstanding.
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