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So the Belgians are closer to the French, Germans or Japanese, in that they need things to be well organised, planned and structured to feel comfortable. In Western and Northern Nature. (XLSX 10kb), Genetic variation of the Belgian population related to continental populations. PubMed Currently, this genetic information is not available for the Belgian population. For visualization purposes, the other European populations are shown in gray. In: The encyclopedia of global human migration. Environmental factors also play a significant role in shaping the appearance and facial features of modern Belgian women. Understanding the features and characteristics of Belgian Women not only helps to appreciate their beauty, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the culture and society that they come from. From this basic diagram, carve off a little volume for a brachycephal head, which is as long as it is wide, in other words round. Jiang Y, Epstein MP, Conneely KN. (b) Pairwise plots of the first four PCs. But the new study, published today . As is the case with the rest of the body, male and female faces vary from the extreme characteristics of their gender, to androgynous ambiguity. In turn, personal qualities and character traits shaped mostly by Belgian Culture make these Western European women understandable and easy-going partners in relationships. A similar analysis based on sample origin information from the 10 different provinces confirmed these geographic-related genetic differences (Additionalfile5: Figure S3). While Asian and African noses show the nostrils from the front, One major difference between Belgian and Dutch people is that the former have a higher "uncertainty avoidance" (see this topic for an explanation), which means that they tend to feel more insecure in a non-organised context. The lip shape of a Belgian woman is often full and well-defined. These features are a result of the country's northern European heritage, mild climate, and cultural values. 1. Worry and frown lines, as well as smile lines, become permanent. It's easiest to see them looking down on the head, which is admittedly an unusual angle, but they also affect the profile as shown here. See main text for SNP filtering criteria. Stereotypes About Belgium That People Get Completely Wrong TRAVEL Must-Visit Attractions in Belgium TRAVEL Explainer: 'I Speak Dutch, Not Flemish' 10 Canonical Male Novelists & Poets From Belgium The Most Curious Details Of Brussels, Belgium The IJzertoren: A Symbolic Guardian Of Peace In Belgium Would you like to provide feedback (optional)? As expected, and similar to the PC and Fst analysis, extremely good correlations were found with all European populations (Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.972 and higher). (PDF 5259 kb). severe wrinkling brought by age; other populations may age more smoothly Demographic data from the 2013 Belgian population were downloaded from Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat). Compare the two skulls below and the resulting morphology in a Chinese face (Asian) and an Indian face (Caucasian). The "C" shape of the auricle can be round but also squarish or pointed (if not to a Vulcan degree!) To obtain a representative genetic dataset of the Belgian population, participants in the 2013 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) were invited to donate saliva samples for DNA analysis. From the remaining 199 samples, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 300,000 sites were measured using the whole genome scanning Illumina HumanCytoSNP-12 microarray. Physical characteristics of typical Belgian Woman: Belgian Women have a set of unique facial features that distinguish them from other ethnic groups in Europe. To quantify the genetic differences between the three Belgian regions and compare them with other European populations, we calculated fixation indices (i.e., Fst values). The Belgians are also notorious entrepreneurs, preferring start-ups to big companies, with a sense of commercial opportunities. DNA was sampled and analyzed from 189 NHIS-2013 participants. Other lines of the face are equally harder in males: the brow juts out wile it's rounded in females, and the chin is pronounced. Genetic structure of Europeans: a view from the northeast. She has lived and traveled in France, Spain, Argentina and Japan, gaining practical dating experience with women from diverse cultures. More recently, Belgian politicians have played an important role in European politics. This diagram shows the difference face shapes we perceive (they are more subtle in reality): Surprisingly enough, the skull itself gives a clue as to ethnic origin, as its morphology varies across a spectrum. Three of these samples contained insufficient saliva, while the DNA concentration of eight other samples was considered too low for downstream analysis (Fig. A combination of cultural, societal, and economic factors shape the personal qualities of modern Belgian women. Before sexual dimorphism appears with the awakening of hormones, children are androgynous in face and body, and only really identified, when we think of it, by the way they are dressed and their hair is cut. DNA was isolated and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were determined using a genome-wide SNP array of around 300,000 sites, resulting in a high-quality dataset of 189 samples that was used for further analysis. First and foremost, the cultural influences of both the French and Dutch-speaking communities in Belgium play a significant role in shaping the personal qualities of Belgian women. 2016; Gudbjartsson DF, Helgason H, Gudjonsson SA, Zink F, Oddson A, Gylfason A, Besenbacher S, Magnusson G, Halldorsson BV, Hjartarson E, Sigurdsson GT, Stacey SN, Frigge ML, Holm H, Saemundsdottir J, Helgadottir HT, Johannsdottir H, Sigfusson G, Thorgeirsson G, Sverrisson JT, Gretarsdottir S, Walters GB, Rafnar T, Thjodleifsson B, Bjornsson ES, Olafsson S, Thorarinsdottir H, Steingrimsdottir T, Gudmundsdottir TS, Theodors A, et al. Be informed each month about our latest offers, Do not wait any longer and follow the example of all our 75.000 customers, Dutch Expat Shop BVKeukenbeemd 3a5741 TV Beek en DonkThe Netherlands, IBAN: NL43 RABO 0124 8980 33BIC: RABONL2U. Public Health Genomics. Results from these studies will be an invaluable resource in the transition towards precision public health, focusing on subsets of the population at increased risk, rather than on the entire population. All genotypes were converted so that the reference allele always referred to the positive strand of the human genome build hg19. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Genome of the Netherlands Consortium LC, Menelaou A, Pulit SL, van Dijk F, Palamara PF, Elbers CC, PBT N, Ye K, Guryev V, Kloosterman WP, Deelen P, Abdellaoui A, van Leeuwen EM, van Oven M, Vermaat M, Li M, JFJ L, Karssen LC, Kanterakis A, Amin N, Hottenga JJ, Lameijer E-W, Kattenberg M, Dijkstra M, Byelas H, van Setten J, van Schaik BDC, Bot J, Nijman IJ, Renkens I, et al. We first compared the genetic structure of the Belgian population with other populations worldwide. The whole ear can be narrow, appearing compressed, or it can stick out, in which case, when looking at the head in profile, the ear presents itself to us not flat, but at an angle where more of the rim shows. 2014;30:20768. Nature. Persons from the German community or with a missing national identification number were excluded for logistic reasons. Finally the lobe can be free, a U-shape separate from the face, or attached, which looks like an absence of lobe, and degrees in-between. Differences in features can be conveyed even in very simple drawing styles, and are an important tool for richness of range, differentiating characters, and drawing any given character consistently over and over. Indeed the nose is the most distinctive Caucasian feature as it projects well Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev. In a female, the width is roughly the same proportion, but the foot is just longer than the face is high, and the hand is at most 3/4 of the same height. pressed-in. Pockets appear under the eyes. Whether facing unexpected obstacles or taking advantage of new opportunities, they are able to keep their cool and make smart decisions. The linkage possibilities to health, demographic, and related data from the NHIS provide a unique opportunity to study the different factors that determine participation in a genetic study and to better understand public willingness to participate in population genetic research. In 2019, roughly one out of four respondents said blue eyes were ideal for women, and one out of five for men. Google Scholar. In summary, these data show minor but clear genetic differences between the different regions in Belgium with a north-west to south-east geographical correlation. As expected, the PC plot mimics European geography with a clear separation between Finnish, British, and South European populations. Jimmy Van den Eynden or Herman Van Oyen. Privacy No wonder they are called the Italians of the North (like the Danes). We asked women living in major cities in Belgium in different regions of the country to share their opinions on the beauty standards of Belgian women. The eyebrows may stay dark longer than hair (if they were dark in the first place) but they grow sparser.The female face starts losing femininity, and by one's seventies, menopause having levelled the hormonal field, the only real difference between the two sexes is that a female's hairline recedes little while a male may be all lost by this stage. PLoS One. This can be seen in the difference in facial features such as cheekbones and jawlines. 2002;11:24952. Your email address will not be published. As a Belgian woman, I believe that beauty standards in our country focus on natural, understated elegance. Auton A, Abecasis GR, Altshuler DM, Durbin RM, Abecasis GR, Bentley DR, Chakravarti A, Clark AG, Donnelly P, Eichler EE, Flicek P, Gabriel SB, Gibbs RA, Green ED, Hurles ME, Knoppers BM, Korbel JO, Lander ES, Lee C, Lehrach H, Mardis ER, Marth GT, McVean GA, Nickerson DA, Schmidt JP, Sherry ST, Wang J, Wilson RK, Gibbs RA, Boerwinkle E, et al. Lesbians also have a version of gay face that emulates the facial muscular usage patterns of . The odds for consent were higher in non-smokers (and higher in former smokers than never smokers), higher age, and higher educational attainment. In the other, known as single-eyelid, there is no crease at all (therefore no "eyelid line" to draw), only smooth padded skin over the eye. "Prudence is the mother of safety" (or alternatively "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"). You can order the best skin care products from Belgium online at Belgian Expat Shop. Also, there is now a clear difference between male and female traits. Belgian women also tend to have a more full-bodied figure, while French women are often considered to have a more slender and athletic build. Whether youre looking to gain a deeper understanding of Belgian Women, or simply appreciate their unique beauty, this article has valuable information for you. Published: December 7, 2020 11.06am EST. The nose looks longer, even if it's still slightly upturned. Correlations were determined for SNPs after filtering using the higher mentioned criteria. A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing. Cookies policy. This is reflected in this study, in which 18.5% of the samples originated from individuals with a migration background. The Belgian inhabitants is a typical European population with minor but clear differences between the regions and clear signs of latest migration. The majority of Belgian women have naturally blonde or light brown hair, which is often thick and straight. However, in our study, the difference was attributed to a higher consent rate for former smokers than for current smokers, while no significant difference was observed between current smokers and never smokers, indicating a more complex association with smoking status. Here, we report on the BelPHG-21 results related to the genetic structure of the Belgian population. The demographics of the 341 participants were modeled as dummy variables, such that White (19%), Asian (21%), Hispanic/Latinx (14%), Biracial (8%), other race (2%), non-female (male, non-binary, and prefer not to respond) participants (24%), and those older than 21 (11%) were compared to participants who identified as Black, women, and no older Over 30.000 Dutch and Belgian products, 6. The R SNPRelate package [27] was used for downstream analysis (calculation of allele frequencies, principal component analysis, ). TD and EG did the statistical analysis related to factors determining consent rates. Columns indicate SNP ids, chromosome, position, reference allele, variant allele, VAF, and frequencies of homozygous reference (AA), heterozygous (AB), and homozygous variant (BB) alleles respectively. Consent rates to participate in this study were rather low (14%). Humphreys K, Grankvist A, Leu M, Hall P, Liu J, Ripatti S, Rehnstrm K, Groop L, Klareskog L, Ding B, Grnberg H, Xu J, Pedersen NL, Lichtenstein P, Mattingsdal M, Andreassen OA, ODushlaine C, Purcell SM, Sklar P, Sullivan PF, Hultman CM, Palmgren J, Magnusson PKE. Terms and Conditions, This is compatible with their carefulness and mistrust for the unknown. [11]. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The modern Belgian population is a mix of several ethnic groups, including the Celts, Romans, Franks, and Germans, which has contributed to the diversity in physical characteristics among Belgian women. All Belgian samples with a South European migration background are indicated. The BelPHG-21 study aims at developing an approach to estimate genetic variability at the level of the Belgian population and exploring how this genetic information can be associated with information collected via NHIS questionnaires. This likely explains why one individual with a clear non-European genetic background was not found to have a migration background based on our criteria, which is unlikely. 1). They are well-educated and well-informed, and possess a keen understanding of the world around them. Typical Belgians would tell you that "politicians are worse than criminals". Using the NHIS information related to demographics, education, employment, income, health behavior, lifestyle characteristics, physical and social environment, and wellbeing characteristics, we applied a predictive weighted binomial regression analysis to identify the factors that determined consent to participate in this study. Microarray results from 10 samples were excluded due to insufficient call rates (i.e., lower than 0.6), resulting in 189 samples that were used for further analysis. 2006;96:19718. Barnangen All over rescue body balm. Belgian people question rules and prefer to compromise on a case by case basis. This diversity is also reflected in the personal qualities of its women. bioRxiv. Facial features of typical Belgian Woman: Belgium, a small yet highly developed country in Western Europe, is known for its diverse culture and history. Belgium was the only country to have the guts to create a War Crimes Law of universal jurisdiction, which means that Belgian courts were legally authorised to judge any war criminals from anywhere around the world, including former US presidents if they deemed their actions criminal. One of the most striking features of a typical Belgian woman is her hair. What are the characteristics of Belgian Women? Before adolescence, there is no difference between male and female faces. These features make their appearance really unique and not like other women. Plots show the VAF of Belgian versus other continental (a) and European (b) populations. Information related to the study participants residence (region and province), migration background, and a set of variables that could influence the consent rate was obtained from the NHIS-2013 database. Finally, we acknowledge all study subjects for their participation. Female eyebrows are thinner, particularly as they tend to be plucked (and a natural shape can be altered completely by this), while male eyebrows are fuller and bushier, their shape not necessarily "clean" as they're left in their natural state. This hair color and texture is a result of the countrys northern European heritage. The number of collected samples is indicated for the three regions and 10 provinces. See main text for SNP filtering criteria. Images were captured on Cytoscan (Illumina), and data were primarily analyzed using Illuminas GenomeStudio software. Demarest S, Van der Heyden J, Charafeddine R, Drieskens S, Gisle L, Tafforeau J. Methodological basics and evolution of the Belgian health interview survey 19972008. The eyes are large and appear wide open because the upper eyelid is not noticeable yet. These features are a result of the countrys northern European heritage, mild climate, and cultural values. These SNPs were used for a principal component (PC) analysis using continental population data (i.e., African, American, South Asian, East Asian, and European populations) from the 1000 Genomes Project [1, 2, 14]. Violet eyes, very rare, are blue eyes through which red blood vessels show: the violet effect is due to this layering of blue and red. The eyebrows however are now full, and lower on the eyes, so the expression changes. The variables that were considered to potentially influence consent rates were the background characteristics (demographic information, education, employment, income), health behavior and lifestyle characteristics (substance abuse, nutritional status, physical activity), physical and social environment characteristics (housing, passive smoking), and health and wellbeing characteristics (chronic diseases, mental health, perceived health). Individuals that consented to participate in the study were subsequently sent a saliva sample collection kit (Oragene saliva collection device (OG-500, DNA Genotek Inc. Ottawa, Canada)) accompanied by an information letter, a user manual for sample collection, a safety bag, and a pre-paid and UN3373-labeled bubble. Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium, Jimmy Van den Eynden,Tine Descamps,Els Delporte,Nancy H. C. Roosens,Sigrid C. J. Ergonomics, forensic anthropology, crime prevention or new human-machine interaction systems and online activities, like e-commerce, e-learning, games, dating or social networks, are fields in which classifications of . The ears on the other hand start growing faster, so they look large. 13.92 11.50. For visualization purposes, only 1000 random points are shown. Principal component (PC) analysis using 47,802 SNPs from five continental populations with mapping of the Belgian population. As the beauty industry/culture pays little attention to the ears, save as something to attach ornaments to, we don't have a small catalogue of descriptive terms as we do for eyes, nose and lips. In contrast, the Asian nose is typically small, with a low nasal bridge, and minimal projection; the characteristic African nose is road and flat, with flaring wings that are merged with the ball of the nose. Abecasis GR, Auton A, Brooks LD, MA DP, Durbin RM, Handsaker RE, Kang HM, Marth GT, McVean GA. An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes. By using this website, you agree to our Main origins from migrants are indicated by the arrows. In Downturned eyes, the eyelid curves down at the outer corner. The close mirroring of population genetic variation with geography is a well-known phenomenon that has been described at the European level previously [8, 9]. Baby fat is an important age marker; skinny toddlers look older than they are. A facial mold is taken for a prosthetic (Horace Nicholls / Public Domain) Veins, blemishes and age spots appear as the skin becomes thinner. Belgian Women, like females from any other ethnic group in Europe, have their own unique facial features and physical characteristics. MVDB, JT, HVO, and VDW designed the BelPHG-21 study. This attitude is due to a blend of distrust, critical thinking and individualism. We use cookies to make your experience better. Cancel any time. Within Europe, the Belgian population has its unique properties, which clearly mirrors the geographic orientation and again with signs of recent migration from Southern Europe. The PC analysis was performed using the most informative SNPs by applying the following filtering criteria: (1) SNPs measured in all datasets, (2) lower than 2% missing values in both the 1000 genome dataset that was used to perform the PC analysis and the Belgian data, (3) only autosomes, (4) minor allele frequency higher than 5%, and (5) linkage disequilibrium lower than 0.2. We scanned the DNA of 8,000 people to see how facial features are controlled by genes. Here, we reported on the genetic structure of the Belgian population using 300,000 genome-wide SNPs, derived from saliva DNA sampled from 189 participants from the latest NHIS (2013). Bogner HR, Wittink MN, Merz JF, Straton JB, Cronholm PF, Rabins PV, Gallo JJ. 3). Therefore, linking genetic information to NHIS data has great potential for genome-wide association studies. Every link, from the attractiveness of masculine facial features to the immunosuppressive nature of testosterone to the claim that masculine-looking men have good immunity genes is contested. They generally have a medium body type, with a mix of both curves and a defined waistline. The foot, including toes, is longer than the face is high, and the hand, up to fingertips, at least 3/4 of the height of the face. North you go, the smaller the eyes are, while around the Mediterranean Indication of the number of samples taken from NHIS-2013 participants in each region and province, total number of inhabitants in 2013, number of samples taken per million inhabitants, number of invited participants, and sampling percentages. A principal component analysis demonstrated the typical European genetic constitution of the Belgian population, as compared to other continents. Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev. One is known as double-eyelid: the eyelid is creased like in Western eyes, but closer to the eyelashes. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. "Lots of regions of the genome contribute to facial features, so you would expect the genetic variation to be subtle, and it is. Belgium women typically have a small, delicate nose shape. The genetic structure of the Belgian population. Secondly, there is also a risk of false positive migration findings as country of birth does not necessarily imply the individual (or his parents) originated in that country. There's no such thing as "black" eyes; they are in fact very dark brown, which shows when light hits the iris directly. Gray is simply a variant of the blue pigment. Flemish Belgians look a lot like Southern Dutchmen. You can observe people in real life, or use. From these genetic population studies, it has become clear that there is a strong correlation between the geographical location and the genetic structure of different populations [8, 9], also at the more regional level (e.g., along a north-south axis in the Netherlands) [6, 7, 9, 10]. Mesocephal, the intermediate type, can be seen as the default drawing proportions we learned in our basic proportions. Required fields are marked *, By providing my email address, I agree to receive occasional emails from countrywaybridalboutique.com. We noted regional differences in the consent rate, a higher consent for non-smokers and a positive association with age and education level. About the author: Maciamo Hay is a Belgian-born historian, population geneticist, and travel writer. New lines appear above the lip and in the neck, while the cheeks are hollowed out. See Additionalfile4: Figure S2 for more details related to migration backgrounds. This determination allows them to set and achieve their goals, whether in their professional or personal lives. It also shows the Adam's apple, which a female neck never does. A female's eyelashes are no longer prominent and her lips get thinner; a male's hairline recedes to a varying, but noticeable degree. In the future, Kayser expects to look at more facial features, especially since the face scans stopped at the nose and excluded the lower face. 2014;46:81825. Selection of the variables for the predictive model was conducted by stepwise-weighted binomial regression analysis. ), the comic strip tradition ( Tintin, the Smurfs, Spirou & Fantasio, the Marsupilami, Lucky Luke, Largo Winch, etc. Mary Robertson is a cross-cultural dating expert with a decade of experience and a degree in anthropology from Sorbonne. Belgian Breast Clinic, located in Lindendreef, Antwerp, Belgium offers patients Breast Augmentation procedures among its total of 2 available procedures, across 1 different specialties. 2023 Envato Pty Ltd. All eye colors are pure or combined instances of the above three, sometimes with the addition of a yellow or russet pigment to the above two. By incorporating NHIS information about the study subjects residence and parental country of birth, we demonstrate small but clear genetic differences between different regions and illustrate how the populations genetic structure is shaped by recent migration waves. Furthermore, the high standard of living and education opportunities in Belgium also contribute to the personal qualities of Belgian women, making them well-informed, cultured, and open-minded individuals. Adolescents (twelve to seventeen years of age) are in every way between childhood and adulthood, every feature being close to its adult state but still retaining something childish (to different degrees depending if an individual is closer to twelve or to seventeen). Total variability captured by each PC is indicated by the axis labels. There are three principal groups of Belgians, Dutch-speaking (Flemish), French-speaking (Walloons) and finally German-speaking fellows. BELNE is a high-tech care line that is dedicated to beauty by science. While minor genetic differences were observed between the different Belgian regions, these were smaller than with any other population studied. Furthermore, the likelihood for consent was also higher in the Flemish Region compared to the other regions. Whole-genome sequence variation, population structure and demographic history of the Dutch population. Cozier YC, Palmer JR, Rosenberg L. Comparison of methods for collection of DNA samples by mail in the Black Womens Health Study. Article Let's look again at the proportions of hand and foot to the face: In a male, the sole and palm are half the width of the face. They can be accentuated or even created with make-up, but females have more contrasting lips to begin with. Round eyes appear more open than usual, due to more curve in the lower part. This combination of intelligence and sophistication makes them ideal leaders and role models. These data, which are important not only in clinical settings but also to potentiate future transitions towards a more personalized public health approach, are currently not available for the Belgian population. While the current sample size (189) is rather limited, we will use the experience gathered in this study to set up a larger genetic study linked to the next NHIS (2018) where we aim to sequence the entire genome from a representative sample of 1000 individuals from the Belgian population using whole genome sequencing techniques. Furthermore, cultural and societal influences have led to changes in beauty standards and fashion trends, which have also influenced the way Belgian women present themselves and the way they are perceived. Another defining feature of a Belgian womans appearance is her skin tone. To study the genetic structure and variability in the Belgian population, a subset of participants from the most recent NHIS, conducted on 10,829 inhabitants in 2013 [12], was invited to donate saliva samples for DNA analysis (Fig. The main variance was captured by the first four PCs (10.4%, Additionalfile3: Figure S1a). A female head is overall smaller than a male head, and the neck more slender. A global reference for human genetic variation. Facial features and proportions change quite a bit with age, which means that being familiar with their evolution is the key to drawing people that look the age you want them to. Sterling R, Henderson GE, Corbie-Smith G. Public willingness to participate in and public opinions about genetic variation research: a review of the literature. These samples were genotyped using the hg19 human genome build as a reference and variant allele frequencies were calculated for a total number of 261,079 SNPs for which genotyping information was available (Additionalfile1: Table S1). Arch Public Heal. Within Belgium, a small north-west to south-east gradient in genetic variability was noted, with differences between Flanders and Wallonia. This is the first study on the genetic structure of the Belgian population and its regional variation. Blue ranges from pale to dark. Perhaps the most famous Belgian facial hair outside Belgium is that of the characters Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus in the Tintin comic books. 2013;71:24. Eyes are basically either brown or blue, with green as a third, rarer type. However, the Dutch tend to do things much more "by the book", follow rules and avoid conspicuous behaviour. A large assortment at the lowest prices and shipped at the lowest shipping rates! Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. These numbers are representative for the current structure of Belgian population, with important migration waves in the past 50years, mainly from Southern Europe and Northern Africa, and with the highest immigration numbers found in the Brussels region [13].