Siberian Tiger Kills Brown Bear, Lisa Nandy Millionaire, Articles G - Transcripts I also can't remember also even meeting him.STU: You've had him on the air though.GLENN: I've had him on the air several times.But you -- that's a big deal, Weird Al.STU: Yeah, for sure. Therefore, Ukraine does not actually exist. And will happen, and you must prepare your family for this.Russian defense ministry, a journal from the Russian defense ministry says Moscow is developing a new type of military strategy, using nuclear weapons to protect against possible US aggression.Now, they're saying that they are developing, a new strategic response, and they are going with that.However, that's preparing. You're just using hyperbolic language. And white supremacists.Shut up. They take care of those families.But they also are teaching our -- our elementary school kids and our high school kids and probably many more, what 9/11 really was, discovering heroes. It's not going to. Just try being gay. Yeah. These progressives do the same thing.They take it up to a certain point.And right at the moment of collapse. Why were -- how did that happen?STU: You have a lot of questions on that?GLENN: Yeah. That's not too sexist, right? What's the problem there? But my mind goes immediately to, we have to censor people.That is the worst thing we can do. We had a little blip in the '50s, where we were putting people like Dalton Trump in jail. Have you made up your mind, and are you comfortable with the outcome, that it might mean sending your kids overseas?Tonight, is a time for choosing. I don't like you.STU: Right. There's a great evil happening in our country. Ransomeware attacks are now common as rainstorms. Keep your store open there in Portland. Because we're stable.But we're unstable now. But he is hawkish on this.STU: Right. Too many names. Two.The -- the problem with fentanyl is just the beginning. And he goes through this whole thing about how, you know things change over time. The Glenn Beck Program Play Newest Follow Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Seriously.Women. Glenn: It's my duty to WARN YOU about THIS threat to America RADIO Ron DeSantis: How COURAGE made Florida America's red state RADIO WATCH: Biden 'announces' U.S. But now we're at war with the West because its ally decided to fight us. So the reason why he -- they're now coming out and saying, yeah. I really am.But it is, I believe, my calling to warn you of what is possibly coming. Something in their waistbands as well.So he's up there. We want to come back, Portland, but it's too dangerous for our employees, and we're hemorrhaging product.Now, let me ask you. Not down.And you talk about children being taken away from their parents! What is victory? So far, there's no indication, that the two attacks are connected.However, the cyber hostage taking ransomeware, that often strong arms institutions into making hefty ransom payments to regain access to their computer systems, is now a fact of life for US corporations and the government.Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services warned that Russians and Russian-linked ransomeware groups like Clop had reportedly taken responsibility for a mass attack on more than 130 organizations, including the health care industry.Okay. They said, London will turn to dust. And it will disappear, along with all of humanity, if a nuclear apocalypse begins.Even if we imagine a Ukrainian victory, after so many people die, and the infrastructure is completely destroyed. I did not. Okay?This is like, you know, you'll have to meet the archivist, just to get that paper. So they'll come for the Christians. This is extraordinary.I mean, this is unbelievable. A recent poll from the State Policy Network Survey shows that Americans are BEYOND worried about nearly everything: Food affordability and shortages, inflation, rising energy prices, and possible nuclear war. Fame has changed, or -- or exposure has changed.We're not seeing just these few people on TV. We are more concerned today about what shoe is going to drop next. And I've heard several things about it.That it's really bad. We're sending the firefighter jets. Russia cannot say, fine. They would still be saying.We don't know. Once they can do it, they can do it.Biden administration has been trying to negotiate limits on Iran's nuclear program. Nike has the unmitigated gall, to send a letter to the Portland mayor, at the end of the day, wheeler, and city officials, ask community Nike store.Now, this thing has been closed for months. That matters. You broke the law, you're going to jail.No. For what he believed.But other than that, we've been pretty good. And just like regular Relief Factor, that you take for pain. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. While Joe Biden voters, drank champagne in the streets, to celebrate his election. But mark my words, it's coming.We must stop accepting the lies. WATCH: Biden 'announces' U.S. He said, he watched these four guys, wearing masks with guns on their waists and empty bags in their hands walking in. We all knew Russia was involved. Dr. Shogan, I will ask you again: Will you give to this committee your public posts on Twitter? She read to students also, When Aidan Becomes a Brother, which is about transitioning surgery and hormones.She was telling the kids, that -- by the way, that book has just been banned in Florida. We are no longer close allies with Saudi Arabia.What have we been saying for the longest time to the left? But the moment of last resort is right now. Because there's always somebody, that somebody has a problem with.Well, I don't like them, because of their race.Okay. It was fantastic. Really?Because if I told you ten years ago, that they were going to say that men could have babies too, you would have said, how dare you say that. So let's pray on these four.And he turns to the young men. Radio - Blaze Media - TheBlaze Radio Network Glenn Beck: Hello America, and welcome to the very first episode and the first day of the future. And then at the end, what did they do?The same people who started the war, got together and said within now we're going to punish Germany. Theres a great evil happening in our country, Glenn says. And they have dedicated themselves for the last 20-plus years.To keep that story alive. And have the courage to say, it's just not true.I'm sorry. Politics, after all, is about rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies. Who would do that?GLENN: This is sad. We know it. And he has a song from many years ago.GLENN: You went alone, didn't you?STU: Of course I did. So people come in, and your private security, cannot touch or stop anyone.You can only report it to the police. You just lied to me a second ago under oath. I told you so!Yet, nothing changes. Huh.She was putting books into the classroom, that were not in the curriculum, an LGBTQI2. Click on the radio listener special square. 's lap.STU: That's an opening line right there.GLENN: And I shoved her out of the way, and I sat on his lap, and it was very nice. But thinks it's winning. And I still know what's going on, and I know what's about to happen. I don't know. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard. glenn beck today show transcript - I thought it just dropped. Watch Glenn's new two-hour show available live and on-demand Monday through Friday on! We're going to pray on you.And so the whole congregation comes around, and they put their hands. Well, unfortunately, we're now starting to consider that that could be a weapon. And job loss.However, the researchers found that 71 percent say they worry about international conflicts escalating into a nuclear war.70 percent are worried, that there will be food shortages. So if Russia is allowed to win the war, this would still constitute a victory for the West, and defeat for Russia. In fact, gave him a list of critical infrastructure targets that must never be attacked.Of those 16 critical infrastructure sectors, there is public health, emergency services, and energy.Quote, I gave him a list. However, there are now four countries, all aligned against America and against the West. Like, see, brothers, that wasn't so bad. And I strongly, strongly urge this committee, to take action on this, and own up to the fact that she's misleading us, right before our eyes, Mr. Chairman.GLENN: I mean, don't you love him?Now, here's the thing that I want to point out.That was a shortened version. Police are continuing to search for 14 of Cajuns we will keep you updated on those details as we get them. Glenn Beck Transcripts | On Demand 82. And you're going to get everybody stirred up.And now?You're silenced if you say that's not true.Nine-year-old child taught by Debra Rosenquist, at Terryville Road Elementary School, Long Island, identifies as a girl, but was being called a boy's name and given male pronouns in class. We have to send the jets. Skin color makes no difference. Tweets with replies by Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) / Twitter Man can only do so much. And I should really like you. We shouldn't have allowed that. But we don't talk about that. May I just say, we are repeating to the letter World War I.The elites, the socialists, got together with all the socialists in the west, and they all got together, and said, you know, if we kind of push this along, it will be a quick war.And it will be able to collapse all of the old regimes.And -- and we'll be -- and we'll be great.And we'll have this new utopian world.So what happened?Well, it wasn't quick.It killed millions.Changed the history of Europe.It did collapse some of the old empires. If your kids aren't out working, if you're not holding down that moral fort in your own life, and in your own family. Don't steal. Start your two week free trial HERE! They will not want to give up on. The Glenn Beck Radio Program - YouTube Retweet a post, ban assault weapons now. Let's not think too long on that. You care about skin color, you have become the racist.So now, they're -- imagine where this is going.Now if you're pro-life, the college of OB-GYN doesn't want you.What will that lead to, when there's no one in that crew saying, wait a minute, can we -- can we step on the brakes here for a second?The FBI, medicine. You were a regular person, when we met. Glenn Beck's Show On Fox News To End : NPR TCKS FULL TRANSCRIPT - Unpacking the Global Threat of the Great Reset Now, who are the agents of chaos?Well, I will tell you, the ones who are the agents of chaos, are fighting to limit speech.That will only make things worse. Glenn: It's my duty to WARN YOU about THIS threat to America Right? They forfeited the game. So is your posts on February 18th, 2022, bemoaning the lifting of mask requirements, for children under the age of five. Glenn Beck - YouTube And I walk closer. Too Many Seniors Ignore This Condition 2,267 Urologist: Most Men With An Enlarged Prostate Do Not Know About This Simple Solution 511 114,041 If Governor Ron DeSantis ran against Biden in 2024, who would you vote for? Uh-huh. They said, it wasn't Russia. He's now saying that we now have to send fighters. So they've gone and said, hey. And it is so satisfying. I told you that there was an ammunition storage facility in Moldova. The Glenn Beck Program - TheBlaze Too many words in that, just cut it down. So wait. King. Oh, good. At least even odds. Relief Factor sleep is 100 percent drug-free.I have -- I have never taken a sleep product, where you don't feel it the next day.I've had -- what the? You racist!All of it treks back to the same agents of chaos.All of it!When -- when are we going to get this, and all of us, Republican, Democrats, and independents say, to hell with politics. We have somebody who is a lefty.And on the second hearing, in the Senate, she was kind of caught in a little trap. You know, the -- the -- the problems, that you are worried about, according to this new survey, are enormous.And I think reasonable.We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. MyPillow 2.0.Right now, buy one, get one free for a limited time, if you use the promo code Beck. If only we had refrained from destroying the Soviet Union, or had broken the necks of Gorbachev and Yeltsin at the right time.In my opinion, this is Aleksandr Dugin on Saudi Arabian television, that has just been translated. Relief sleep does. Now they won't even make the argument, because they won't let themselves use the word.We are screwed up.GLENN: Let me ask you something. That were actually holding people's feet to the fire!Now, it makes no difference, if it's all just words. Sources: PolitiFact, "Glenn Beck on al-Qaida links to Muslim Brotherhood,"by Robert Farley, Jan. 31, 2011; Transcript of Glenn Beck Program, Feb. 4, 2011, accessed through Nexis With freedom of speech.Let me give you -- let me give you some examples. You need 90 percent purity.They say this is, if it hasn't happened yet, we are within days of them being able to enrich plutonium.Or uranium. He's like, hey, you. No.No. They decided to look into her. So whether you've already gotten on board the MyPillow train with the original, or are brand-new to the experience, please check these pillows out. If that's what you were excited about it.But at what cost? Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. 88 percent of respondents say they're concerned about energy shortages.79 percent say they worry about the collapse of the US government. But that's not who we're getting. But it gets worse. What's on your tweets?She was under oath. And then I heard that it's really nothing. 800-4-Relief. What is it? And we are going to be there indefinitely, it seems.Here is President Biden about the money going over to Ukraine. I am not involved in their constant push.STU: I know. But it was so good. I mean, this is a very ultra competitive world there. You know, we don't ever talk about this.But as far as people touched -- you know, people that are hearing, watching. Our country. I love Weird Al.GLENN: Did you go backstage to meet him?STU: No. It is an out-and-out lie.I don't accept it. We are so with BLM, and the all things that have destroyed law and order in this country. Russian hackers are not being stopped. So what's the problem with that? I, in particular, asked you to give a full accounting of the public posts that you had made on Twitter. And I don't think any of you are going to be the same.And they all just kind of looked at him. But they'll probably kill you first, because you are dumping filth into the atmosphere.Right? Not enough is being done. CONTRIBUTOR AUDIENCE CHOICE: Here are 14 'manly films' that YOU recommended! There was none available at the time, when I looked. Well, that's crazy conspiracy. This will bring Russia to its end. Twenty minutes to get the feeling of complete relaxation and contentment. While his contract runs through December, his show . But the pastor and his congregation used quick thinking and PRAYER to stop the potential travesty. The Glenn Beck Podcast - YouTube China and Russia.They have already dismissed us, and anything we claim on OPEC. And how dare you. And he's seeing this. Now, I want you to listen. Fifty-50 chance of getting caught, if you kill somebody.Huh. We know that. Speak Truth. India?Iran? And I don't see how this stops. And then the entire congregation surrounds these would-be robbers. It's the worst thing that can happen. Good Continue reading And it's coming in, like never before.And our government and our press is telling us, the border is secure.It's not secure. 3 Luglio 2022; common last names in kazakhstan; medical careers that don't require math in sa . With alleged intent to rob it or worse.STU: Alleged. And they are praying that the Holy Ghost will come and just change these men.They pray for a while, and then the congregation sits back down. Get Jerry's, you know, pros and cons.And get Biggs' pros and cons. That is worth it. A podcasting, you know, kind of division. And they didn't associate it with the male. Beck walks closer to the painting and starts explaining its details. I want to start this school.GLENN: I know. And says, in totally like a -- you know, Weird Al. Glenn Beck talks about his painting entitled "Birth of a Champion" at Park City Fine Art on Friday, June 10, 2022. It uses artificial intelligence to destroy the family, sex, and the nature of human beings. Stay awake. Why?Because you don't arrest anybody who is stealing. They have taken a terrible event of 9/11, where 3,000 people died. glenn beck today show transcript . Saying, we are with you, in this fight.And this fight is unlimited, and it will only end with regime change.What the hell do you think that means to Russia?And now, after we're sending all this, we actually think we have the right to tell China, don't send any military aid to Russia.Who the hell do we think we are?We're on the wrong side.We -- this is the beginning, of real darkness.We are on the wrong side.And I'm not saying China and Russia are the right side. He goes on to Trump and The View, et cetera, et cetera. Today; Last week; Last month; Last year; All Time; Duration. In fact, they elected a President who said, if you elect me for a second term, I will not send your boys into war. You know it, and I know it.Because this antiracist nonsense states that. However, there's something that you need to know, that tells you everything.I'll give it to you in 60 seconds. I don't know. Wouldn't that be great?So they want to directly fund full-time police officers.Well, the city is saying, no. 800-966-3117, and get your MyPillow 2.0 now.Ten-second station ID. It's called the open source intelligence monitor. But I also don't think World War III will end well. B.B. Yes, I know.I mean, you can look at things like track and field, where you're just literally measuring. Glenn Beck 386K Followers. Is he taking that seriously? Theyre only concerned about their own power, he explains, and theyll shut down anyone who disagrees. And I cannot thank you enough, for helping us build this network. Blaze Radio Network Let's just keep going back. Blog Inizio Senza categoria glenn beck today show transcript. What's the cause of that problem? Two, everybody seems to be dirty, because they're not transparent.Three, when questions -- or answers to questions don't make sense, and no one will show you any kind of transparency. Love your neighbor. Latest episodes Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | iHeart | Soundcloud | Stitcher glenn beck today show transcript - You can't do it!You can't do it.So, what is causing this?It is being caused by all of the lies, that we have been told, and we have told ourselves.Well, society can go on.I mean, yes. In this clip, Glenn uses recent stories to show how far-left agents of chaos are to blame. Now, I don't care about that at all.I do think that was interesting. We want equal justice. In my opinion, the West is the source of absolute evil. And the US Department of Health and Human Services, warned that Russian-linked ransom group called clock, had reportedly taken responsibility for the mass attack on more than 130 organizations, including the health industry. It previously had been public.I asked you to provide the public posts, that previously had been made on Twitter. Literally, what is she?Boy, girl. The -- what? With no seeming -- no limiting principle whatsoever. That's 800-4-Relief. So at what point does Biden fold on that?GLENN: Well, I don't know.Because during this -- during this global security conference in Munich, the Chinese are talking now about giving weapons and ammunition to Russia.And the United States came out, over the weekend, and said, they better not do that.Excuse me?You better not do that. He has a list. And we're now paying the Ukrainian pension fund!Did you approve this? I want somebody that nobody even cares to meet. It's not going to be good.He said, me being a former police officer, I noticed the waistbands. I can't hear you. King hit on my wife.STU: Right. Correct.STU: Even if that mission is correct, what are we screwing up?GLENN: By the way, the work that we're doing now at Blaze TV is so incredibly critical. Now, we've not gotten there. Call your state legislators TODAY and tell them to pass the Fair Access bill. How much would that be worth?STU: I would have paid the ticket premium.GLENN: Which would have been what?STU: I don't know. Now, remember, the national archives, should just be somebody collecting all of the stuff, and preserving it.Okay?I don't want a political ideologue. I didn't realize that hermaphrodite, apparently, not a term you're supposed to use anymore. Well, I don't know. BECK: Today was a big day . Sleep at work or something. If you cannot find a specific segment, check back later. The Glenn Beck Program Transcripts | Podgist But actively encouraged the fifth graders to try being gay. And it is causing chaos. Why is that?BLM. If there was a sports division, with the podcasts. It demonstrated the ability to reach the continental US.This is now the third country. People put money into America, over most places in the world. Listen to this. But Amazon, its original investor. How did they grow up? I can't say this is coming.But I -- I will tell you, that at this point, I can't tell, whether this is a prompting or not.I can't tell, so I don't know. Russian hacker. Then the night before, she closes it down, so they don't have everything. And they were going to use them, but they only had a couple of them, that they had printed off. And when you walked on this ground, you walked on to the ground of the holy ghost.You step foot, on the all-creation parking lot. Not a nice man. And subscribe now with the promo code Glenn. Do you remember that post?VOICE: No, Senator. Please, donate, and help them do their job. Looked at the congregation. That pastor coming out from behind that -- that podium, and seeing him. You don't have to just think of -- I want to add two more things to this pile. Those tweets were in my personal capacity.VOICE: No, no, no. If that's what makes you happy.This exchange made me very happy.VOICE: Dr. Shogan, when you were here last year, a number of senators asked you, including me, a series of questions about an article you had written, public statements that you had made on social media, that were pretty grossly partisan, and I thought offensive. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made. There's -- this has been a good week for this kind of stuff. Glenn Beck Those are all the possibilities, and they are becoming more and more likely, because we are looking so incredibly weak.But one that I can tell you, is happening. What kind of hassles have they had in their life?Shut up! I love the guy.GLENN: I know. glenn beck today show transcript. I asked you, would you give all public posts, that you had made on Twitter. My children have been taken away from me.GLENN: Stop. Autor de l'entrada Per ; Data de l'entrada ice detention center colorado; https nhs vc hh cardiac surgery a glenn beck today show transcript a glenn beck today show transcript Yeah, you.You in the purple jacket. We have to send the jets.Really? Memory is a great organization, that translates all of the stuff on Saudi Arabian, Qatar, and all Arabic-speaking channels. You had locked your Twitter account, before you came before this committee. The damning lawsuit now wielded by her parents, claims that the teacher started call the fifth grader Leo, using he/him pronouns in class, October 21, unbeknownst to the girl's parents. Well, let me start here. Thank you for letting us pray for you.We're thankful that for whatever reason, the Lord let you come on in here. And why are they overwhelmed?Because there's not enough qualified police. Justice is blind. Eleven dollars a month is what they're asking at During which, the regime could lock down its political opponents, unleash its own supporters, to those who opposed them. (music)All right. Radio. No mention of that. He -- he believes admission is important. I don't even -- I don't -- shh. Two-star general Jerry Boykin to join me. One day her name is Leo. So who do we have? And it is very difficult for the public to hold anyone accountable, after the fact.When an emergency presents the opportunity to achieve power, under the state of exception, it is always best to manufacture the narrative, to secure that power as quickly as possible.And then make the adjustments later, after the power is firmly in hand. It is a private Q and A, exclusively only for Blaze TV subscribers.And the reason why we do it, only for Blaze TV subscribers, is because I don't want -- I -- it's not for public consumption.It's for us. In a busy news cycle, you might not have heard. ziegenfelder popsicles; best college marching bands in north carolina; halimbawa ng positibo at negatibong pahayag. It is going to happen. Yeah. We can stop this madness right now!They -- I am not for Russia or Putin.But I am for this insanity, to stop!I don't know, other than, what I have told you long ago, would happen. I'm neither. Think Chinese. What to call it.They have dehumanized a child and taught that it, is a proper pronoun, for people you don't know the sex of.It! Why are you here?Who sent you here?He said, they found out that they were -- later, they were connected to two robberies from convenience stores.