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(d) Each limited video lottery retailer's periodic distribution from the appropriate operator shall be paid by check or by electronic funds transfer to the limited video lottery retailer's designated bank account. The Lottery Commission shall provide the determination within 60 days of receiving the petition from the applicant. Copyright 2023 West Virginia Public Broadcasting, All Rights Reserved. (a) The commission shall notify applicants and licensees in writing of the denial, suspension or revocation of a license and the reasons for the denial, suspension or revocation in accordance with the provisions of section 22B-518. "Permit" means the authorization issued by the commission allowing a person licensed as a permittee under this article to own or lease a specified number of video lottery terminals. Criminal penalty for unauthorized video lottery terminal. 29-22B-1709. So long as the aggregate average gross terminal income per day for the operating video lottery terminals does not exceed $60, the commissions share of gross profits shall continue to be 30 percent for the succeeding quarter of the year beginning July 1. ARTICLE 22D. The maintenance logs shall be available upon request for inspection by the commission. "Player" means a person who plays a video lottery game on a video lottery terminal at a restricted access adult-only facility. He said a shortage of computer chips is causing the delay. Thereafter, the commission, within ten days of receipt of the recommended decision, shall either accept or reject the recommended decision, and if it accepts the decision, it shall cause the director to sign and acknowledge the decision as its own, after having reviewed the transcript and all exhibits attached and affixed to the decision; if the commission rejects the decision, it shall within ten days of receipt of the recommended decision prepare a decision setting forth its own findings of fact and conclusions of law. (c) Property subject to forfeiture under this section may be seized by any person granted law-enforcement powers (hereinafter referred to as the "appropriate person" in section 22B-1804). -- Each symbol or number is random if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level using standard serial correlation analysis to determine whether each symbol or number is independently chosen without reference to the same symbol or number in a previous game. WEST VIRGINIA LOTTERY INTERACTIVE WAGERING ACT. WV Video Lottery Summary Wv video lottery revenue by location The machines brought in $ million in September, outpacing racetrack video lottery machines located at the five casinos operating in West. West Virginia Code Civil penalties applicable to limited video lottery retailers. (b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less than one year nor more than three years, and fined not less than $5,000 nor more than $25,000, except that, in the case of a person other than an individual, the fine may not be less than $50,000 nor more than $100,000. The Lottery Commission approved licenses for three additional iGaming service producers Wednesday including Fan Duel, Golden Nugget and Rush Creek. Senate Bill 268makes a range of changes to PEIA, out of concern that the agency faces growing financial stress. (b) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to modify, amend, or otherwise affect the validity of any provisions regulating racetrack video lottery as set forth in article 22A of this chapter. (k) No disposition shall occur until all applicable periods for filing a notice of intent to appeal has expired and no party in interest shall have filed such notice. of this code except that an applicant may also be licensed as a service technician. (a) No operators license or license renewal may be granted unless the Lottery Commission has determined that, in addition to the general requirements set forth in 29-22B-502 of this code, the applicant satisfies all of the following qualifications: (1) The applicant has demonstrated the training, education, business ability, and experience necessary to establish, operate, and maintain the business for which the license application is made; (2) The applicant has secured any necessary financing for the business for which the license application is made, and the financing: (A) Is from a source that meets the qualifications of this section; and (B) is adequate to support the successful performance of the duties and responsibilities of the licensee. Videos, activities & resources for every occasion. There, you can meet online and privately share your slots . 29-22B-312. The applicant or license holder who filed the petition for administrative review may appeal the decision of the commission issued under section 22B-1503 to the circuit court of Kanawha County, West Virginia, if the petition for appeal is filed no later than thirty days after the date upon which the petitioner receives written notice of the final decision of the commission. In addition to the duties imposed upon the director elsewhere in this article and article 22 of this chapter, the director shall: (1) Supervise and administer the operation of licensed limited video lottery in accordance with the provisions of this article and the rules of the Lottery Commission; (2) Issue licenses to manufacturers, operators, limited video lottery retailers and service technicians, after approval by the Lottery Commission; (3) Register video lottery terminals and equipment and issue registration decals; (4) Collect and deposit license and registration fees due under this article; (5) Require the mandatory posting by limited video lottery retailers of the rules of play and the odds or house percentage on each video lottery game; (6) Attend meetings of the Lottery Commission or appoint a designee to attend in the director's place; (7) Employ and direct such personnel as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this article, but no person shall be employed who has been convicted of a felony or gambling-related offense; (8) With the approval of the Lottery Commission, enter into agreements with any department, agency, or unit of state government to secure services which the director deems necessary and to provide for the payment for such services; (9) Employ and compensate such consultants and technical assistants as may be required and as otherwise permitted by law; (10) Confer with the Lottery Commission as necessary or desirable, with regard to the operation of the division; (11) Make available for inspection by the Lottery Commission or any member of the commission, upon request, all books, records, files, and other information and documents in the director's office; (12) Advise the Lottery Commission and recommend to the commission such rules and other procedures as the director deems necessary and advisable to improve the operation of limited video lottery; (13) With the concurrence of the Lottery Commission or pursuant to commission requirements and procedures, enter into contracts for materials, equipment, and supplies; (14) Make a continuous study and investigation of the operation and the administration of similar laws which may be in effect in other states or countries; of any literature on video gaming which from time to time may be published or available; and of any federal laws which may affect the conduct of limited video lottery in this state with a view to recommending or effecting changes that would serve the purposes of this article; (15) Publish as a public document a monthly report that contains a full and complete statement of the revenue and expenses for each month from limited video lottery operations; (16) Provide copies of the monthly revenue and expense statement to the Lottery Commission, the secretary of the Department of Tax and Revenue, the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Delegates, the President of the Senate, and the minority leaders of both houses of the Legislature; and. ARTICLE 15. (3) Key personnel of an applicant, including any executive, employee or agent, having the power to exercise significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the applicant's business operation. Video lottery terminal defined. (a) A person who possesses any video lottery terminal that is not a video gambling machine or possesses any other device, equipment or material which the person knows has been manufactured, distributed, sold, tampered with or serviced in violation of the provisions of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for a first conviction be confined in a county or regional jail not more than one year and fined not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000, except that, in the case of a person other than an individual, the amount of the fine imposed may be not less than $5,000 nor more than $25,000. Testing of video lottery terminals and associated equipment. The petition shall be verified by oath or affirmation of a law-enforcement officer representing the law-enforcement agency responsible for the seizure or the prosecuting attorney and shall contain the following: (A) A description of the property seized; (B) A statement as to who is responsible for the seizure; (C) A statement of the time and place of seizure; (D) The identity of the owner or owners of the property, if known; (E) The identity of the person or persons in possession of the property at the time seized, if known; (F) A statement of facts upon which probable cause for belief that the seized property is subject to forfeiture pursuant to the provisions of this article is based; (G) The identity of all persons or corporations having a perfected security interest or lien in the subject property, as well as the identity of all persons or corporations known to the affiant who may be holding a possessory or statutory lien against such property; and. (b) A petition for hearing shall be served on the commission by delivery in person at the primary office of the commission or by certified mail. (c) The request for modification shall contain a detailed description of the type of change, the reasons for the change and technical documentation of the change. "Net terminal income" means the portion of gross terminal income collected by the commission from the permittees determined to be net terminal income as calculated under subsection 22B-1408(a) of this article. 29-22B-702. (9) The number of cumulative credits representing money inserted by a player and credits for video lottery games won but not collected. Video lottery terminals licensed for placement in this state must meet the hardware specifications set forth in this part 9. 29-22B-505. The commission and the director may conduct video lottery advertising only for the purpose of advising the public as to the use of the revenues generated by video lottery operations authorized by this article. Legislative finding; Constitutional authority; limited video lottery is a lottery. 29-22B-802. (C) No bona fide security interest or other valid lien in any conveyance shall be forfeited under the provisions of this article, unless the state proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the holder of such security interest or lien either knew, or had reason to know, that such conveyance was being used or was likely to be used in a violation of this article. Electronic accounting required. wv video lottery revenue by location - In this event, the director shall begin anew the bidding process for the permits. (4) The requirement that preliminary notice be given shall not apply if the director finds that the collection of the penalty is in jeopardy. The following persons are considered to have control of an applicant: (1) Each person associated with a corporate applicant, including any corporate holding company, parent company or subsidiary company of the applicant, but not including a bank or other licensed lending institution which holds a mortgage or other lien acquired in the ordinary course of business, who has the ability to control the activities of the corporate applicant or elect a majority of the board of directors of that corporation. Burden of proving qualification for license. The notice shall advise any claimant to the property of their right to file a claim on or before the date set forth in the notice, which date shall not be less than thirty days from the date of the first publication. (c) No more than one restricted access adult-only facility shall hold a limited video lottery retailer license to offer video lottery terminals in any single structure under one roof. WEST VIRGINIA STATE RAIL AUTHORITY. (d) The commission shall test the software EPROMS on the logic board of each video lottery terminal prior to sealing the logic area. 29-22B-1710. strong>29-22B-706. 29-22B-403. Those machines brought in $38 million in September. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, persons who hold a current operator's license or a current limited video lottery retailer's license issued under this article shall be exempt from paying the taxes imposed by articles 11-15-1, et seq., and 11-15A-1, et seq., of this code on their purchases of video lottery terminals and video lottery games. Placement of video lottery terminals. (b) All video lottery terminals in approved locations shall be physically located as follows: (1) The video lottery terminals shall be continuously monitored through the use of a closed circuit television system capable of identifying players and terminal faces and of recording activity for a continuous 24 hour period. (2) The limited video lottery authorized by this article is a "lottery" as that term is commonly understood and as that term is used in the West Virginia Constitution, article 6, section 36. 29-22B-1711. (a) A petition for a hearing shall be in writing and shall include an original and one copy. A licensed service technician may be a sole proprietor, partner, or an employee of a person licensed under this article or an employee of a business not licensed under this article that services, maintains and repairs video lottery terminals owned or leased by a permittee through one or more service technicians. (f) If a successful bidder defaults in paying the amount due by the date specified by the commission, as provided in section 1106 of this article, the bid bond shall be forfeited to the state. West Virginia: Limited Video Lottery growth offsets casino revenue "Associated equipment" means any hardware located on the premises of video lottery retailers, other than the video lottery terminals themselves, that is connected to the video lottery terminal or to the central computer for the purpose of performing communication, validation or other functions. The maintenance log forms shall be retained by permittees for a period of three years from the date of the last entry. (4) In the case of seized moneys, securities or other negotiable instruments, place the assets in any interest-bearing depository insured by an agency of the federal government. Disclosure to the State Police or other law-enforcement officials of a possible violation of this article and material facts related thereto shall not be deemed to be an unauthorized disclosure of information under section 11-10-5d of this code. 29-22B-1002. Video Lottery Sign Restrictions Eased, iLottery Coming To W.Va. Arts Day At The Legislature Celebrates Longevity, Focuses On The Future, House Passes PEIA Reform Legislation To Prevent Program Collapse, Career Technical Education Day At The Capitol Focused On Beginning Career Paths, Union Leaders Voice Opposition To PEIA Bill. In addition to the general duties imposed on all licensees in section 22B-701 of this article, a service technician shall: (1) Maintain all skills necessary for the timely repair and service of licensed video lottery terminals and associated equipment so as to ensure the continued, approved operation of those terminals; (2) Attend all commission mandated meetings, seminars and training sessions concerning the repair and maintenance of licensed video lottery terminals and associated equipment; (3) Promptly notify the commission in writing of any electronic or mechanical video lottery terminal malfunctions; and. Thereafter, a copy of the bid and the bidders application for an operators license or a limited video lottery retailer license shall be maintained as a public record at the commissions offices and shall be open to public inspection during its normal business hours. 29-22B-306. The state lottery oversees casino-style gaming in West Virginia. In case of any conflict, the provisions of this article shall control. The machines brought in $39.5 million in September, outpacing racetrack video lottery machines located at the five casinos operating in West Virginia. 29-22B-603. wv video lottery revenue by locationcbc news nl here and now. 29-22B-706. (a) No video lottery terminal may be placed in operation in this state until the manufacturer provides training in the service and repair of each approved video lottery terminal model and service technicians complete the training. A manufacturer of video lottery terminals may not sell or lease video lottery terminals to any person for use in this state unless the manufacturer possesses a current manufacturer's license issued by the Lottery Commission as provided in this article. A limited video lottery retailer who elects to obtain video lottery terminals from an operator may contract with an operator for the number of video lottery terminals stated in the license. No credits may be paid in tokens, chips or merchandise. The following information must be recorded on the ticket when credits accrued on a video lottery terminal are redeemed for cash: (2) The value of the credits in dollars and cents displayed in both numeric and written form; (5) Any other information required by the commission. (f) No bid may be considered unless the bond required by 29-22B-1109 of this code accompanies the bid or was submitted to the State Treasurer before the time designated for opening of the bid. WV Video Lottery Summary Wv video lottery revenue by location The commission has the right to examine all accounts, bank accounts, financial statements and records in a permittee's possession, under its control or in which it has an interest and the licensed permittee shall authorize all third parties in possession or in control of the accounts or records to allow examination of any of those accounts or records by the commission. BUREAU OF NEGRO WELFARE AND STATISTICS. (b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less than one year nor more than three years and fined not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000, except that in the case of a person other than an individual, the fine may not be less than $25,000 nor more than $50,000. of this code; (13) Install, post, and display prominently within or about the approved location signs, redemption information and other material as required by the commission; (14) Maintain general liability insurance coverage for all video lottery terminals in an amount of at least $1 million per claim; (15) Promptly notify the commission in writing of any breaks or tears to any logic unit seals; (16) Assume liability for all amounts due to the commission in connection with any money lost or stolen from any video lottery terminal; (17) Comply with all applicable provisions of this article and rules and orders of the commission; and. They went into one of these locations thinking it was a restaurant, it was not identified as a limited video lottery, Myers said. The above service shall be made pursuant to the provisions of the West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure. Municipalities may continue to impose any other license fees they are allowed to impose under this code. (a) Each video lottery terminal shall at all times maintain electronic accounting regardless of whether the terminal is being supplied with electrical power. EPROM and erasable programmable read-only memory chips defined. 29-22B-301. (c) Nothing in this article shall be deemed to permit the operation of any lottery otherwise prohibited by the laws of this state, not owned and operated by this state and permitted by this article. The fund may be placed in any interest-bearing depository insured by an agency of the federal government. 29-22B-514. Each video lottery terminal shall have a random number generator to determine randomly the occurrence of each specific symbol or number used in video lottery games. (b) After a video lottery terminal is connected to the commission's central site system of monitoring lottery terminals, the terminal may not be off-line for more than five consecutive days, unless the terminal is off-line due to fire, flood, or other act beyond the control of the operator. ARTICLE 2. (c) Hearings may not be delayed by a motion for continuance made less than seven days before the date set for the hearing. The burden of proving qualification for any limited video lottery license or for renewal thereof is on the applicant. A second round of bidding will begin March 12, 2021, and will close on May 20, 2021, with a minimum bid of $8,500 on all remaining unclaimed licenses. 29-22B-1003. (a) When seeking bids for the ten-year period beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2021, and for each subsequent ten-year period, the commission shall, in determining the amount a current holder of a permit issued under section 1106 of this article shall pay for authorization to place additional video lottery terminals in this state, afford the bidder an additional preference, if the bidder submitted at least the minimum bid amount prescribed by the commission, the amount of which shall be determined as provided in subsection (b) of this section. Berkshire Hathaway breaks ground for Jackson County project; additional manufacturer announced. (b) The provisions of this article preempt all regulations, rules, ordinances and laws of any county or municipality in conflict herewith: Provided, That nothing herein shall invalidate any zoning law, or Sunday closing law under article 61-10-1, et seq., of this code. The director shall prepare and submit to the Lottery Commission written recommendations concerning proposed legislative rules for this purpose; (2) To propose other rules for promulgation as provided in article 29A-3-1, et seq., of this code not inconsistent with this article which the commission in its discretion believes to be necessary. (b) The applicable fee shall be paid to the commission at the time the application for a license is submitted to the commission and upon the annual renewal date each year thereafter, at which time the license may be renewed. (c) For shipping a video lottery terminal into this state that is not identical to a video lottery terminal make and model approved by the commission, including the electronic computer components, the random number generator, the coin acceptor, the bill acceptor, and the cabinet in which the video lottery terminal is housed, the manufacturer shall be fined: (d) For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the commission shall increase by $10,000. of this code. Purchase or lease by permittees. WEST VIRGINIA PATIENT INJURY COMPENSATION FUND. 29-22B-328. He said a shortage of computer . (4) Pay no compensation of any kind to any limited video lottery retailer or give or transfer anything of value to any limited video lottery retailer, that is in addition to the consideration stated in the written agreement between the operator and the limited video lottery retailer, which may be not less than 40 percent nor more than 50 percent of the amount of net terminal income received by the operator in connection with the video lottery terminals at that location; (5) Pay for the installation and operation of commission approved telephone lines to provide direct dial-up or on-line communication between each video lottery terminal and the commissions central control computer; (6) Purchase or lease and install computer controller units and other associated equipment required by the commission for video lottery terminals owned or leased by the permittee; (7) Permit no person to tamper with or interfere with the operation of any video lottery terminal; (8) Ensure that telephone lines from the commissions central control computer to the video lottery terminals located at the approved location are at all times connected, and prevent any person from tampering or interfering with the operation of the telephone lines; (9) Ensure that video lottery terminals are placed and remain placed in the specific places within the approved restricted access adult-only facility that have been approved by the commission. Limitation on number and location of video lottery terminals. The commission may exclude any evidence which is irrelevant, unduly repetitious, or lacking in substantial probative effect. Additional qualifications for an applicant for a manufacturer's license. (b) Bids for permits to own or lease video lottery terminals shall be governed by the provisions of this part 11. (b) The Lottery Commission may not disqualify an applicant from initial licensure because of a prior criminal conviction that remains unreversed unless that conviction is for a crime that bears a rational nexus to the activity requiring licensure. (g) During the pendency of a forfeiture proceeding, it is unlawful for any property owner or holder of a bona fide security interest or other valid lien-holder to transfer or attempt to transfer any ownership interest or security interest in seized property with the intent to defeat the purpose of this article, and the court wherein the petition for forfeiture is filed may enjoin a property owner or holder of a security interest or other lien-holder from making such a transfer should one come to its attention. (c) The licensed operator is solely responsible for paying the negotiated share of net terminal income, to each limited video lottery retailer to whom it has supplied video lottery terminals under the provisions of this article. Limited video lottery is hereby authorized and may be operated and maintained subject to the provisions of this article . (c) Each service technician shall submit a written report to the commission within twenty-four hours after the repairs or replacement are completed and the report shall include the serial number of any replacement board and the new logic area seal number. wv video lottery revenue by location. (a) Neither the director of the commission, nor any member or employee of the commission, may be financially interested, or have any beneficial personal interest, direct or indirect, in any person furnishing video lottery terminals or video lottery games, or in any person who is a bidder for video lottery terminals, or who is a holder of a license issued under this article. A licensed operator and a licensed limited video lottery retailer who hold a permit issued under part 11 of this article may obtain video lottery terminals only from a licensed manufacturer. (c) If an application for a limited video lottery retailer's license is received after August 1, 2001, whether from an applicant who on January 1, 2001, held a private club license issued under article 60-7-1, et seq., of this code or a Class "A" nonintoxicating beer license issued under article 11-16-1, et seq., of this code, or from an applicant who is issued a private club license or a Class "A" nonintoxicating beer license after January 1, 2001, no authorization to have video lottery terminals may be reserved for that applicant under this section.