So ill be blending the reat of this kake w either the comoys or LNF as the blend was so good i was thinking about my next bowl before i was even halfway done w the first. I don't mean to be a wet blanket or a negative guy, but it seems that a few reviewers that post many reviews are serving as marketers for blenders looking for their verbose reviews. THIS one does it for me every time! I usually smoke Black Frigate and this is just a wonderful change of pace for me. I got a tin dated July 1, 2008 on eBay for $16, and I am more than happy in spending that money. Similar Blends: GL Pease Odyssey and Quiet Nights.. Pirate Kake boasts a whopping 75% latakia, so if you don't like latakia you'll probably want to pass on this one. I think the blend meets the goal of a fine tobacco that is easy for most to enjoy. I'm not a Latakia fiend, but I wanted to keep something like this on hand for cold, snowy days. Puff in front of me fire place. This one stays creamy mild all the way, an occasional sourness & then sweetness, both pleasant, don't really shake up the Latakia's prominence. I appreciate GLP Maltese Falcon and Odissey, that I find more enjoyable and round than this. Great stuff, IF you like latakia dominated blends. The aroma is immense, the taste surreal. I only wish this was available in flake form as opposed to the two plugs I received as part of my sampler pack. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. That is why this blend should not be compared with Dunhill EMP, or similar blends. Probably it is the little Burley content in Pirate Kake which makes it my personal favourite among these Latakia-thunderbolts. Made with the Latakia lover in mind, Pirate Kake is a pressed blend from Cornell & Diehl with medium strength and a substantial taste. The orientals are drowned by the Latakia and the burley, apart from mitigating the burnt cork taste of pure Latakia, does little. I really wanted to like this tobacco, but I find the heavy latakia blend to be too parching to enjoy regularly. I once bought a Dolly Parton record on the same basis, so my shallowness is not new. And, I mean nothing. C & D crumble cakes are fantastic. 40 or 50% may be the highest worthy of time. This blend always takes me to the fall season in Michigan, no matter what time of year. A few bites in you decide that it's just ok.. then a few more bites.. nope, I've had enough. I am relatively new to pipe smoking. Most likely she won't let you smoke this one inside unless she's smoking it too lol. I'll be honest, its re ally not for me. The smell when i first opened lid was a leather like, chemical vinyl type smell. This blend has a lot of charm. Highly recommend with the caveat that you like a Lat bomb. Lataika bomb. We all had the same conclusion that this pipe tobacco reminds one of a fine cigar. Latakia heavy at first (in a good way), then the orientals make their nutty, exotic spice appearance about half way in. Four stars and full sail ye swabs. It is sort of goldilocks for me right out of the tin in terms of dry time. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. Although this tobacco has a very high Latakia content it is not overwhelming. It remained smooth and cool throughout while the spiciness of the Turkish and the sweet underpinings of the Cavendish also made their presence known. I give this 2 stars because it does seem to be a quality mixture. Quiet Nights as my favorite. This tobacco is much the same. Product Packaging Stock MSRP Price Qty Cart. Yes, this is Black Frigate without the rum; sans the liquor the flavor is more resonant & articulated. And on. sold out everywhere You can even just pack the kake bits. This is not a great mixture but a great mistake. WARNING: does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. Many tobaccos with half as much bill themselves as "heavy" blends. And at $25 a pound this is a marvel of modern, um. Smoke it really slow and steady to truely enjoy the experience. This is a real acquired taste. The Latakia is pretty much is the main driver, and the orientals do give some tea like qualities. Take away some of that slightly salty or charcoal Pirate Kake taste! The satisfaction this baccy gives me is immense. Burns well and leaves a soft, fine ash. Lots of power. Remarkable. Pirate kake is quite a bit sharper and overwhelming if you smoke it too fast. (which is fine) I assume it's because it's mostly latakia and the burley and orientals are background players. I managed to fumble a piece and I managed to drop it and it shattered like glass. If you don't care for latakia then definitely steer clear of this one, but I for one can't imagine a piper not enjoying this smoke. Or, at least I thought so. You will have to wait until your tongue cells slough off to taste anything else again. Closely behind the Smoke were a pleasant medium Earthy and mild woody flavors backed up by a light pleasant sweet butter, a mild spicy flavor, a light toasty and light nuttiness as well as a mildly spicy flavor. The main flavors I pick up are a dark leather mixed with an earthy peaty taste, with a subtle sweet/smooth undertone. Since a long time I can not find Penzance, that stands in my mind as the best one. Age When Smoked: not sure. It had a high moisture content as well. Yep this and star of the east are extremely delicious tobaccos. Pirate Kake is an interesting smoke, providing a full serving of Latakia. A lot. Just yesterday I had some Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels, and I immediately thought of those when I emblazoned a bowl of Pirate Kake for the first time (Buttery smooth caramels, drenched in Belgian dark chocolate, then sprinkled with crunchy rock salt from the Dead Sea). The smokiness and creaminess was very addictive. Great work C and D. With the description of a 75% Latakia blend, I expected this tobacco to be nothing but the dark leaf and put off ordering it for a long time. This went straight to the top of my rotation. I would not reccomend it as a first smoke but after a month or so give it a shot. Thanks to C&D, all the reviewers, SmokingPipes, and AbeIve been waiting for this!!!! This stuff is ridiculously good. I'm upping this to 4 stars and it's made it into my favourites as well. There is also some sweetness to the blend, but the factor that I can't quite describe is almost a menthol sensation. There's not much subtle about this blend and it starts like it finishes. I'm also getting a little cocoa and berry flavors. I suspect that how much one likes Latakia is in direct proportion to how much one will like the cake. Non emergono gli orientali, meno che meno il Burley. This was the perfect after-dinner smoke tonight. With the benefit of hindsight, I suspect that memory had concentrated what had probably been the modest Latakia content of the Balkan I was trying to rediscover simply because it was the most sharply distinguishable component of the mixture and such a novelty when I first started smoking Balkans. Almost nothing but latakia but nicely laced with cavendish and some Turkish. This is not an all day smoke. A rich, smoky and creamy experience. A must try for the latakia-haulics! The cake rubs out easily and tastes great. My smokes started off pleasant enough, especially after a full meal, but the large amount of latakia slowly pummeled me. I like Latakia. Popped and greeted with the unmistakable aroma of a lot of Latakia. This lights well and burns at a great pace. If you don't like latakia, stay away from it. Central to the belief of Twelver Shiism was the idea that. This is not a complex smoke. While I didnt pick up any dark chocolate from Pirate Kake, I did indeed find it to be buttery smooth (and slightly sweet, just like them caramels) and I also found it to be delectably salty some (and so the name, Pirate Kake perchance -- the salty)? I don't notice the Burley at a sip, which is fine, since I'm not a Burley fan. The cake breaks up easiest by hand, first breaking off large chunks of the whole then smaller chunks then rubbing those out into smokable bits. The cake / brownie is easily dismantled into crumbs that are easily loaded into the pipe. I can't truly call it an English blend (even a Lat-Bomb English), but I like what it does. It was rare for me to pick out anything but the lat. I must confess I bought this tobacco because I liked the name and the graphic. For a while I drifted away from the Smokey One, as my taste buds craved more complex blends. Burns consistently once lit. I will say I like it, a lot but this is not a tobacco that you need to ponder. Now, that sounds overwhelming at first, but Cornell and Diehl have managed to pull off a masterpiece. No I did not say it was identical or state that it was the equal. One of the best tobacco's I have tried.Superior in every has an interesting sour note in a good way. If you want to strip the gears of a non-smoker, well folks this Latakia packed blend will get the job done. An outstanding 4 of 4 Latakia stars. I have to admit I sort of got into the spirit of this blend and my apologies for what follows. I love the campfire smokiness of English blends but Pirate Kake is nearly too heavy with it and too narrowly focused. I will now compare this to Engine 99, Odyssey & Ten Russians blends for my Lat bomb fix. The initial flavors are of sweet latakia and incense like orientals. Smoke it after it has dried, pack it loosely, prepare for many gentle (and I do mean gentle) re-lights. For the Latkia fan, its a must. This is by far the most ham-handed blend I've ever tried. This is exactly what I look for in a latakia blend. Definitely not an all-day thing, as it would become boring. The "Ham Bone" aspect disappeared. Then I got a fresh corn cob pipe, perfection. No Flavoring detected. I find this to be quite comparable to Penzance. no joke. The smoke ripples out of the bowl upon that first light, thick and velvety, so gray that it's almost blue, and the palate is hit with a blast of latakia that some may find overwhelming, but others such as myself simply surrender to. After a couple of minutes of gentle drawing my mouth became very dry and so I put the pipe down and went back into my house to get a glass of home vinted pear wine -slightly sweet - to quench the fire. It is like smoking straight Latakia, really unsmokable! Share 0 Tweet 0. The faint musk of slaves rowing in the galley below deck. So I went ahead and ordered it. I was told that this blend is 70% latakia, and I believe it. When smoked immediately after opening the package, the aroma becomes watery, so it is best to let it dry. How ever you choose to consume it, PK is a GREAT blend. After discovery, I probably only got about three bowls out of this. This blend is LOADED with it for sure, and there just isn't any other way to put it. Pirate Kake rates 2 stars. Also, clean the pipe after each use, as this stuff will lead a silty residue. It reminded me of smoking a burnt out matchstick or if you were to smoke the smoke off of a meat smoker. 12-03-2004 Put away your cutlass' maties! Yes, it is. Got a bit cellered right now to see how it turns out month by month. UPDATE 11-18-2009: I'm afraid I must contradict my own recent review of Pirate Kake. The bowl of my pipe is staying absolute cool to the touch. While writing a review for Bow Legged Bear, I was reminded of how much it is akin to this. When you light up some Pirate Kake, nobody is going to be happy except you. I was always a little leary of the thought of pirates boarding my ship and plundering it - however, if they bring a Kake of this along, I will welcome them aboard! It is easy to rub a little off and I didn't find the need for a knife as I have with other pressed blocks. The flavor is one-dimensional and lacks any nuance. Shopping. Tecnicamente un prodotto eccellente, fuma in modo impeccabile, ma alla fine non rimane nel cuore, solo nella mente. My 6 year old piece had a nice oily sheen to the eye and a few spots of plume. A very nice blend indeed, assuming you like Latakia of course!
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